"So, I love love loved this movie when I watched it a week ago on t.v. I ordered it on Amazon so I could share it with my fiance. As I started to watch, low and behold, it's edited. It doesn't tell you this when you go to order it. The best parts of the movie aren't there! It's pretty bad when the t.v. version has less editing than the dvd. Be smart and look for the UNedited version, it's so much more funny."
Not just another blond movie
Danielle Turchiano | Van Nuys, CA United States | 08/09/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The opening sequence of this film features a young brunette having trouble finding Mr. Right, so she sets out to find him by dying her hair blond. It is a misguided attempt, and you assume, as the viewer, that the film will center around how her life differs now that she is bottle-beautiful. However, that is not the case at all. Soon it is forgotten that she was once a brunette, and her quest just gets funnier and funnier. Michael Buble gives us some absolutely beautiful original songs, and the supporting cast just complements Ms. Allen in her role. It is not about how she looks that will attract the right man for her. In fact, she seems to get stuck in the worst relationship for her intellectually, but perhaps some of that blond dye seeped to her brain because she thinks she is in love with him. While Ms. Allen's attempt at physical comedy does not top Lucille Ball, she makes a genuine effort, and she is a very convincing comedic actress. This movie overall is just about fun. It is filled with fun characters and wacky situations and great relationships. The music alone is worth it!"
On my top 10 list of worst movies I've ever seen
Jadwiga | 10/01/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Before I'm accused of hating blonde movies, let me state for the record that I gave "Legally Blonde" 4 stars. It deserved it. "Totally Blonde", on the other hand, looks and feels for the most part like it was written, directed, and acted by a bunch of kids freshly flunked out of film school. It goes wrong in so many different ways that I can't even begin to list them here. (OK, I can: acting, writing, directing...) At one particularly low point in the movie the director seems to realize that the best thing he has going for him (I assume it's a male...I can't believe a female could portray women so poorly) is Allen's breasts and so he decides to focus in on them (literally) in several scenes that could have come straight out of a low-budget porn flick.If you're feeling overly intelligent and want to lower your IQ a little, here's the perfect tool to do it with."
Dreadful - with one saving grace
Jadwiga | San Diego, CA United States | 03/12/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This film is generally dreadful - with a simplistic plot, an obnoxious herione, and only one good laugh (it involves a Canadian Mountie). Yet, as others have said, the saving grace is Michael Buble. His singing is wonderful and he may have some potential as an actor. Unfortunately, the film doesn't isolate its chapters so one could zoom from one Buble song to the next and skip this badly written film."
Totally B
Benjamin Tan | 10/14/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Totally B movie with only one redeeming factor: Michael Buble's singing.
Buble's acting has some potential but it's his singing that's makes this dumb movie watchable."