An unreachable shot to the green. A hopeless romance. Driving-range pro Roy McAvoy can't resist an impossible challenge. Each is what he calls a defining moment. You define it. Or it defines you. With lady-killer charm and... more » a game that can make par with garden tools, Kevin Costner rejoins Bull Durham filmmaker Ron Shelton for another funny tale of the games people play. For Costner's Roy, golf is a head-and heart-game. On both counts, that's where shrink Molly Griswold (Rene Russo) comes in. She's big city, Roy's small time, and he believes only the grandest of gestures can lure her away from a slick touring pro (Don Johnson) and earn her love. So Roy and his dutiful caddy (Cheech Marin) set out to do the impossible: win the U.S. Open. With laughs, clever battle-of-the-sexes banter and a handy way with a 7-iron, Tin Cup winningly defines the moment and contemporary romantic comedy DVD Features:
Potential was there but it never hit its full drive!
Sonya M. from BLUE SPRINGS, MS Reviewed on 8/10/2011...
One of my husband's all time favorites. You need to be a golf fan to really enjoy it.
Marianna S. (Angeloudi) from HOLIDAY, FL Reviewed on 11/29/2007...
Great golf movie with Cheech Marin and Kevin Costner.
Movie Reviews
Costner Shoots a Birdie!
Benjamin J Burgraff | Las Vegas | 02/07/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Kevin Costner should stick to playing likeable average guys in films like 'Tin Cup'! Ron Shelton, who had worked with the actor earlier in one of the best baseball films ever made ('Bull Durham'), takes on the trials and tribulations of a journeyman professional golfer in this outing, and while it lacks the charm and comraderie of the earlier film, it manages to make the solitary nature of golf more human and acceptable to all the non-golfers out here.It is not the best golf film ever made (that honor goes to the Randy Quaid comedy, 'Dead Solid Perfect'), and it does have flaws (the leisurely pacing, some overlong scenes), but there is such a warm, fuzzy feeling to the entire film that you end up rooting for Costner, both on the golf course, and in his pursuit of Rene Russo (who is wonderful!)Cheech Marin provides welcome comedy relief, and Don Johnson's slick smarminess is a perfect counterpoint to Costner's gonzo approach to golf and life.Costner's laid-back charm, perhaps his greatest asset as an actor, is often lost in sci-fi epics like 'Waterworld', and 'The Postman', or tearjerkers like 'Message in a Bottle'. Sports films are a far better venue for him ('Bull Durham' and 'Field of Dreams' are cases in point), and he is relaxed and confident in 'Tin Cup', making this one of his best performances.Buy it! You won't be disappointed!"
If only Costner stuck to sports movies
P. Elkin | Frisco, TX USA | 01/19/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Kevin Costner is one of the most athletic actors in film history. Not many others could have made Crash Davis believable in Bull Durham. In this movie, Costner shows his athletic ability again, playing a round of golf with a variety of gardening tools and swtich-hitting his drives.Costner also shows another side of his talent - his title role is a not-too-bright loser. This is a big departure from his epic heros in Waterworld and The Postman. As you might suspect, he's a better loser than he is a hero.One other thing about the golf in this movie - while some of it is pretty out there (does ESPN really televise pro-am's from podunk towns in West Texas?), there's nothing really unstable. No PA guys doing play-by-play or generic white uniforms or anything like that. The scene on the driving range before the US Open is a classic!The rest of the cast is solid, and Cheech Marin nearly steals the movie (as he often does). The plot does hold one big surprise (the end isn't what you think it's going to be), but is fairly predictable otherwise. The soundtrack is great, the West Texas and North Carolina scenery is great, and there's more than a few laughs. Pick it up and enjoy!"
One of the funniest movies ever made.
Adrienne Fischier | New York City, NY USA | 07/17/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm so glad I bought this DVD; the more I watch it the funnier
it gets. Charming performances, witty dialogue, and a music score
to die for. (Roger Ebert's review available from imdb catches this
work just right.) Costner has never been more charming and disarming. Kevin and Rene have some sweet love scenes, nothing
like the searing stuff she did with Brosnan in Thomas Crown!
I never in my life could "get" golf, and now I am
watching the tournaments on TV. The lore of this film has passed
into the general culture, at least among golf people, and you will
laugh all the way through this delightfully quirky movie."
Better than expected... relaxed fun
Adrienne Fischier | 07/10/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this DVD on a whim. I'm not a golfer, but you don't need to be in order to enjoy this little film. It's obvious how things will turn out from early on, but it really doesn't matter. The cast is solid and the film is fun, even if the plot contains few surprises. There's lots of fun one-liners, a good musical score, and a good transfer. The DVD lacks many features, but it does have both widescreen and pan-and-scan. I have to say you lose a LOT if you watch the pan-and-scan, golf courses are WIDE places."
I just LOVE this movie
Beth Huntington | Wallingford, CT United States | 07/03/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tin Cup is just FUN!! It does not have a deep message. It has no deep conflicting character analyses. No big lessons of life in transition here. It's just plain old entertainent.Russo is her flakey,sweet,adorable self. Costner is a natural for this down-and-out fellow drinking beer and betting on which bug will be zapped next. His friends are just plain ole Texas boys. Cheech Marin ,as Romeo Posnar, is a scene stealer. Great role and nice to see him again.Some silly dialogue. The "Pancake House" scene is hysterical. Some nice, mature friendship develoment between Marin, Hart (who ROCKS!!) as Doreen, all in relation to Costner's "Tin Cup" character.Just fun! Don't miss the armadillos- nice touch in the opening scene.Shawn Colvin's "Back To Salome" (last song in closing credits) is hantingly beautiful as well as quirky- kind of like Russo and Costner."