NTSC/Region 1. 13 DVD box set. Includes the complete series of the cult Canadian TV series. Packaged in a cooler lunch-bag style sack! Universal. 2009.
"Despite the title, this is not a complete series. Read on for details.
Trailer Park Boys is for everyone who:
1. Is not easily offended.
2. Loves loosely scripted and highly improvised dialogue.
3. Love Rush and/or Helix.
4. Loves the east coast and Canada.
Ricky and Julian are two criminals from Sunnyvale Trailer Park in Nova Scotia. They can't seem to figure life out, so they keep doing what they do best: Coming up with often rediculous and always illegal ways to get rich quick. Sometimes it works, sometimes they get caught, but one factor always remains: They never get to keep the cash. Something always happens.
Bubbles is their innocent best friend, yet also their sometimes unwilling partner in crime. Bubbles is arguably the most funny and most popular character on the show.
Mr. Lahey and Randy run Sunnyvale -- or try to, while Ricky, Julian and Bubbles drive them to drink and drugs. Lahey may be an ex-cop, but that doesn't mean he follows the letter of the law.
Other supporting characters include J-Roc and T, Sunnyvale's own rap artists who try to make the big time, and make "greasy" adult films. Lucy and Sarah are sometimes allies, but more often antogonists to Ricky and Julian. They usually mean well, but often cause problems for the boys. Barb Lahey owns Sunnyvale, and is Jim Lahey's ex-wife. Her allegiance shifts from season to season and she cannot be trusted. Lastly, Trinity is Ricky and Lucy's daughter. Trinity gets into trouble sometimes, but Bubbles and the boys will always be there to protect her. And let's not forget Conky....
The writing on this show is, quite frankly, deceptively brilliant. Ricky's dialogue in particular is quite well written and delivered. Take this line for example: "Providences like Texas and Calgary have all the oil." There's three jokes right there in one line, if you care to take a look. For fans of Canadiana, this is a must. Any show that has Helix, April Wine, and Rita McNeil references is OK by me. (Look for cameos by Canadians such as Rita, Brian Vollmer from Helix, Sebastian Bach of Skid Row, and Alex Lifeson of Rush.)
Bonus features abound, including alternate takes (some funnier than the takes they used), behind the scenes features, deleted scenes, and...yes!...the Tragically Hip video for "The Darkest One". Not only is it a great song (one of my Hip favourites) but the video takes place in Sunnyvale. In addition to the Hip, the video stars Ricky, Julian, Bubbles, a whole bunch of kitties, and Don freakin' Cherry. A masterpiece music video.
While attractively packaged in a cooler bag, I cannot give this set 5 stars. The reason being is that for a set called "Complete" it is missing some essentials.
1. The Christmas episode.
2. The final episode "Say Goodnight To The Bad Guys".
3. A couple documentaries that aired on TV.
There's also the original pilot which has never been released on DVD, and a short called Cart Boy (but I have been told it's on the first season as an Easter egg).
Still, if you have no Trailer Park Boys yet, this is an obvious no-brainer. Even Ricky could figure out that this is the way to go.
Four stars -- five for the show, minus one for not including the above episodes.
Addendum: In 2010 look for the new show from these guys, plus Alex Lifeson from Rush. It is called "The Drunk And On Drugs Happy Funtime Hour" and it looks like it will be another crazy show!
Canada...they make the BEST comedies!
John Salerno | Las Vegas, Nevada | 08/29/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Trailer Park Boys...what can I say...if you get the white trash street humor you will love it, if you don't you won't like it. This series is a "mockumentary" that follows hapless knuckleheads and all of their trailer park neighbors through daily life. Their whole life is about scams, smokin' and growin' "dope" (weed), going to jail and fighting with the trailer park supervisor, who is an alcoholic former cop who treats the park as his city. It is hilarious from start to finish. The actors are so good, you actually would believe they are as dumb as they appear in show, but brilliant is more the description. I highly recommend getting the entire series and watch from the first episode to let the characters develop, you will not be disappointed. If you're hesitant to buy the entire series, rent from net flix first and see if you like the trailer park humor. There are also many clips on you tube. Just to follow up. The price here at amazon in the U.S. is 114.00 but if you go to amazon . ca in Canada, the price is only $66.00 plus a minimal charge for shipping, saving you over 40 dollars on the entire series."
BBQ Queen | NW Indiana | 09/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Love the cooler that the set came in. Love the collection. Fast delivery. Of course the TPBs are a million laughs."
J. Combs | Western North Carolina | 08/28/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I got this set for my husband for his birthday and it is awesome. So far we have watched through season 3 and are really enjoying this program. My husband especially liked the cooler bag the set came in. No problems with shipping, it arrived in about 3-4 days."
Classic Canadian Comedy
Media Man | Minneapolis, MN USA | 07/06/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having recently discovered this Canadian comedy series through a friend, I watched seasons 1 through 7 with fervor and was sad when it ended. I found myself laughing out loud practically every episode (something I almost never do)! I never thought I'd find another comedy show that would nearly live up to my all time favorite, The Kid's In the Hall (also Canadian). However, I'm happy to report that Trailer Park Boys easily measures up in delivering the same comedic genius. The premise of the show is simple and as follows; Ricky, Julian, and their innocent cat loving friend Bubbles live in Sunnyvale Trailer Park located near Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. They're constantly attempting "get rich quick" schemes (none of them ever hold a real job for long). Each scheme usually involves some sort of hair brained hi-jinks and are always inevitably foiled by the always inebriated, ex-cop trailer park supervisor Jim Lahey, his shirtless, gut toting, cheese burger eating assistant Randy and a little help from local law enforcement. Each season begins with the boys getting out of jail only to end up right back in by the end. Here are my thoughts on this brilliant comedy series;
+ Excellent cast of actors/characters. Ricky, Bubbles/Conky and J-Roc (an Eminem wannabe) quickly became my favorites. The improvisational skills of most of the actors are phenomenal and always hilarious. Robb Wells (Ricky) is above and beyond the best example of this. His constantly mispronounced ramblings were absolutely priceless.
+ Some great guest star appearances (most of them Canadian) by Sebastian Bach (Skid Row), Alex Lifeson (Rush), Brian Vollmer (Helix), Denny Doherty (Mamas and the Papas) and Rita MacNeil.
+ Adult style humor (lots of cursing, the F-word especially...not for the easily offended).
+ Blurs the line beautifully on many subjects people may view as taboo such as sexuality, racism, religion etc.
+ Hilarious criminal hi-jinks that always leave the boys or their dummy scapegoats (Corey and Trevor) back in jail.
+ The boys' main goals in life are making quick money, getting high/drunk and staying out of jail.
- Non-Canadian viewers may not appreciate/understand all of the humor. For example, Ricky being referred to as Peter Raveen the hypnotist/illusionist wasn't nearly as funny to me as I had to Google him to find out who he was. I had the same issue with Ricky's love Kim Mitchell's music.
- Corey and Trevor were absent from all of Season 7 having left the show due to "creative differences." While they weren't my favorite characters they definitely played a crucial role in the show and the boys' criminal schemes. It was sad not to see them in the final season.
- A few plot holes if you really want to nit pick. An example would be in season 7 when the forest rangers try to arrest the boys for damaging a beaver nest. During the first run in the rangers attempt to arrest the boys are unable to as the rangers are Americans on Canadian soil. Then in the final episode the rangers appear to be Canadian. Minor story hole, but who cares really.
- Boxed set isn't really "Complete" as it's missing a few specials/episodes.
Trailer Park Boys is a perfect example of low budget comedy that gets everything right. From the characters to the story to the scenery, Trailer Park Boys is a priceless and comedic masterpiece. While not suited for a mainstream type of humor it definitely fit mine and I didn't want the show to end. I'm not sure if Canadian humor is more my style (since it's similar to U.K. comedy) but I can happily add Trailer Park Boys next to The Kid's In the Hall as one of my all time favorite shows. I only wish I had discovered it years ago!"