Clever and engaging for toddlers and up
Paul Carr | Silver Spring, MD United States | 12/10/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Tiny Planets is a computer animated educational show for very young children. It features two furry white aliens - thoughtful Bing and playful little Bong - who zip about their universe on a furry white sofa solving little problems on one of 6 tiny planets. On each planet a diferent range of topics is explored: nature, technology, self, sound, light and color, and "stuff" (physics and geometry). Each episode is fairly short - typically well under 10 minutes, and requires no reading or numerical skills, and so is suitable for toddlers and pre-K kids. However, I find that older kids will watch with some interest, even though the material is too easy for them.
This DVD features 8 episodes in 2 groups of 4. At the beginning of each group is a short intro segment, showing Bing and Bong starting their day inside a giant crystal in their home planet, and introducing the narrator, Halley, the only character who talks (if you've the hand drawn "Maisy" series,then this approach will be familiar).
The computer animation is well done, and adults will at first enjoy how cleverly it is put together. That is, until your toddler wants to to watch it for the 400th time. Mine loves these, and prefers them to most other videos we have."
D. Vanguilder | Greensboro, NC | 08/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just love Tiny Planets. My pre-schooler and I will sit down and watch them over and over again. She learns constantly. They are teaching her useful information. She loves Bong and his crazy ways. I recommend this to anyone that has pre-school aged children and smaller."
My son loves this dvd!!
Nadia | Virginia Beach, Virginia United States | 08/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Tiny Planets is so adorable! My son who is 23 months old loves this dvd. He loves the music and the two cute aliens named Bing and Bong. In every episode they explore one of the Tiny planets and try to help the other aliens' named Flockers living on those planets. It's really enjoy watching these dvd's with my son!"