"Twister at 36,000 feet" (Hollywood Reporter) results when a seductive serial killer takes control of a massive 747 heading into a severe storm. Can a resourceful flight attendant alter the balance of power during this ele... more »ctrifying thriller that's a "wild ride you'll remember" (People) Year: 1997 Director: Robert Butler Starring: Ray Liotta, Lauren Holly, Brendan GleesonDVD Features:
"Admittedly TURBULENCE suffers from a woeful lack of originality, which caused it to be a flop as a big Christmas theatrical release. But it does have an atmosphere that is, at times, effectively creepy. For example: the dead bodies sliding around the 747's cabin in the storm provide truly chilling visuals. This could be an old ghost ship at sea, its crew dead, the auto-pilot replacing the rope tied to the wheel to keep the bow pointed into the wind. I don't know why the reviewers here have slammed the acting and effects. The performances are NOT wooden and the special effects ARE well done. Ray Liotta is gleefully maniacal and Lauren Holly is likeable and attractive. The climax at LAX is suspenseful.I think one reason many people don't enjoy this movie is because of unmet expectations based on genre. People go in expecting something along the lines of AIRFORCE ONE, yet TURBULENCE is 75% psychological drama and 25% action-special-effects thriller. I personally enjoyed the cat and mouse games between the Liotta and Holly characters, but understand how others might find their conversations makes the film seem "talky."It's certainly not a great film, but it's not THAT bad!"
Michael Butts | Martinsburg, WV USA | 03/10/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"TURBULENCE, directed by Robert Butler, is one of those escapist movies where you can't focus too much on the plot or the pure stupidity of the writers. Here's some thoughts:
THE SCRIPT: Does well, even though it's not hard to see from the beginning that Liotta's character is as evil as Elizondo's says he is---big problem, though: the writer has Lauren Holly doing some really stupid things, like leaving the cockpit, engaging in a conversation with her would-be killer, and frequently disregarding the people who are trying to land the plane! SCORE: 2
THE CAST: Ray Liotta goes over the top, but he's such a commanding actor that it works beautifully; Lauren Holly does well considering what the script does to her character; Rachel Ticoctin is warm and fuzzy as one of the flight navigators; Catherine Hicks (Child's Play) does a good job and doesn't deserve what happens to her, either; and Brendan Gleeson(28 Days Later) is vile as the prisoner who starts the whole mess. SCORE: 4
TECHNICALLY: Special fx are not overwhelming, but good; the scene where the plane crashes into the karaoke bar is stunning; the direction is fast-paced, but he should have strangled the writer; good sound editing. SCORE: 4SUMMARY: Entertaining "Hollywood" movie; not as bad as some others felt."
You've seen it before, but this one is good
Michael Bolts | superior, wiusa | 10/21/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"you've all seen movies where the bad guys seize the plane and reck havoc like in Con Air, Air Force One, Executive Decision and so forth. Liotta is dynamite in a tour-de-force performance as he kills off everyone on the plan except a few and Lauren Holly who has trouble dealing with the fact that a psycho is trying to kill her and she doesnt know how to land the damn plane. intense, violent and that is good enough for me."
Scary Movie!
Melvin Hunt | Cleveland,, Texas United States | 01/11/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In this movie Ray Liotta plays a psycho serial killer who is being transported cross country by four federal marshalls. He
escapes,in the process killing the four marshalls as well as every passenger on the plane. A flight attendent is the only person left alive on the plane. She is pursued by the psycho serial killer.She finally makes a link with a pilot on the ground
who talks her into sucessfully landing the big jet. She lands after several interruptions from the psycho serial killer.Theserial killer provides a great deal of excitement and action during the movie.The scary action makes the movie worth sitting
through and watching. An entertaining movie."
B-class shocker that could have been much better...
Marcell Orosz | Budapest, Hungary | 07/27/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, this movie is not as bad as many people said and not as dumb as you would appreciate from the storyline (which I'm sure you know). I saw it for the first time yesterday on TV and that's what it's good for - Friday night chill-out, when you don't want to think of anything, just sit before the TV, nearly falling asleep and concentrating on something that doesn't make you wonder what's going to happen next.There's only one point where the movie fails. After watching it I wondered that it could have been done much better with this cast. We all know Ray Liotta and he's the perfect psycho - though this time a bit overplayed - anyway not annoyingly. Lauren Holly is cute and from the shy stewardess she becomes the 'captain' and an Amazon - she made her part absolutely believable. The rest is OK, too.This movie could have been a perfect shocker - two people on a plane in a turbulence (a killer and a possible victim) - and only one can survive or both die. The director didn't take advantage of the claustrophobic setting and thrilled the audience only with the usual clichés - which are absolutely boring as we all know them. Would he have had a little fantasy, with this cast he could have directed a much better movie.Anyway, it's not that bad and for a lazy Friday evening this is a good movie, if you don't expect too much and switch off the IQ switch in your brain - that's what Fridays are for :))."