The volume that got me hooked on Trigun
Valerie | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 11/12/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is by far the best installment of Trigun so far; a real treat!
The first episode picks up where the last one left off, as Vash must fight to save a hijacked vessel headed straight for a canyon. This is a pivotal episode, for two reasons: 1) we discover that Vash is not freakishly immortal, as he appeared to be in previous episodes - you will actually be worried this time ; 2) we dive into Vash's past once again, as his reasons for never killing and the haunting silhouette of a woman become more defined.
The second episode marks the appearance of one of the most stylish characters ever: Dr. Nicholas D. Wolfwood, a very unconventional priest who carries around a portable confessional (lol) and one of the coolest weapons I have ever seen. He is Vash's match in every way: class, style, wit, charm and even marksmanship and occasional silliness. He is the only character so far to have any real chemistry with Vash, and together they create some amazing scenes, with a balance of comradeship, friendly antagonism and understanding. There is an absolutely beautiful scene in which Vash, seeing Wolfwood perform an act of kindness, smiles sweetly, and Wolfwood remarks: "So you can smile like that, too. It had me worried. You're always smiling, real friendly, but your smile is so empty it hurts to watch it. You're hurting like crazy and you're hiding it behind that grin."
The third episode gives you a very funny, pseudo-zen glimpse of Vash's everyday routine (you get to see him witout the red coat for the first time), and some more Vash-Wolfwood improvised collaboration. It's impossible not to love those two.
It's definetely darker than before, but it's a change for the better, as the viewer gets more engrossed in the series. And for all the added suspense and drama, there's still enough slapstick to make you laugh out loud. Trigun finds its balance with this volume. That's it, I'm hooked!"
Enter Wolfwood
Heather Richards | a galaxy far far away | 10/29/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Once again Vash the Stampede is thrown into situations that he'd rather not be in in his quest for love and peace. This volume though introduces the character of Wolfwood, a man who becomes a major player later in the series.
And Between the Wasteland and the Sky- Concludes the two part series of Vash's adventures on the runaway sand train. He again has to decide between killing and the personal ideals he seems to have set up.
Murder Machine- Nicholas D. Wolfwood is introduced in this episode. A cross toting, chain smoking, child loving priest who can't stand to see a child suffer and is amazingly good with a gun. Vash and Wolfwood team up to save some lost children from killer spider robots. This episode also raises some more questions about Vash as he somehow seems to shoot several robots without a gun.
Quick Draw- Vash and Wolfwood get entered in a quick draw contest and must draw against each other to prevent the death of a young mother. The beginning sequence is one of the funniest in the series as Vash proceeds to get his day underway and the events therein.
This is one of the best disks in the series as it's before the action gets more serious and still has some of the same light hearted tone as Vash and Wolfwood bicker back and forth and Wolfwood flirts with Milly. This was the first disk I ever watched and what got me hooked on the series."
Best. Trigun Volume. Ever.
kenshin52 | Spooner, WI USA | 09/25/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In this 3-episode DVD, the world is introduced to Nicholas D. Wolfwood, a cross-totin', cigarette-smokin', fast-talkin'...priest? Believe it or not, Wolfwood is a priest, and is good-hearted, trying to save orphans and such. When Vash and Wolfwood sink in quicksand, we first see Wolf's abilities with the gun - he actually told Vash he never shot one (clearly a lie). When they enter a quick-draw contest in Episode 10 to save a family, Vash and Wolf end up facing each other, but instead, they rescue the family from the sharpshooters, who were held at gunpoint. This is a pivotal episode in that this is the first time Wolfwood breaks out the cross - actually a huge carrying case for his guns - and is a must-see for any anime fan. Although Episode 8 finishes up with the hijacked sandship, all episodes are absolutely amazing. Trigun has the perfect combination of wacky humor and firearm action. A must buy, in my opinion."