Traffic, the Miniseries (by USA Network)
Janet Whetstone | Richmond, VA USA | 09/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Several years ago, I stumbled across the miniseries called Traffic on the USA Network. At that time, I had recently seen the movie Traffic in the theater, so I thought I was watching a rerun of it. To my surprise, what was presented in this miniseries was a group of stories than ran and interwove concurrently as a haunting and (sadly) relevant story.
Traffic, the miniseries, told the story of the illegal, heartbreaking, tragic "trafficking" of human beings, of illegal drugs, of dangerous biological substances, etc. The motivations of those involved in the trafficking and those trying to stop the trafficking were superbly portrayed in four or five concurrent stories in multiple physical locations around the world.
Traffic's (the miniseries by USA Network) acting was superb, the stories were first-rate, the settings were realistic, the soundtrack helped dramatize the story, the actors were all perfectly cast etc. The plot moved like a freight train; there were no slow moments at all.
Traffic was an outstanding and haunting movie. I originally saw it over the course of three TV sessions, and I looked afterwards to see if USA Network would ever run it again, but they didn't. I was so thrilled when I found it on Amazon. I've seen it twice since obtaining it last month, and each time I watch it, I discover more in the story that I missed from the previous viewings.
I guess I was surprised that such a good movie as Traffic would come from a "television" network, but USA has proven to be one where outstanding stories, or series, are originated. From USA, we have Monk, Psych, The 4400 (my favorite, next to Monk), etc. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that USA should create such a fantastic story.
NOTE: I do not work for USA, and I don't know anyone who does!
Traffic, the miniseries, is at the top of my all-time "Top Five" movies, and I've seen a lot of movies."