There is something truly romantic about the story of Troy and the war that was fought over the beautiful Helen, 'The face that launched a thousand ships.' The heroes were mighty: Paris, Achilles, Hector, Menelaos and Agame... more »mnon to name but a few, and the tale could not be told without the notorious wooden horse that has gone down in history as one of the greatest acts of military strategy ever devised. Yet the reasons for the popularity of this great story are equally as fascinating as the Trojan war itself. The historic facts are few and far between, despite extensive archaeological investigations and whether or not the main protagonists really walked the Plain Of Troy, or belong totally to the realm of myth and legend, will always be contentious. For modern day visitors to Troy, the trail will lead to Turkey, and the programmme will evoke images of the most famous battleground of ages past and of course tell one of the best-known love stories of all time.« less