Plunge deep into the heart of darkness
C. Christopher Blackshere | I am the devil's reject | 03/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
A spirit consumed by rage and confusion after being horribly stripped from the clutches of mortality.
A dismal, overwhelming sense of hopelessness resonates through every frame of this riveting mind-bender. I was a little shocked to catch this at a private screening during Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors. This movie might put your average gorehound to sleep, as the blood and guts spewage is pretty non-existent. But VINYAN has an unbelievably black tone, such a disturbing descent into madness that will leave you feeling completely drained and lifeless.
*Lead actor--Rufus Sewell (Dark City)
*Lead actress--Emmanuelle Beart (Mission:Impossible)
*Director--Fabrice du Welz (Calvaire)
*Cinematographer--Benoit Debie (Irreversible)
Jeanne and Paul are an American couple working in Thailand. They are totally ravaged by the loss of their son Joshua, who was swept away in the Southeast Asia Tsunami. His body was never found, which left them a tiny glimmer of hope of his survival.
Six months later at a charity fundraiser, they see a video of orphans living in the jungles of Burma. They catch a glimpse of a boy that resembles their lost child, and Jeanne becomes obsessed with searching for him.
Their treacherous journey sends them on an ill-fated quest through the jungle, led by dangerous human trafficers.
The two stars do a phenomenal job, very controlled and convincing. Beart especially, she completely delves into this role and is totally fearless. The final scene is so unbelievably shocking, I still can't fathom her putting herself through it. The MPAA no doubt would disapprove. A-
Some very spooky shots, very stylistic and engrossing. Some resemble the shots from IRREVERSIBLE, in the Rectum club. Along with the sounds, the shots set a very tense atmosphere. Plus there are hallucinations and drunken dreams that capture the desperation quite well. There are shots underwater, shots with a hand-held camera that were totally impressive. A+
Du Welz did an amazing job with his first English-dialogue film. This isn't a story that will have a broad appeal, but he poured his heart into it. He does well capturing the emotional upheaval of the characters. He doesn't fall into the temptation of adding cheap scares to appease the casual moviegoers. Some might have issues with the pacing. I was leery as the climax drew near, realizing that there was no satisfying way to end this story. Somehow, thankfully, he proved me wrong. A
This ain't your Hollywood horror film. Just a remarkably artistic and creepy cinematic experience, destined for cult status.
Beware of Children
M. B Cole | Las Vegas, NV | 04/20/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Paul Belhmer (Rufus Sewell) and Janet Belhmer (Emmanuelle Béart) are parents who tragically lost their son in a tsunami six months ago. Lost as in lost, not as in dead. There was no evidence that their son was dead. Then one day, while at a charity event, they were shown a video of the poor and the helpless in Thailand. In the video, Janet believes she sees her lost son. She convinces Paul that they must do whatever they can to find that spot and find their son. Since the couple are English speaking Americans (I think), their journey to an unsafe location of Thailand is anything but easy. Lies, trickery, and heart-ache await for them on the search for their son.
Wow. I could not believe how bored I was through out this movie. Wasn't even fun to watch with a friend and joke around kind of movie either. "OH GOD PLEASE JUST END" was probably shouted about 40 times between the two of us watching. It all started with the beginning credits. A lot of the words were turned sideways to be, I don't know, cool? Annoying right away. Then after the credits we see someone's J-Horror type black hair underwater for around 2 minutes with a very loud wave crashing static type of noise. I almost wanted to throw up it was so annoying. My friend started screaming "WHY WONT IT STOP!!!" I honestly fast forwarded through it because it just wouldn't stop. Then the movie FINALLY beings with big hipped Emmanuelle Béart walking out of the water. Ok here we it's time for spooky stuff to begin soon. Charity event happens...we see video...we see what might be their son. Ok off we go. Gotta find the kid. Everything is going smooth...and then I get aggravated again. Daddy has to pay this guy 1.5 million to get a boat ride to find his son. I scream out "Yen?!" because seriously he got 1.5 million to pay this guy in like hours. Ok...just let it's a movie. And then there's a boat ride. Some freaky lady. Getting bored. Still boating. Then I'm thinking the movie is picking up, but no. After a somewhat sad encounter with some bad guys, we basically see the already unstable mom just break down into crazy land. More weird encounters happen, but nothing is really to shocking or even interesting really. While they parents go farther into Thailand, on boat, to look for their child, I felt like I was watching "Wake Up with Discovery Channel" because there was just way to much scenery being thrown in with no story. I honestly think there was 5 minutes of no story, while we just watched a boat go down a river in cool angles and then shots of trees and mountains and other things. Really boring. By the time we got to the end, I could care less what happened with the parents or the child. But oh was I wrong. After the oh so shocking/stupid ending of the movie, I honestly wanted to burn the movie for how much I hated what happened.
Even though I absolutely hated the character Emmanuelle played, I loved her acting. She was really good at being a mother who has just completely lost it. Rufus Sewell was pretty good to I guess, except for his dumb drunk scene.
I do want to say one thing though. I kind of felt weird at the end of the movie. Me and my friend were saying "Are they really doing that?" Basically, right before the credits we see Emmanuelle Béart being rubbed down in mud by like 20+ kids that are around like 8-12 years old. Rubbed down right on the [...] and back. For around maybe 30-45 seconds. I started laughing because these kids, you could see were thinking `HECK YEAH [...]!!" cause they were smiling all giddy like while constantly rubbing her [...]. That was a little weird.
In the end, I would say, with all my heart, ignore this movie. I just don't see anything good about it. Yes it was kind of haunting and sad for the parents, but man the movie was just directed and edited badly I think.
P.S. Finally one movie me and my Amazon bud Chris totally disagree on.