Stereotypical Gangster Nonsense
Joey Joe Joe Jr S. | Utah | 08/15/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"There were high hopes that the first movie released about graffiti would be as interesting as the art itself. Unfortanately it sings the same old tune of x - "graffiti writer" (subsititute graffiti writer for any other urban cliche, i.e. thug, theif, etc.)who is trying to clean up his act. there is the friend who he feels he owes something too which gets him pulled back into the old rhythms that got him in trouble in the first place. Then there is a "graffiti battle" between two "crews". (Mind you the movie makes no attempt at defining graffiti terminology for the sake of the uni-informed viewer). Guess where it goes from there (not very far).
Now im sure everyone was expecting a low budget. With that comes the hope that the movie will make up for it in some "artistic" ways (i.e - movies like Pi and Kids; low budget but well done). This movie reminds me of my highschool video projects! only worse!!! I could write paragraphs about how poorly executed this movie was from a technical standpoint. And the acting, i wasnt kidding when i said highschool video project. Within the first MINUTE of watching this movie you are going to be like " i spent $3 and called seven video stores to rent, sigh, this".
NOW WHAT ABOUT THE SUPPOSED STAR OF THE FILM, THE GRAFFITI?!?!? Sadly there really isnt any!!! there are some moments in the movie where it provides a backdrop to dialogue. The only graffiti that is showcased is most likely the AMATEAUR efforts of the movie director and his friends... and seriously folks were are talking 7th grade styles. Now aside from the piece on the cover and a photo montage at the begining of the film, the rest is just lousy. Its the kind of stuff everyone does when they first start learning how to do graffiti , i.e.- "SQUIGGLY LETTERS THAT FLARE OFF IN POINTLESS DIRECTIONS, NO FLOW, NO SYMMETRY, AND ABOUT 6 UNDERLINES! YEAHHHHHHH!!!" I mean come on!! the director/producers could have spent one afternoon at the Venice Beach public walls and spoken to some real writers to lend their hard earned talents... "but hey its our movie and we are the cool graffiti writers!!!".
the films few redeeming qualities are the excellent beats, and the... i mean its only redeeming quality (hence the one star).
This movie is a disgrace to those who care about graffiti (like me), and will create a very negative and unrealistic stereotype in the minds of those who know little/nothing about it. If you are hoping to gain some insight into just what "graffiti" is dont look here.
May I suggest a real graffiti video which you can purchase at any "hip-hop" store, or online. I even noticed that Amazon sells "Graffiti TV vol 1, 2, 3". See the real stuff to feel the real action."