They're cut and time compressed!
John W. Yocum | Lawrence, Kansas United States | 07/26/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Just like the Space Ghost set I bought last week, these "episodes" are cut. They've left out most of the bridging material between the segments (such as the theme songs that used to play before the extra cartoons like Go-Go Gophers would start). This along with some time compression (Underdog sounds like Sweet Polly since his voice is sped up so fast!) on some segments and editing of other segments reduces the shows to around 19 minutes! What's the deal folks? I love this stuff, but can't any company find or create the complete episodes for any cartoon series??? Heck, I'd take the horrible 16-mm syndicated prints that used to show when I was a kid if I could get all of the material!
New EDITIONS are complete! Cliffhangers restored!
You Know My Name (Look Up The Numbe | Audubon, NJ USA | 07/30/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I never bought the first sets of Underdog DVDs which appeared a few years back. Not sure why, but I suppose I wanted to buy a whole set and save a few bucks. Well, I finally did. I bought a set of the new DVDs from (another brick & morter store) for 20 bucks for 3 DVDs.
Now, not seeing the previous DVDs I am not sure how they compare. I do know that I read a few reviews which kept me from buying the first set from here. Statements that they cut things short or sped things up made me think it wasn't worth buying. Well, Classic Media must read these reviews. They restored the episodes to cliffhanger episodes with the cartoons like go go gophers and tennessee tuxedo, klondike kat, tooter turtle and more with their title screen and tunes seemingly intact. OK, maybe a few seconds of the actual theme songs were cut. Sure, it would be nice to have them complete, but when going from cliffhanger to tennessee tuxedo, I didn't really miss it. Besides, they do have a DVD set of Tennessee Tuxedo for those of us who want the theme song before each episode.
The transfers look great! The sound is awesome and the stories are as charming and silly as ever. How they ever got away with a magical pill that enhances strength and makes it possible to hit more home runs than Babe Ruth or Hank Aaron I'll never know. OK, maybe not home runs. But he does get his strength from "artifical means" and not one kid ever thought it was cheating. Then again, Underdog never went up against Superman, Captain Marvel or even Mighty Mouse to prove who was stronger.
Truly, outside of a few purists who just have to have everything exactly the way they want it, and I am not blaming them for wanting it that way, most anyone will enjoy this set from quality and quantity stand points.
Final word on purists...
I am a purist for most things, but there are some things I will take whatever I can get. This is one of those items. Like Ultraman and Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes, I am happy to have the chance to watch things I enjoyed as a child and see it through those childlike eyes again. So if it's missing a few things, I'll forgive as long as the transfers are clean and the episodes of the main feature are complete which these are, I won't complain.
This set is a nice set for kids of all ages. It's also fun to hear some of the voices from other cartoons and animated classic such as, the Christmas animations Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman, in another format. Keep a kean ear open as you will place a few voices from other TV shows, cartoon and classics.
Happy watching!"
Episodes Review...Perils of Sweet Polly...
Blaze Jericho | Blashyrkh, New York | 08/14/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I like how Underdog is a mix of education with absurdity, you can really learn a lot from these cartoons. When I was in Kindergarten I used to stay up all night just to watch Underdog at about 5 or 6 a.m. in the morning. Then I'd sleep for my school day, once I fell asleep on the bus since I was so tired... I woke up hours later, all these older kids were around me, heh what bus driver don't check to make sure every kid left their vehicle :)? I hope this qualifies my reviews to help others decide if these sets are worth buying or not. I admit I'm upset they are milking Underdog for every dollar they can, why can't they just release a complete set or the seasons/episodes in order. At least this installment didn't cut and hack up things like the earlier releases did, though there are still flaws as many have mentioned. The advertisements for other products were annoying and not needed...
Feature Episodes...
The Big Dipper... Simon decides to create a machine to dry up all the water in the world. At first it freezes water solid, next it boils water turning it into steam. There is so much smoke the firemen come to the house to douse what they think to be flames. Simon sends them away, Polly suspects he is up to no good and stays behind. With the atomizer adjusted Simon tries again, this time it makes more water creating a flood. During all this Underdog was fighting a pack of killer whales who were terrorizing the swimmers. Finally Simon gets his machine working right and he can suck up all the water in the world to place into small glass jars. (End Part 1)
Go Go Gophers "Blankety-Blank Blanket" The Gopher Indians just want a new blanket for the winter. Things escalate into snowball warfare...
Tooter Turtle "News Nuisance or (Sub Scribe)" Tooter wants to be a reporter, Peter Parker he isn't hehe... I think the ending of this gets cut off as stated by another reviewer...
Part 2... Simon tests how much water he can shrink to fit into small jars, he does a pool, pond, lake, and then all the reservoirs of water in the world. Underdog is still fighting a pack of killer whales until Simon dries up the water he is in. Underdog tries to fence in all the water left in the world so Simon can't get to it... Unfortunately this don't stop Simon and The Atlantic is the only Ocean left, can Underdog Stop Simon? Part 3 (Theme etc...) Simon says all must be his slave or they wont get any water. If you are rich you can buy it at 1 thousand a glass, if you can't afford that you have to do labor for him. He shows he can reverse the process and put the water back... Underdog is stuck in the MUD of what was once the Atlantic Ocean, the people's thirst grows and Simon drinks water to taunt them. We all do what Simon says or would you rather die of thirst... He makes the people call him master and follow his bidding. How can Underdog stop him now?? (End Part 3)
Tennessee Tuxedo "Wish Wash" The Penguin and his pal start a laundry business but keep causing conflict hehe.
Commander McBragg "Indianapolis Speedway" He tells how he won the Indy 500 with a pumped up story hehe...
Part 4... Underdog drops his super energy pill and gets out of the muck. Simon threatens to destroy what he has obtained unless Underdog does what he says too... Will Underdog be able to save Lake Michigan and the rest of the stolen water? Good educational stuff in this, many names of lakes that kids should know, other informative things as usual in the Tennessee Tuxedo episode as well...
The Gold Bricks... A billion dollars in gold bricks is to be delivered to the National bank but who can be trusted with this job. Underdog is to drive the armored car, there is even a ceremony where people cheer him on. Riff Raff plans to steal the bricks by switching trucks, how will they manage that hehe... When Underdog arrives at the National bank the truck is empty, so they arrest him. How will he prove he is innocent? (End Part 1)
Klondike Kat "Gravy Train" Klondike has to get the finest Roast Beef to Fort Frazzle...
The Hunter "Brookloined Bridge" The Fox Steals the Brooklyn Bridge and The Hunter has to get it back...
Part 2... The Papers run with the story of Underdog in jail for stealing gold... Sad all that good he did, they turn on him fast, Polly refuses to report the news about Underdog... She asks for 24 hours to clear Underdog's name... Riff Raff plans to paint the gold bricks red and bring them over the border as if they were normal bricks hehe... The catch is he plans to paint them in a haunted house, Polly flies around in a helicopter looking for the missing armored car. They find Underdog guilty and say he disgraced all the heroes in the world and gave him 30 years. How will he ever prove he is innocent rotting in jail?? Part 3 (theme etc)... Polly finds the haunted house, she gets scared by ghostly laughter. A ghost offers to help show Polly where the gold is, can he be trusted? Can Underdog save her even if she calls out to him?
The King & Odie "Sticky Stuff" Biggie Rat and Itchy Brother plot to build a new super weapon to defeat the King. continued in "Am I Glue" they plan to glue the king to the wall so he can't make an appearance than take over hehe... Interesting Prof Messer quote "Who knows perhaps they will be the first to see the moon..."
Part 4... Jailbreak Underdog style, he tells the guard he will be back haha... Jailbreak and Riff Raff yet no AC/DC music, Polly is falling in a hole so deep she will fall for days... Will Underdog be able to save her, stop Riff Raff, and clear his name?
Bonus Episode: Fearo The Ferocious...
Polly's network needs ratings so they plan to put an exciting show on TV starring her and the most ferocious monster. Legend has it thousands of prehistoric beasts live on an island ruled by a giant ape called Fearo the Ferocious. Polly is sent there on a special ship with orders to capture him to bring back for the show, Shoeshine boy sneaks on the boat just to keep an eye on things. The Brave Captain turns out to be true to his word hehe... Godzilla mixed with a dragon attacks the boat and Underdog beats him without changing into costume hehe... The crew has a mutiny and wants to turn back and plans to make them walk the Plank... How will Underdog save the day without revealing his identity??
Go Go Gophers "Crash Diet" The Indians try to help the colonel lose 25 pounds in a week so he don't get discharged hehe...
Tooter Turtle "Rod and Reeling or (Field & Scream)" Tooter wants to be a fisherman and the wizard helps him out hehe...
Part 2... Shoeshine, Polly and the Captain were being forced to walk the plank... Underdog appears and saves Polly first while the captain has to wait longer haha... She asks where shoeshine is and he says he rushed him back across the sea, this is no place for a boy to be... Underdog put a hole in the deck, he says he is a hero that never fails, he can't be bothered with such details hahaha... He plugs the hole and encourages them to continue to the island hehe...Underdog battles a dinosaur and tires himself as Fearo arrives... How will an exhausted Underdog be able to face such a beast?? Part 3 (Theme)... Fearo tosses Underdog like a toy, he is no match in his weakened state... Underdog mutters ring and they finally figure out he means the ring on his finger... They help Underdog pop his pill and he saves Captain Coward from Fearo... Underdog stops Fearo like a broken down car, he binds him in chains and carries him home... Fearo stars in beauty and the beast chained up as Polly feeds Fearo from a huge dish... Fearo swallows the spoon, gets angry, breaks his chains and takes Polly prisoner while he terrorizes the city. Where is Underdog and how will he stop Fearo without hurting Polly?
Tennessee Tuxedo "Parachuting Pickle" The Penguin and his Pal have to skydive into Lost Valley to recover a Gangsta's money.
Commander McBragg "Football by Hex" The commander tells how he had a ball playing football at his old school.
Part 4... Riff Raff has shoeshine doing his shoes while Polly is singing for Underdog... Riff Raff wont let him leave until he shines his shoes to perfection... How will Underdog be able to slip away to save Sweet Polly and the city from Fearo??
DVD Extras: You get a short very informative interview where you learn Polly was based on Marilyn Monroe, Riff Raff on George Raft, and Simon Barsinister was influenced by Lionel Barrymore's voice. Also included is an option where you can play the missing theme songs for Tennessee Tuxedo, Go Go Gophers, Commander McBragg, Klondike Kat, and the rest of the Underdog shorts represented by episodes on this DVD. I like how you are able to play the episodes in the original way, with just the shorts, and with just Underdog. At least there was some effort to make everybody happy even if things did not come out perfect.
Blazed Bits: I am annoyed how they are dragging and milking Underdog for every dollar they can. When you edit this material you lose more money than you will ever make. The people who buy this stuff mostly grew up loving Underdog. Kids today are not going to put up with the old style of animation and the flaws that are evident in the transfer. I know this is from the 60's so you have to expect a fair degree when it comes to issues with the picture. Volumes 1 and 3 of the set seem better than Volume 2 when it comes to that problem though. You can expect about another 3-6 releases at this rate, depending if they redo the original releases where the episodes were all hacked up. Currently you have about 14 episodes which include Phoney Booths, Batty Man, A New Villain, Simon Says "Be My Valentine", Just in Case, Simon Says "No Thanksgiving", Whistler's Father, The Forget-Me-Net, The Flying Sorcerers, The Moleman, Pain Strikes Underdog, The Magnet Men, Go Snow, and The Bubbleheads not currently on DVD. I'll list to my knowledge what episodes have been released on DVD past and present for Underdog. Most Underdog stories were 4 parts, hence you really only get 3 episodes not 6 as they claim. As a 3 DVD set this works a lot better than stand alone products, especially the way the DVD extras are broken up.
Ultimate Underdog Collection...
Volume 2 (Simon Says Melt) - The Great Gold Robbery, The Big Shrink, The Marbleheads
Volume 3 (Riff Raff's Greatest Hits) - Weathering the Storm, RiffRaffVille, Round and Round
Past Underdog DVD Releases...
Underdog Chronicles - The Ticklefeather Machine, Guerrilla Warfare, Zot
Underdog Nemesis - The Wicked Witch of Pickyoon, The Silver Thieves
Underdog Collectors Edition- Vacuum Gun, From Hopeless to Helpless, Underdog vs. Overcat
Bonus Shorts:Safe Waif (Pilot), Tricky Trap Zap (sequel to Hopeless to Helpless), Simon Says (First Appearance of Simon), March of the Monsters
Until a better set comes along the Ultimate Underdog Collection seems the best option on DVD currently."
Another disappointing effort on behalf of Underdog & his fri
Karl Kaufman | Schaumburg, IL USA | 08/11/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Thanks to Classic Media for publishing these additional episodes, but I wish they'd someday put some actual effort into a collection worthy of Underdog, his friends, and fans.
Pros: the DVD menu is exceptionally-well organized, allowing the user to watch whole shows, Underdog-only episodes, or the accompanying shorts, with each cartoon having its own chapter index. (Though there isn't a way to watch ALL the content, including the "bonus" episode, without interacting with the DVD.) The return of the "cliffhanger" format for the shows is a plus.
Cons: The "bonus features" are rehashed, the same as included on the Nemesis/Chronicles/Collectors DVD set; some of the cartoons don't appear to have been retouched much (digitally remastered?), having faded colors; MANY of the cartoons have audio issues, from distortion, to digital whistles or twitters.
I'm grateful for the content, but am very disappointed at yet another sub-standard Underdog video release. He deserves better."