A gem of a film, a eternally misunderstood masterpiece.
Michele Easterling | 12/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A tree of palme is a beutiful animated film loosely based upon the ever iconic Pinnochio. That is not to say this is a retelling of that story, it is a film based on the CONCEPT of Pinnochio rather than the NARRATIVE, those who were angered or confused by the fact that the filom has little to nothing to do with the fairy tale are just missing the point.
A Tree of Palme is the story about one puppets (Palmes') quest to become human. And as a side note to ANYONE claiming that this is not his(Palme's) original intent, his pseudo father says upon reactivating him that he called the Fairy Xian and chased the giant fish because he was searching for a purpose, all he wants to be is human, he merely does not relize that it is the very longing to be human that makes him human.
The film is lovingly crafted and full of wierd alien landscapes designed soley to evoke wonder and curiosity.
It is also a tragic film, full of hardship and horrible hapenstance, one can not help but shed a figuritive tear at the horrors Palme and his friends both face and become.
It is constantly criticized for not having a "Cohesive narritive" or being "over developed but under realized" the naysayers that claim this are mistaken and again, are missing the point.
A tree of Palme is a allegory as well as a fairy tale. Not Everything is supposed to make absolute sense. Why doesn't anybody criticize Miyazaki (the director of the animated films Spirited Away,Howl's Moving Castle, and Princess Mononokee) for the same reasons? His works are just as (if not more surreal)than A tree of Palme yet are never criticized as such.
The film is logical from a child's point of view, a kind of strange if these things exist, than this must happen, mentality that has been all but lost in an age of modern cinema awash in cliches and tired retreads of aging concepts, the film expects you to interpret the meaning of itself, it doesn't spoon feed you plot or reasoning, it assumes you have a mind and can sort those dillemas out for yourself.
Again, A Tree of Palme is a enchanting film that never really got the publicity or appreciation it deserved. Buy and Own this film, it is a genunine classic in an age of pretenders."