They came for water. And for food. And as it turned out, we were the food. But humanity bravely resisted - a struggle seen in the hit miniseries V and V: The Final Battle. Yet the war continues. The heroic conflict comes... more » to a surprising outcome in V: The Series, presented complete and uncut in this 3-disc, 19-episode set. Once again, Earth is the main battleground. But now the aliens whose human guise hides their true reptilian natures are wiser. They believe the secret to their survival on Earth lies in the DNA of the newly born half-human, half-spaceling Starchild. They intend to capture her. But that's something the world's Resistance Fighters cannot allow.« less
Deborah M. (deborahmm1) from WARREN, PA Reviewed on 6/4/2013...
I remember watching this series as a child, and being so riveted by it, and so convinced that something like the events portrayed in this series could actually happen! My how technology advances in movies has changed my perspective! I'm glad I watched it again, it was definitely worth it - if nothing else, but to note the changes in the way "aliens" are portrayed, and fashion... If you like a good 'cat-fight' (women out-doing each other in their lust for power), you will get lots of that in this series!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Chad B. (abrnt1) from CABERY, IL Reviewed on 2/22/2012...
I was a huge fan of the mini series and I remembered watching the series. I rushed out upon learning of it's release on dvd and prepared for a trip down memory lane. Within moments it became obvious that this wasn't a trip worth taking. The tv series is complete and utter garbage. Everything that made the mini series entertaining was missing. This is pure torture. Bad tv at it's very worse.
1 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Anne K. Reviewed on 6/13/2008...
I love this series ever since I was a kid. Diana was the coolest, I still have my poster of her. Unfortunately my toys disappeared but I'd never part with the DVDs. Heck, I still have my Beta copies.
3 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Great 80s Sci Fi Action!
C. E. L. Clair | Allentown, PA | 08/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In 1985, I didn't have a VCR. I loved "V" in 1983 and enjoyed "V The Final Battle" in 1984. I was really happy to hear that the struggles of Mike Donovan and the rest of the resistance were coming back as a series. At the time I worked at a local grocery store and, as fate would have it, I was usually scheduled when V the series was on. As a result I only caught a few episodes here and there when I had a day off. It was not as good as the two mini series but I thought it was entertaining. After a mere 19 episodes the show was cancelled and V was gone forever.
Since that time, I ran across friends who didn't like the series. Whenever I found articles about "V", the series follow up was always dismissed as crass exploitation of the franchise. Last week, WB released the series (possibly to test the wind for a new mini series) on DVD for the first time. Finally, after nearly two decades (can it be that long?) I have been able to finally discover what the series was all about. Here are my impressions:
There will be many SPOILERS so please do not read further if you want to be surprised.
1. This series isn't bad. It is not as good as the two mini-series but it is entertaing in its own right. I also think that this show was innovative in the field of TV Science Fiction. Prior to "V", Science Fiction was very episodic. Star Trek, Space: 1999, Logan's Run, Planet of the Apes, Buck Rogers and to a certain extent, Battlestar Galactica all told self contained stories. The plot was resolved by the end of the hour. "V" The series was different in this respect. It had story arcs and continuing plot threads. Every episode ended in a cliff-hanger and it left you wanting more. In this aspect, it has a modern flavor. Like Babylon 5, StarGate SG 1 and Season 3 Enterprise, it tells a big story over a run of several episodes.
2. People could die on "V". For most TV shows, you know that the heroes will make it in the end. Not on "V". Over the 19 episodes, long-standing characters like Dr. Maxwell and Elias Taylor buy the farm surprisingly abruptly. This raised the stakes dramatically and kept the viewer involved in the narrative.
3. The cast was great. Marc Singer was perfectly cast as heroic Mike Donovan. Micheal Ironside ruled as perfect tough guy Ham. Jane Badler was very memorable as Uber-B**ch, Diana. June Chadwick was suitably catty as Diana'a rival Lydia. Duncan Rehgar was fantastic as Charles, the leader's envoy. His fight with Donovan in "The Hero" is classic. He was a great villain and it is a great shock when he is killed after a mere 4 episodes.
4. There is a sense that this is merely a peek at a global war with the Visitors. For the first 12 episodes or so, The Freedom Network newscaster, Howard K. Smith ( A real journalist by the way) reads the headlines on the state of the war. We learn that the Visitors are sweeping through Spain and so forth. This makes us understand that The resistance in LA is only one story in this global conflict. It really gives the story a certain gravitas.
5. The stories are often action adventure tales that are on par with anything that was on the air in the mid 1980s. Unfortunately, the sociological aspects that made the first mini series so memorable are ignored completely. The show, evan though it is watered down, is entertaining in its own right.
There are some things that are unfortunatle about this show:
1. All the SFX are recycled from the two mini series. (I think one new shot was filmed for "The Dreadknot.") Even entire sequences are lifted from the minis. Remember when Donovan is on horseback and is being chased by a skyfighter? Well, the entire sequesce appears again in "The Champion." After a while, it becomes really grating to see the same shots over and over. I know that SFX on TV was really expensive back then but WB should have spent some money on new shots.
2. As the series goes on, it is clear that there was less and less money bugeted for each episode. The first episode, "Liberation Day" has an outdoor crowd scene with hundreds of extras. By the last episode, we only have the main characters walking around on the standing sets. By the end, the production valules of the show looked rather thread bare.
3. The producers decided to exploit the alien lizards by showing them without their Human masks. This was a mistake. The people who created the lizard makeups were not as artful as John Chambers. As a result the lizard appliances were very stiff and immoble. By showing the Lizards in their natural state too often, it undermined their credibility as a frightening threat. The full face lizards were about as scary and convincing as a halloween slip on mask. It became a bit silly.
4. I hate cliffhangers that are unresolved. I can't understand why they would create a cliffhanger for a show that was doing poorly in the ratings. It is really unfair to viewers who watched every episode.
5. The Star Child. One of the big weaknesses of "The Final Battle" was the ending where Elizabeth gets all glowy like Decker in Star Trek the Motion Picture. Elizabeth uses some kind of super powers that come out of nowhere and saves the day. In the series, the Star Child goes through some type of metamorphosis and comes out of a cacoon as a 17 year old love interest. Elizabeth's powers become a crutch that the writers could use to solve any problems that face the main characters. This undermines the drama of the series and cheapens the series. The powers were kind of kooky. The Star Child could levitate objects and people, mimic voices, had a photographic memory, raise the dead etc. She could do whatever the plot required. It was strange that they spent so much time on her character. I guess, as a writer with a deadline, she was really handy to have around.
Well, thats my take on the series. I reccomend that if you like V, chances are you will like the series. It is a more cartoony version of Kenneth Johnson's creation but is worthy as entertainment and a nostalgic trip back to the 80s.
Underrated 80's classic sci-fi
A. Gammill | West Point, MS United States | 05/19/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"For those of us who were there, the 1983 original "V" minseries (and its sequel the following year) were Event Television. The weekly series that followed wasn't well-received by comparison. I'm not sure why that is, as it was a reasonably well-made, action-packed continuation of the story.The first dozen or so episodes were the best, as Marc Singer's Mike Donovan looked for his son while trying to hold together the rag-tag band of resistance fighters. Along with Faye Grant as Juliet Parish and the ever-imposing Michael Ironside as Ham Tyler, Singer helped carry the episodes. But around episode 12 (it's been awhile, so forgive me if I'm off by one or so) about the half the cast was written out, including Ironside. The remaining episodes degenerated in quality, but the final cliffhanger (the NEVER RESOLVED cliffhanger) was very exciting."V" originally conceived as a WWII allegory; the weekly show, while perhaps omitting some of the more intellectual and philosophical beats, still stands up as a well-made bit of action/sci-fi. Give it another chance, I think you'll find it wasn't nearly as bad as its detractors suggest."
A Good Start That Ran Out Of Ideas
Brian A. Wolters | Cabot, Arkansas | 09/02/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"V: The Series was a very odd television show. On one hand, The Final Battle ended and it was a very satisfying end to the 10 hour miniseries. But this weekly series did actually made some interesting points to the ongoing story but it was soon abandoned as well as most of the originally cohesive cast.
The series starts out about a year later and we soon see that Diana and the fleet wants revenge over the red dust. As we soon find out, the dust is harmful to people and really can't be used anymore and the visitors patiently wait for the dusts effects to cease. This sets up many good episodes about the visitors regaining control. However, gone is the Nazi allegory and it therefore goes for power and corruption plots all the while the resistance is back to fight the Visitor's once again.
I found myself really enjoying the first several episodes. The acting was solid, Diana was as nasty as ever and they took chances and killed off regulars and that added to the dramatic impact. The Nathan Bates subplots were actually interesting and you really began to hate Mr. Chang. Michael Ironside was also very fun to watch. And the "soap opera" of "Charles and Diana" was also very entertaining.
However, as it went on toward midseason, the series started falling apart by the seams. The idea of the resistance always winning and episodes ending with showing Diana dejected began to run thin. They just beat us over the head with Willy and his butchering of the English language, which is a shame, because he was such a charming character and performed well. The special effects were reused over and over again. The campiness factor of eating rodents was way over done and all originality that they could have tried for just went away.
Then, when we get the new credit sequence, the show pretty much became a chore to sit through. Gone are some of the better and well acted characters. And the plots became paper thin and were filled with "filler" scenes where you just feel they were making it up as they went along. Add in "romantic flashback" scenes, illogical situations, cheesy actors making guest appearances and you can see that because of the daring chances they took with the series at the first, they were left with pretty much nothing. The acting also suffered, especially Faye Grant, in which she gave very uneven performances toward the end, especially in the dreadful episode "The Secret Underground". That episode was the worst in the entire run. The show ended with the Episode "The Return" and it actually felt like it would redeem itself but by then, it was too late. There was no saving "V."
This DVD collection of V: The Series is no frills. They put episodes on both sides of the DVD, making this a 3 DVD collection. Box is nice looking with good shots of some of the cast but nothing extra comes with it. The picture and sound quality of this collection is about as good as you would expect from an early 80's show.
I had a good time with this series and it was fun to see how it played out up to the unresolved cliffhanger. If you are a V fan, this is still a must have.
A Technical Note
Brian Tristam Williams | Johannesburg, South Africa | 12/11/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I had to own this. It was awful, this series, but it was a part of my childhood, and a follow up to the excellent two-part miniseries and the mediocre The Final Battle. But, as always, these reviews will be read, mostly, by folks who already have seen the series and formed their own opinions. So I have a technical warning to add to the mix.
The original two-part miniseries and The Final Battle were transferred from the original 35mm film for the new DVD releases. This contributed to their excellent picture quality. Even 'Knight Rider,' which was two-and-a-half years older, was transferred, in all its 35mm glory, directly to the master digital medium prior to making its way to DVD.
Not so with V: The Series. The picture quality's really not great. Apparently the DVD authors were unable (or too lazy) to find the original 35mm film stock, and elected to transfer from the original analogue videotape to the DVD master. So you get a picture confined by the technical limitations of 1984 broadcast technology. For example, composite video. Which means that your juicy S-Video or Y, Cr, Cb hookup to your video monitor doesn't help you - you WILL be stuck with the artefacts inherent in composite video, in the same way you would have been with LaserDisc.
To drive the point home, the DVDs have the old FBI warning slide at the end of the episodes. Yes, the very same FBI warning you'll see on a 1990 LaserDisc - if you can actually see it through the analogue composite video haze.
So, beware - no improvements have been made to the quality of this series in order to bring it to DVD. You'll get it exactly as you did 20 years ago (has it been that long???).
V: The Series - Correction on DPCOLE7's information
A. Gammill | 06/15/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Dpcole7 from Oak Park Heights, MN wrote that there were two episodes that should have been included in the 19-episode set (effectively making it a 21 episode set.) I wanted to take this opprotunity to state that s/he was misinformed."Breakout" is indeed an alternate episode although no alternate cuts of "Breakout" apart from the one included in this set exist. "Breakout" features a different take on how two characters meet that is contradicted by the following episode. This is because "Breakout" was not part of the original 18 episode run on NBC (and is in fact counted as episode 19 on this DVD set and is placed on the last disc); the network considered the episode too violent but eventually aired it while "V: The Series" was in repeats, hence the existence of Dpcole7's friend's VHS. Viewers may want to watch this where it was originally produced (I believe that was episode 3), but keep in mind it contains some alternate takes on how certain characters meet for the first time and interact."The Attack" was never filmed. The script was written and has circulated for years at sci-fi conventions and online but the television series was cancelled before the episode could be filmed."