Join Jay, Lin, and crew as they get you pumped up with a — total cardio workout! — Enhance flexibility, endurance, and strength as you engage — in these ultimate fat-burning, total body workouts! No more — excuses it s time to... more » get going!
With the help of his wife/co-trainer Lin, Retired US Army
Drill Instructor Jay Johnson brings you the only AUTHENTIC
BOOT CAMP FITNESS Training System available. With over
20 years of research and development under his belt, Jay
Johnson s Boot Camp Fitness System can guarantee you the
PERMANENT RESULTS you are looking for, IF you stick to
the program. If it s good enough to work for the most famous
cheerleaders in the world, IT WILL WORK FOR YOU!
Fully Customizable DVD Menus
Base your workout on your fitness level and time.
RED/Beginner, WHITE/Intermediate, and BLUE/Advanced
options all include: a Prep (Warm Up), Cardio Workout, and
Recovery (Cool Down).
Downloadable Exercise Book
Full Color Illustrations and Daily Log Sheets to track