Jonathan Taylor Thomas (HOME IMPROVEMENT) stars as America's greatest teenage hero -- Tom Sawyer! No boy ever had so much fun, got into so much trouble, or had so many outrageous adventures! Disney's magic touch now turns ... more »Mark Twain's masterpiece into "An outstanding classic adventure film" (Kids News Network). Tom and his rebellious friend Huck (Brad Renfro) witness a midnight killing. They swear not to reveal what they saw -- but that causes a real problem. If Tom doesn't speak up, an innocent friend may be hanged. But if he does tell the truth, the real killer, knife-throwing Injun Joe, will come after him! TOM AND HUCK has it all -- a treasure hunt, a haunted house, a courtroom showdown, a scary chase in a cave, and a valuable lesson for young Tom: when a friend's in trouble, you don't run away! Now one of the world's great stories becomes a great addition to your family's Disney library!« less
Hey, it's fun! Even though it was intended as a JTT vehicle!
Monty Moonlight | TX | 02/09/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"When I watch a Tom Sawyer movie, or a Huck Finn movie, I'm wanting to have fun, that's all. That's why I love 'em. Maybe from Huck I expect some touching moments, but throw Tom in and I expect 99% fun. That's why I love the movies so much more than the books! This movie is easy to play off as a film targeted at Jr. High girls, with the hopes that boys will come for the adventure angle. Well, it probably didn't work out because girls just don't seem interested in the characters of Tom and Huck, no matter who the actors are, and sadly, boys nowadays just don't care about the classic characters of Tom and Huck either. I guess there just aren't enough guns and aliens. I think only the really loyal JTT and Renfro fans went to see this, and a few guys like me, who just find Tom and Huck movies so much fun! Oh, and of course Rachael Leigh Cooke is in it! On that note, I'll say, this movie was very successful! I found it quite fun! JTT doesn't seem to have had the staying power as a heartthrob now that he's grown, but to say he was miscast was all wrong. He was great. I though maybe Renfro looked a bit too old for Huck, but I think that's because I LOVE the Elijah Wood version of Huck Finn, and he was pretty darn young in that. By the way, for the best version of Huck I've seen so far, get the Elijah Wood one, I've nearly worn mine out. If you're looking for a version true to the books, forget it. They're too controversial and frankly, have some really long boring parts, therefore I doubt a movie that's true to the books will ever be made. Anyway, as for this version, sure, it's a little obvious it's targeted at young kids, but actually, it will probably be more enjoyable for those who just like fun Tom Sawyer stories. Oh, here are two things to check out. One, the wonderful music! (Also check out the REALLY Wonderful music in the Elijah Wood film) And two, for a good laugh, pay attention to the scene where Tom and Becky have gotten lost in the cave, and Judge Thatcher gets everyone together to search for them. Here's the hilarious part, for the benefit of the expected all kid audience, Judge Thatcher basically explains the whole plot of the film up to that point, so they know exactly what is going on, who's chasing Tom and Becky, and why. It really is hilarious, but believe me, it doesn't detract to the enjoyment of the movie, only adds to it! Okay, well, that's all I'll say about it, except to add that I actually bought the soundtrack in addition to the video. Now I'm off to get a copy of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, an animated version where Tom is a cat and Huck is a fox, etc... I believe it's fairly new, from MGM, and I hear GREAT things about it. Read the reviews here on Amazon. I'll post mine after I've seen it."
Any Version of "Tom Sawyer" Would Be Good
Lonnie E. Holder | Columbus, Indiana, United States | 11/14/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am unsure of how many versions of "Tom Sawyer" that I have seen, regardless, nearly every one had its charms as does this version. While this version plays more as a vehicle for Jonathon Taylor Thomas and Brad Renfro, the story still plays out much like Mark Twain's original.
This movie launches very quickly into the murder of Doc Robinson (William Newman) by Injun Joe (Eric Schweig). Injun Joe has pinned the blame on poor Muff Potter (Michael McShane) by using his knife. We know, however, that Tom Sawyer (Thomas) and Huckleberry Finn (Brad Renfro) were watching. We also know that Huck has made a pact with Tom to never tell anyone about what they saw. However, Tom is conflicted because he genuinely likes Muff Potter, and somehow he feels that he can not leave him to take the blame for Injun Joe's crime.
While I do not wish to make light of this movie, we know the general story. Injun Joe threatens Tom and tells Tom that he will kill him if he tells what he knows. Of course, Tom ultimately does tell, but Injun Joe escapes the courthouse, and Tom will be in fear of Injun Joe until he is caught or killed. Eventually the movie ends up in Mark Twain Cave (at least, that was the original setting), where Becky Thatcher (the gloriously beautiful Rachael Lee Cook), Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn have it out with Injun Joe.
This movie retains a reasonable amount of Twain's original story. However, because the movie barely clocks in with 97 minutes, the story is substantially shortened with little of the significant detail that Twain put into his book. There is a reasonable amount of humor in the movie to take the edge off the drama, with the famous church scene being one of the best scenes until after Tom was discovered, when the scene began to go downhill. The famous fence whitewashing scene is relatively weak in this movie.
This movie seems to be a showcase for then popular Disney star Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Unfortunately for Thomas, Muff Potter, Injun Joe, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher all steal the show. Tom, who was the leader and the schemer in the original Twain story, seems to be half a step behind throughout much of the movie. Apparently someone in Disney thought that Thomas would be more appealing as a more naïve child; whoever came up with that idea was wrong.
This movie is a bit too violent for younger children. I would recommend age 6 or 7 as the lower limit, and even some older children may find some of the violence distressing.
My biggest disappointment with this movie was the portrayal of the cave. Mark Twain Cave in Hannibal, Missouri was formed by water, and is substantially shale and clay. In some areas of the cave, water still flows at lower level Some versions of this movie do a great job of portraying the cave; this movie does not. I recommend visiting the original in Hannibal, Missouri.
A purist will undoubtedly find this movie to be disappointing. However, perhaps a child watching this movie will be sufficiently intrigued that they will pick up Mark Twain's book and discover the wonderful world that Mark Twain created.
Great Movie but Wrong Actors
Danielle | CA | 07/03/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The story of Tom Sawyer in the book was brought out in the film. The story was great. But the actors were not right. Brad Renfro was much better in other films. And JTT wasn't the best actor for the part. Don't get me wrong, the movie was still great, but it could have been better."
Danielle | 04/12/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is GREAT! I totally love it. I am 15, and my friends and I are really big JTT and Brad Renfro fans and we watch as much as we can whenever we can! It has wonderful people playing the characters, and they both look so cute in the video! It is a must see! :-)"
Brad could do better......
Zane | Tempe, AZ | 09/10/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Not a bad film, but it could have been better. I agree with the viewer from New York; JTT was the wrong person to play Tom Sawyer. And Brad Renfro's talent was completely wasted in this movie---he was far, far better in "The Cure"."