Based on a story by the master of outrageous horror, H.P. Lovecraft, this bloodcurdling film introduces the "Puppetmaster." Imprisoning a group of people in a living hell of darkness and death the Puppetmaster controls the... more » fate of each one. One by one, the captives awake in agonizing pain - some are slightly injured, others are fatally wounded. The survivors are also mentally tortured by the unseen villain, who demands that there can be only one winner at this game« less
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 4/9/2010...
A bad Saw ripoff that has nothing whatsoever to do with anything H.P. Lovercraft wrote. Only thing Lovecraft r some quotes that serve no purpose in this horrid waste of time. Bad acting, horrible sound quality and cheesy effects.
Movie Reviews
Awful; Don't waste your money!!
A. McCLure | Vidalia, LA;Native New Orleanian | 06/19/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this from my local video store. I am a horror movie fan; I even ocassionally enjoy cheesy predictable horror movies if they have some redeeming aspect. "The Tomb" has none. The production quality of this movie is awful. It is like an 80's porn flick (not that I have seen one, lol). The music is equally awful. The acting is awful. The plot (and I use that term lighlty) is awful and, as far as I can tell, is a direct rip-off of the "Saw" movies. Frankly, I couldn't bear to watch it after about 20 minutes and I turned it off. It appeared it would be quite gory from the few minutes that I watched but what is gore without anything else to support it? Boring. Avoid this movie at all costs."
This abomination has nothing to do with Lovecraft's "The Tom
Lawrance M. Bernabo | The Zenith City, Duluth, Minnesota | 06/29/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I was never really into Edgar Allan Poe, even before I heard "The Tell-Tale Heart" way too many times as an oral interp at high school speech meets. But when I heard Rod Serling talking about how H.P. Lovecraft had written his chilling little tale "The Haunter of the Dark)" as something of a joke, repaying Robert Bloch for killing off a Lovecraft character in "The Shambler of the Stars" by killing off a character named Robert Blake, I had to check the guy out. I was soon reading everything by Lovecraft that I could get my hands on and I still remember making the mistake of reading "At the Mountains of Madness" late one night and then having a lot of trouble getting to sleep.
So when you slap the title "H.P. Lovecraft's The Tomb" on a DVD I am going to check it out, even though as a rule the adaptations of Lovecraft's stories have been rather disappointing. But when I actually watch the movie and discover that it has nothing to do with Lovecraft's short story, does not take place in a tomb, and is really a rip-off of "Saw" that should have been entitled "Ulli Lommel's The Warehouse," I get pretty ticked off. In fact, I want to drive to Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts, get my hands on their copy of the "Necronomicon" by the "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, and bring down the wrath of the Old Ones down on the heads of those responsible for this abomination. I always maintained that a rating of one-star should be reserved for snuff films or movies where those responsible should be hunted down and dealt with severely. I guess I finally found a film that fits the bill.
Lovecraft's short story "The Tomb" is about Jervas Dudley, who checks out the family tomb and finds an empty coffin with his name on it. He decides it is a good idea to sleep in the coffin each night and then, as you would expect, bad things happen to him. In this direct to video 2007 offering, Tara (Victoria Ullmann) wakes up in a warehouse where she is joined by other guests courtesy of the "Puppetmaster," an unseen psychopath with a deep voice who starts tormenting them. In an effort to justify the title starts dropping names associated with Lovecraft's stories, such as Charles Dexter Ward and David Pickman. The references purport to be clued, but they end up being gratuitous. Eventually Tara learns the only rule that matters in this particular little game: the last one alive gets to leave. Now, that is certainly a premise that can work in a horror film, but did I mention that this one is set in warehouse? Because it is, and I sort of expected Tara and the others to make an effort to get the hell out of there because they start competing in earnest for the golden ticket out of that "tomb." However, that would make sense.
Consequently this movie is a lot like "Saw," only without the interesting death traps, but with your standard plot twist right out of the tradition of 1970's slasher flicks (always pay attention to back stories as if they were Holy writ in these movies). Overall this is a very boring horror film. The most interesting part was when Tara talks to the woman in the box, but that is not really a good sign because horror films are not supposed to come down to two women talking. Of course, this is a horror movie filled with bad signs, beginning with the title, which is still the biggest insult here. If this was just a bad rip-off of "Saw" that would be one thing: you expect those to be coming out of the walls after the success of that horror trilogy. But desecrating the name of H.P. Lovecraft is totally unforgivable. The only way fans of Lovecraft or horror movies are going to check out this film is by mistake."
The makers of this movie should be placed in a tomb
FBRobertson | SC United States | 07/05/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Oh well this is bad. I mean this is really bad. I had really hoped that this would be a great horror movie. I always loved The Tomb story. A great story, mind you. A really wonderful story. I do not know why I rented this really bad movie. I think that slamming a ball bat against my head would be far more amusing than this silly movie. No. Wait. This wasn't a silly movie. This was an atrocious movie. One of the sins of this movie is that it has no pace, this movie has no tension, this movie has no characterization. I watched this movie with hope but it has no hope. I really think you should not even look at this movie. Dont rent it. Dont buy it, definitely. So many things were wrong with this movie. They only taped Lovecraft's name to it to make you want to see it. It has really nothing to do with the original story, nothing to do with Lovecraft's writer's worldview. A pointless movie. Should never have been made."
A real disappointment for Lovecraft fans
Jack Sonic | Chicago, IL | 12/26/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I seem to be in a similar position as the other reviewers-- I am a fan of Lovecraft, and I was disappointed to find that this was more of a rendition of Saw than any story by Lovecraft. Coincidentally, the night before viewing The Tomb, I watched another movie by the same director, Ulli Lommel, called "Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven" which also had nothing to do with the poem of the same name. I wish I had looked at the director before renting this movie! Both movies are B (or C?) movie quality, have incoherent plots, slow pacing, and leave fans of these turn-of-the-century horror writers feeling used and disappointed."
That Lovefeast guy
G. Smith | Longmont, Co United States | 06/12/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I normally give a movie 2 stars automatically for tasteless nudity, but in the case of this film I'll make an exception. Anyone who has been stuck in a video game knows the frustration of watching this movie. With no sense of moving forward at all, the main characters walk around in circles watching people die. The acting could have been better (there were some good points there, notably the dude at the end). The sound is unforgivably bad - I actually missed dialog because I couldn't hear the actor. The budget for this movie should have at least been big enough to include a microphone and HD camera. Redubs could have been put in using free software tools available to anyone. The plot has nothing to do with H.P. Lovecraft, fear or anything of interest. I have been very impressed with some indie, low budget films in the past, which makes this one even more of a failure in my eyes.
I hope the crew had fun making the movie, because no one will enjoy watching it."