The Tudors presents the rarely dramatized, tumultuous early years of King Henry VIII?s nearly 40 year, omnipotent reign (1509-1547). In addition to his famous female consorts and 20+ year marriage to Catherine of Aragon to... more » the infamous dalliance with Anne Boleyn, the series delves in to Henry?s most notable political relationship and the deconstruction of the Roman Catholic Church in England.« less
Sheena M. (hadleyhopes) from HANOVER, IN Reviewed on 1/11/2014...
I LOVE this show!! If you are a history buff like myself, you will find this series very intriguing!! Not only is the story of Henry VIII and his wives fascinating, but Jonathan Rhys Meyers (who plays King Henry) is divine in the role. Very well written to be sexy, seductive, and provocative. I have EVERY season of this show and will never be able to part with it!! Highly recommended!!!!
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Joan W. from TACOMA, WA Reviewed on 2/27/2012...
This was excellent.
1 of 6 member(s) found this review helpful.
Penny R. from NORTH PORT, FL Reviewed on 6/22/2008...
the tudors was excellent finally get to see the woman anne boyeln as a pawn in her fathers game. Can't wait for the 2nd season on dvd what i've seen it was better than the first season. highly recommend
5 of 10 member(s) found this review helpful.
Cindy L. (Cindylou) from JASPER, GA Reviewed on 1/26/2008...
LOved this moni series, the sets and acting were wonderful
4 of 11 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Not much history here
Carla Lilie | Des Moines, Ia. United States | 08/20/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"When I first heard about Showtime's series "The Tudors," I was really looking forward to seeing it. I've always had an interest in English history and in particular a fascination with Anne Boleyn. I also understood that this was not a documentary; I expected there to be some straying from the historical record. However, when a series purporting to be based on factual events strays as far from the historical truth as this one does, it becomes not merely laughable but maddening.
Other reviewers have pointed out the inaccuracies regarding Henry's sisters. He had two, Margaret and Mary. Margaret married the king of Scotland. In "The Tudors," he has one sister, inexplicably called Margaret. I say inexplicably because her story more closely follows Mary's life, but with glaring differences. The writers have this Mary marry an entirely different king than the real one did and on top of that they have her kill him. I don't get it. It's as if the writers decided that Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, and the break with Rome just weren't interesting enough in and of themselves, so they threw in some murders, duels, and lots and lots of sex. Also, the timelines are just plain screwy. There are events happening concurrently that in reality happened years apart. And what's ironic is that in an ongoing series like this one, they could have taken the time to show events in the correct order.
I applaud the casting of Sam Neill as Cardinal Wolsey and Jeremy Northam as Sir Thomas More. They are excellent. However, Jonathan Rhys Meyers is badly miscast as Henry VIII. Henry was a tall and imposing figure. Jonathan Rhys Meyers lacks the physical stature to carry the role off. He also seems a bit young to be playing Henry at this stage of his life. I can't believe they couldn't find a more physically impressive actor to play Henry.
On the plus side, "The Tudors" is beautifully filmed. It certainly is visually appealing and I can see why some viewers find it enjoyable. I just hope they don't kid themselves that they are learning much about English history. I wish the producers would have given a fictional name to this series rather than tying it in to the Tudors, because history this isn't.
Inaccurate but wonderful show
AkashaReign | FL | 05/27/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Completely hooked after first episode. JRM, Henry Cavill, and Maria Kennedy give stellar performances. Absolutely love this show but there are a few inaccuracies, such as combining King Henry's sisters into one, Margaret, whom did not marry Brandon, but sister Mary did and bore his chldren.Henry Fitzroy dying at such a young age when he had a great deal to do with Anne Boleyn's trial was mind blowing. Do not watch this if you believe you are "learning" about the Tudors, it clearly deviates from the truth, but it is an amazing piece of fiction with a gorgeous cast!!!"
Dazzlingly beautiful, and a great invitation to study the pe
Anne Rice | Little Paradise, California | 05/13/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, there are inaccuracies, as others have pointed out here. This is a dramatization and this is elegant popular entertainment. As an armchair historian, in love with the stories of Henry VIII, I find it absolutely gripping. The acting is for the most part marvelous, and the idea of doing these great personages as compellingly attractive people is a brilliant one. I think there is plenty enough here to draw a person into good books about Henry and the English Reformation. One thing I do like very much is that Anne Boleyn is being presented as the complex woman she obviously was; and Catherine of Aragon has been presented with immense dignity and respect. But the reason I've signed on here to recommend this series is that I really think it will encourage serious study on the part of many as to what really went on when Henry broke with the Catholic Church, and when popular entertainment invites us to study, to learn more, as well as giving us delight, well, that is worth something. The portrait of Thomas More is excellent, and the actor playing Anne Boleyn's father is quite remarkable. Finally, let me confess: there is something delicious about this series, something thrilling. I find myself charmed by it. Of course I wish the Catholic Church was presented with considerablly more understanding on the part of the writers. But in spite of that I continue to watch the second season, as enthralled as I was by the first. And I've ordered a whole slew of new books on Henry just because of this series, so I'm proof myself of what I'm suggesting here: this will encourage the serious study of history. --- The art direction and the costumes are gorgeous. The lighting is breathtaking. --- The sets are glorious. I hope Showtime gives us more of this top notch entertainment."
Flawed, but fun
Melissa Niksic | Chicago, IL United States | 12/21/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I just finished watching the entire first season of "The Tudors." When the show first premiered on Showtime, I watched the pilot episode and never bothered to watch it again. I thought the show was visually appealing, but way too melodramatic and historically inaccurate for my taste. However, I recently read a fascinating book about Henry VIII, and I needed something else to satisfy my Tudor fixation. I watched all the episodes of "The Tudors" On Demand in less than a week, and I really enjoyed them.
In order to appreciate this program, you have to be willing to accept the show for what it is. Yes, the majority of the characters and plots in the show are based on real historical events, but this is a cable television series, and of course things are going to be changed to appeal to a larger commercial audience. As a result, all of the people in King Henry's court are much more attractive than they probably were in real life, and there are some major alterations to historical timelines. Still, I'm impressed that the producers actually did get so many things right with the show, and overall, it's very engaging to watch. The pacing is exciting and fast...perhaps a little too fast, in my opinion. For example, Elizabeth "Bessie" Blount gets knocked up with Henry's illegitimate child in the very first episode, and by the second episode, she's already giving birth. I wonder how long "The Tudors" can realistically continue to air with such a rushed chain of events.
For the most part, I think the casting of the show is excellent. I've never been a big fan of Jonathan Rhys Meyers until now, but his portrayal of Henry VIII is intense, dramatic, and exciting. Sam Neill is brilliant as the two-faced Cardinal Wolsey, and Natalie Dormer is perfect as the bewitching Anne Boleyn. As far as the characterizations of these famous characters goes, I think Henry VIII has been a bit one-sided in Season 1. I'll be interested to see how Meyers tackles the role when Henry finds himself betrayed by the woman he nearly sacrifices his kingdom for. It would be nice to see a more emotional side of Henry. Also, I think Anne has actually been pretty likable so far...hopefully she'll become a much darker character in Season 2.
Overall, I enjoyed "The Tudors" much more than I thought I would. It's entertaining, and people who enjoy learning about this period in history will definitely get a kick out of it. I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of Season 2."
Who Should Buy These DVD's
D. Rizzo | United States | 04/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm an Anglophle, and I was excited when I heard of this series. I don't have Showtime, so I had no exposure to the show as it ran its first season, so when the DVD's came out, I was ready to rush off and purchase them -- but first I read the reviews. They seemed to praise (great production values!) and pan (ah, the history!) the program in equal measure. So I figured, "Well, some of the reviews are positive, and it's only $25, so why not find out for myself?" I went ahead and bought them, and I've watched them. Here's what I think you should do about them.
If you are a history buff who cannot abide such royalty productions of the nature of as Elizabeth and The Golden Age with Cate Blanchett, then consider avoiding these shows. They are not historical gospel. They're not even a historical prayer book or historical hymn. They're pretty much historical soap opera that takes extraordinary liberties with "the truth." Such liberties can offend the serious scholar. So, quite simply, if you're a serious scholar, save your nitroglycerin pill, and go for one of the highly regarded film histories on the market.
However, if you're either a casual royalty buff or a film scholar, then I think you'd get a kick out of these DVD's. The shows are gorgeously photographed. The cast is unilaterally compelling; I am unfamiliar with these actors, and yet, I can't take my eyes off of them, especially Maria Doyle Kennedy (Queen Catherine) and the actor who plays the Duke of Suffolk (too bad he's too young for me!). Gabrielle Anwar, as Henry's sister Margaret, is not only surpassingly beautiful but has an authentic comedic flair.
Now, I will confess that I was rather shortsighted not to realize that as a Showtime production, there's plenty of nudity and bad langauge in these shows. Fortunately, after the first few episodes, the producers seem to begin trusting the integrity of the production over a parade body parts to engage the audience -- not that the show would earn even a PG-13 rating in later episodes, but by later episodes the nudity and vocabulary begin to serve the story rather than serve to garner an audience.
I did agree with the person who noted that the actual story of Henry VIII would play equally well if not better than this rather invented history; the recreational viewer won't know where to draw a line between truth and fantasy. However, maybe this show could provoke a few people to research the history, and in the meantime, it's a fascinating and well designed program.
So who should buy these DVD's? The person whose sense of scholarship can ride in the backseat behind his or her desire for some solid entertainment!"