Really ticked off
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Hollywood Pictures Home Video held me hostage for ten minutes after inserting The Sixth Sense into my DVD Player. I was unable to fast-forward past the previews and the menu button was disabled. I am really ticked off that, after paying for this movie, the author of this DVD insists on wasting ten minutes of my life every time I watch this movie to force me to watch their movie previews over and over again. Life is too short. If I am forced to watch ten minutes of commercials everytime I play this DVD, then the DVD should have been given to me for free. I paid money to own this video so I can watch it on my own time and at my convenience. I refuse to own any movie which sucks my life away from me, even ten minutes of it. Life is too short. Do not buy this release. (btw - I liked the movie)"
Incredible Unbreakable
chimaera102 | Calgary, AB, Canada | 10/26/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie has restored my faith in the ability of Hollywood to produce movies that are worth watching. Before I watched this movie, I expected an obvious play on the Sixth Sense motifs and ideas. What I found, to my pleasant surprise, was a well-thought out, well-written movie about an unknowing hero. Bruce Willis gives a good performance alongside Samuel L. Jackson. I found myself enjoying the well-developed storyline along the way, and when I reached the ending, the movie took on a whole new depth as the last piece of information was revealed. I would highly recommend this movie to any fantasy/drama/thriller fan."
One of the most underrated films in recent memory
L. M. MCCOY | Seattle, WA USA | 04/16/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Imagine the most realistic Issue #1 comic book movie. A film in the same vein as Batman and Superman but done in a very realistic way. Remember, it still is a comic book movie, just on the surface it doesn't quite seem that way even with this Elijah character constantly referring to comic books and superheroes. My friends, I give you Unbreakable. It is THE best superhero film since 1992's Batman Returns. The film has suspense,mystery,drama, and good old fashioned good vs. evil. It is too bad that this film wasn't nominated at least for it's stellar score. The film and score was underrated in my opinion but now that it is on DVD you shouldn't miss out on this gem!"