Samuel K. (Solvanda)
Reviewed on 12/1/2018...
Researching Viking lore and sagas was one of my interests as a youth. I'd been through several of Magnus Magnusson's books. And when I saw that the History Channel was producing a series based on their history, I have to admit, I wondered how absolutely candid the scripting would be in portraying the culture. And, I think, upon viewing that the writers arrived at a good balance in what to show the audience. If one knows the reported history, one might have been worried this series would be rated X. What we've got here though, is a top notch series, which might be the best thing on television at the moment. "Vikings" is a show which puts the story and creativity above budget and risk, the sort of thing you don't see much anymore, and you can tell it really is a labor of love for all involved. That being said, there are mass amounts of blood and fighting here, and scenes regarding Viking religion which might make some quite faint. Also, in this second season, the execution method called the 'Blood Eagle' is portrayed for the first time, which is a very real thing which was used for the worst of offenders. Safe to say you won't get these scenes out of your head ever, viewer beware.
If you know the history, you'll know that there are multiple inaccuracies in Vikings. I'm okay with that though. The show remains an excellent teaching tool along the way, as well as entertaining to boot. In fact, the episodes are absolutely addicting, and you'll be looking forward to each successive episode like a sip of fine whiskey.