Who and what is Vash the Stampede, the hero of the popular fantasy-adventure Trigun? The outlaw with the 60,000,000,000 "double-dollar" bounty on his head or the good-hearted goof who'd rather eat donuts than fight? The po... more »etic seeker of "the elusive mayfly known as love" or the jerk who goes gaga when a female comes within 20 feet of him? The pacifist who refuses to kill his enemies or the possessor of the power to destroy entire cities? A sci-fi road story set on a desert planet that recalls the American West, Trigun offers a mixture of slapstick humor and violent action reminiscent of Rurouni Kenshin. Ex-assassin Kenshin Himura is a wanderer who wants to settle down and enjoy peaceful times with the group of friends he's assembled, but political exigencies force him into action. Vash is a more determined vagabond who also uses his destructive powers and crack marksmanship very reluctantly. Both men bear the external scars of battle and the internal wounds of romantic tragedy. But Vash lacks Kenshin's icy self-discipline and the love that makes his onerous past bearable. In his travels, Vash is accompanied by Meryl Stryfe and Millie Thompson of the Bernardelli Insurance Society, who try to minimize the liabilities the one-man disaster area causes. The closest thing he has to a friend is the itinerant priest Nicholas D. Wolfwood, and even he tells Vash, "When you're around, things always seem to get worse!" As Vash, actor Johnny Yong Bosh shifts effortlessly from anti-heroic suffering to adolescent exuberance. The Limited Collector's Edition I comprises the first half of the series, which begins slowly. Director Satoshi Nishimura gradually accelerates the pace and suspense as Vash's enemies circle him warily, like hyenas waiting for a lion to stumble. Extras include the original Japanese promotional spots and a bullet necklace. (Rated 13 and older: violence, alcohol and tobacco use) --Charles Solomon« less
Hysterical and action-packed...a great anime series!
Michael Pappalardo | Ronkonkoma, NY United States | 01/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"He's prone to whining, crying and throwing tantrums, but Vash still manages to get the job done! Since I was introduced to Cowboy Bebop a little over a year ago, I've seen many different Anime, and I have to say flat out that Trigun is my favorite. Ironic, considering that Vash the Stampede is the epitome of everything I couldn't stand about Anime before I became a fan, but I actually find Vash to be completely hysterical, and one my favorite anime characters.Its Wild West meets futuristic Sci-Fi in this anime about a man with names like 'The Humanoid Typhoon' and 'The 60 Billion Double Dollar Man'. Beleived to be the cause of mass destruction wherever he goes, Vash is actually a misunderstood, friendly and peace-loving individual...who is armed to the teeth, with superhuman strength and speed, the sharpest eye on the planet, and a 60 Billion Double Dollar bounty on his head that many are just itching to get their hands on. He hates violence and won't bring himself to kill anyone...and he has his reasons.The overall plot of the show is great, but only loosely follows the Manga, since the anime is very different towards the end. Every episode is a continuation in the overall story. The first few episodes are mostly comical, but as the series progresses, Vash's true enemies reveal themselves and the show begins taking a darker tone. Many revelations about Vash's mysterious origins are revealed, and at about the middle of the show there is an origin episode that explains it a bit moe. That said, this anime is both completely hysterical and filled with great action. Vash's ridiculous behavior, stupid facial expressions and whining and screaming add a whole dimension to the character. Half the time when I watched this show, I was laughing. Sometimes it was so funny I was doubled over and tearing from the comedy aspect.Side characters Meryl and Millie are also good characters...Millie's rather stupid but resourceful personality make her one of the funniest characters on the show (and one of my favorites). A gun-toting priest priest known as Nicholas D. Wolfwood shows up, inadvertantly forming a friendship and partnership with Vash, which leads to more hysterical situations. When the main cast of villains begin to get introduced to the show, it really takes off. Some of these villains, namely Legato Bluesummers (one of my all time favorite anime characters), are among the most sinister and evil characters I've seen yet in Anime. Trigun happens to be my favorite Anime. The overall series has its fair share of comedy, alot of action, but also alot of emotion, particularly towards the end of the show. Combined with great character development, excellent animation, and a very good soundtrack, Trigun stands as one of the best anime to come out in recent years. As the second anime I got into after Bebop, I found it to be very entertaining and easy to get into. While the manga differs a bit from the anime, Trigun is definitely a great show and is worth the watch for any anime fan. Chances are that if you liked Bebop, you'll like Trigun."
Trigun - An amazing work of Animation
JamesTJeans | Ore City, TX USA | 01/27/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Trigun... This single word signifies the epic series that changed my view of Japanese Anime in nearly a heartbeat. Up until I was subjected to the story portrayed in said series, I was aware of only a handful of extremely wonderful Japanese Anime programs, specifically Ranma ½ and Dragon Ball Z, to name a few. Considering that my view of Japanese Anime is limited to more-or-less the aforementioned series, I was a little unprepared for what lay ahead in the 26 episode mini-saga of Trigun. For those not in the know, Trigun was released in 1998, was originally created by Yasuhiro Nightow (manga) and is directed by Satoshi Nishimura (Anime). It is the story of Vash the Stampede (Johnny Young) and his struggle to come to terms with his tortured past. Becoming involved along the way with the misguided Humanoid Typhoon are Milly Thompson (Lia Sargent) and Meryl Strife (Dorothy Melendrez) of the Bernadelli Insurance Agency, who were assigned to Vash in an attempt to avert the damage he may cause in his future exploits. Also drawn into Vash's destiny is Nicholas D. Wolfwood, a traveling priest who carries a massive cross that carries an amazing secret. Trying to escape a sordid past of his own, Vash and Wolfwood are fast friends. These are the four main characters of the story. Along the way they come across some pretty colorful characters, ranging from crazy drunks to crazy puppet masters. It's madness! As I said before, the story involves Vash the Stampede and his endless struggle to come to terms with his horrid past and a shadowy figure that haunts him throughout his life. Vash is a pacifist to the extreme. Despite his reputation as a horrid, womanizing destroyer of towns, Vash would rather kick back and enjoy a nice plate of donuts than fight an opponent. This is demonstrated time and again through the series. However, his motives are sometimes questionable, his actions even more so. Now, I'll stop there. Any more and I could ruin storyline for anyone who hasn't seen the series or read the manga. However, I will comment on the form of the series for those not in the known. A warning, if you will. Trigun is intense. The first three episodes I saw on a friend's computer. They were in their original Japanese and I found them to be quite comical. I did a bit of research and read an article that said the series pulls a 180 a little less than halfway in. This friend and I wound of going and renting the first five volumes. Episodes 1-16. I've finally seen episodes 17-26 and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Trigun is one of the darkest Anime series I've seen thus far. The article was in no way lying. I never expected the subject matter to take such a swift, dark turn. The characters can be quite vulgar and violent. There's no way around it. The story gets depressing. If you grow to love these characters, grow to feel the struggle they encounter, grow to want to see them succeed... Then you can't help but want to cry for these people. In fact, if you do grow to love these characters, you will probably bawl like babies in the last four episodes... especially an episode involving a very touching scene between Milly and Wolfwood... The series defiantly connects with me on a lot of different emotional levels. To quote Meryl, "Everyone who has become involved with him, has somehow gained an emotion they had once lost." This is quite true, even for myself. Seeing these characters in action is an emotional roller coaster. Trigun is an amazing work of Animation done correctly. The only true flaw is the ending... it titters off, leaving too many questions and not enough answers. It'd lead one to believe that another series were in the works. With luck, "Trigun: Maximum" will become an Anime soon enough and hit American shores, because the story of Vash the Stampede simply isn't done. A perfect display of how voice acting and animation can be quite effective in pulling on emotionl heart strings. I suggest this series to any Anime fan."
TRIGUN's a masterpiece, unique & ultimately brilliant anime
S. Richardson | Shropshire, England | 10/31/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I started to get the TRIGUN series of anime after reviews on the net and various other sources recommended it. After getting the first DVD entitled The $$60,000,000,000 Man, I was hooked. TRIGUN features some of the strongest characters I have seen in Japanese animation. The stories are individual but build into the entire development of each character and especially the strange hero, Vash the Stampede. I won't ruin it for you by revealing any of the plot. This series is absolutely brilliant, each story is carefully thoughout and contains an enormous amount of humour (sometimes adult in theme) but the hero himself is a beautiful character that is superbly drawn. This hero is a bit like Clint Eastwood's The Man With No Name from the Dollars Spaghetti westerns. He enters towns as a drifter and is the ultimate in cool, but what sets him aside from other heroes is he acts like an idiot and does some really crazy stuff along the way. I love the English dub to this series, one of the finest and carefully put together dubs ever and it is probably even better than the Japanese soundtrack because it is so funny. The producers couldn't have found a better voice actor for the hero. The music to this series is excellent, from spanish guitars to heavy metal guitars, it never ceases to be cool. A superb soundtrack with many interesting instruments and styles sets mood and emotions.This series is the ultimate anime treat, I have started to collect the series on DVD but now I'm just going to get the DVD box set instead.This series works on so many levels and is a highly intelligent, thought provoking series with a high level of comedy.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."
Wild West without any East...
Eric A Joseph | Hummelstown, PA United States | 11/12/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You may be confused by the title Trigun. In fact, this has nothing at all to do with the series, although some cases could be argued as far as its meaning. You'll start watching this series and be confused as first, but set your mind free. On a desert world scorched by 2 suns and orbited by 5 moons, people have regressed back to the ways of the Wild West, and every aspect is disturbing at first, but thats the fun of it all in the world of Trigun.Vash the Stampede is an outlaw with a $$60,000,000,000 reward on his head, dead or alive, because of the complete destruction of the city of July. He gets the last part of his name because mass destruction tends to follow him, although its never caused by him. As the series opens up, Vash comes across as being happy-go-lucky, full of luck, and not very bright at all. When the insurance girls first come in contact with him, they can't believe that it really is Vash, because when they think of an outlaw, they imagine a dangerous person. He doesn't come across as being Vash because he doesn't act as how his reputation puts him. However, this is only one side of Vash. You'll have to wait until episode 5 until you see the other side of Vash, the side that is deadly serious, intelligent, angry, frustrated, and has excellent marksmanship. The reality is that Vash is not an outlaw; in fact, he tries to help everyone he comes across, and although everyone says that he kills people, Vash has never killed anything in his life, and he agonizes over everyone who dies along side of him. You'll probably never see another male, main character cry as much as he does, but he never cries without a good reason. To quote Meryl talking about Vash: "Everyone who has become involved with him, has somehow gained an emotion they had once lost."Meryl Stryfe is one of the disaster investigators sent after Vash by the Bernadelli Insurance agency. Her job, as well as Milly's, is to prevent the agency from losing money by following Vash and stopping whatever destruction may come. She is very "by the book" and intent, but will get angry when things don't go right. She doesn't believe that Vash really is Vash until episode 5, and she doesn't stop beating on him until later episodes when she lightens up to him. Further in the series, she begins to develop feelings for Vash, but tries to hide them.Milly Thompson is Meryl's partner from the Bernadelli Insurance agency. Unlike Meryl though, Milly is very childlike, but kind and patient. She is dedicated to the ideology taught by her family, those of justice and doing the right thing. However, while Milly may be an airhead, she is much sharper than many of the other characters in the cast (Vash sums it up with the quote: "My only savior is that she doesn't know how smart she really is!"). She rarely demonstrates this side though, but its quite apparent throughout the series.Nicholas D. Wolfwood may say that he is a priest, a man of "god"; this may be the case. However, this priest wields some pretty heavy firepower, topped off with an elaborate, heavy cross that is actually a portable arsenal (he says that its so heavy because it carries so much mercy), and marksmanship thats second only to Vash. He is a traveling priest in the name of an orphanage near December City, and by the way he treats children and those in need, he has a huge heart and is willing to bend over backwards to help as much as he can. He'll come in and out of the series numerous times, and its safe to say that he's one of Vash's true friends. You may even find yourself beginning to love Nicholas more than Vash by the end of episode 23.The music in Trigun is sparse. To elaborate on that point, there isn't a wide variety, and it doesn't add much to any scenes, but the scenes are already full of so much other stuff that they may even seem out of place at times. The english dubbing, however, is quite superb, and even fans of subs may enjoy the english dubbing more. The animation in the series, I will admitt, feels as if its lacking in the beginning, but it adds its own spice to the series, and you'll get used to it quickly.If you are or aren't an anime fan, Trigun is a good series to check out. Its an excellent mix of comedy, action, and drama, as well as creating an universe that comes alive. The storyline flows throughout, and while there are a few side episodes, they still tie into the main plot, and only help to enhance characters. If you see Trigun, you'll quickly realize that its worth all five stars."
To quell the complaints.
Mobius | a box under the 22 freeway | 03/23/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I see a lot of viewers complaing about how the villains are shallow, the jazz element doesn't fit, I hate Vash's character, other stuff is better, blah blah blah.
The fact of the matter is, none (read: almost none) of that really matters. Hear me out here.
The villains are "shallow" mainly because the story is entirely told from Vash's, Nicholas', Meryl's and Milly's point of view. We get glimpses of what is going on in the Gung-ho Guns/Knives part of the world, but that is simply to progress the story along. Since none of the aforementioned characters have had any encounters or experience with the Gung-ho Guns (Save Wolfwood and Chapel the Evergreen along with half of the other GhG's, which is explained in Ep. 23), it makes sense that nothing would be presented about them. The idea is that there is some mystery surrounding the villains and why they do what they do, which allows you to relate with the main characters who learn about the villains and their intentions and weak points through the action scenes and limited dialogue. If you're in a war, you can't always see where and what the other side is doing. That is the whole idea behind this style.
As for the Jazz element... I'm not sure. A reviewer mentioned something about watching a worthy anime like Cowboy Bebop. Now, I'm not ripping on the series; I happen to like CB very much, but in all honesty, does the Jazz and music tie-ins really fit with that series either (other than the name, obviously)? The only Jazz part I can think of in Trigun deals with Midvalley the Hornfreak. It's been a while since I saw that episode, but I'm pretty sure that was Blues instead of Jazz, but I'm going to say that I don't really remember rather than state it as fact.
As for Vash's character, well, that simply is a matter of opinion. I see him as a very deep and complex character, and the scene where you see the scars and metal patches on his body is a clear testament that the man practices what he preaches. Vash keeps his word to Rem until the end, when he finally realizes that sometimes you must take lives to save lives. I really don't understand how people claim to almost hate Vash's character. I laugh, I cry, I get a craving for donuts... Anyways, for the review saying this is like Die Hard with a wuss Bruce Willis, and goes on to praise works like Samurai X... I'm sorry, that made me laugh. Complain about one wuss character and praise another? Ok...
The fact of the matter is, Vash was never confronted again by any of the villains he did not kill. I suppose he could have killed them all, but wouldn't that make him a hypocrite? "'Thou shall not kill,' remember? What kind of priest are you anyways?" A character who swears not to kill does not save a series (and by no means is this series in need of saving) by murdering everyone that gets in his way. There's no reason to assume that the villains Vash and Co. did not kill went on to kill more people, since you do learn of many of the GhG's fates after their unsuccessful attempt at bringing down Vash. If you're so thirsty for blood, go watch Ninja Scroll or, even worse, Genocyber. *shudder* Vash's carefree and positive attitude through 4/5's of the series is a nice break from all the other characters, major and especially minor, and really sets him apart from the rest. Each major character has specific traits and habits that really make them unique.
*Wild Tangent Alert*
And as for Akira... 8th time watching it, still doesn't make any freaking sense. And the last episode of NGE... yeah... I went psychotic too, because it was the lamest ending I had ever seen. Nothing like totally pointless cut scenes and montages and confusing random scenes regurgitated from the series and skewed into garbage to sum up an otherwise flawless series (with a wuss main character, no less). But I digress...
Trigun truly is a great anime, and ranks in my Top 10, although I could never actually assign numbers to my Top 10; it all depends what kind of mood I'm in. The story is fantastically original and just about covers the whole spectrum of emotions, and the action scenes are quite common and fast-paced. The main characters are well developed and deep but not too complex, even though I would have liked to see more about "the Insurance Girls." The landscapes are great, the animation is very good, and the music fits well with the scenes and still manages to stay in the context of the story (it's a Wild West/Rock Concert mix). The villains are incredibly complex in the fact that, since you can only speculate what their drive is, you don't know what they'll do next, and how they'll react. And the fact that you know nothing about them until the main characters do adds to the whole experience in my opinion, since it helps you relate with the main characters just a bit more. The fact that you don't learn how the villains operate outside of the main two (Knives and Legato) just adds to the suspense. Yes, there are other great animes out there, but this is certainly one of them."