Different But Good; Doesn't Deserve The Obscurity It's In
Stephen B. O'Blenis | Nova Scotia, Canada | 11/07/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Now here's a movie that probably not many people have ever heard of, let alone seen. Although the "Voodoo Tailz" moniker may lead one to believe that this is an anthology, in fact we have a single movie, a story of three girls who head to New Orleans for Mardi Gras only to find themselves stalked by someone, or something. Simple premise, very effective execution. Their male friends who come looking for them aren't the most likable characters in movie history (actually mostly just the main one is rather belligerant) but they're not abhorent either. It very skillfully alternates between being playful & sexy at times and suspenseful & darkly disturbing at others. The....unusual...ending, isn't something I'd want to say emulated in an onslaught of horror movies, but when used sparingly (and this is actually the only movie I've ever seen with this kind of finisher) it's surprisingly effective, and adds to horror as a whole by having thrown an unexpected monkeywrench into the gears. Add in some of the more entertaining outakes to ever roll sporadically through a movie's end credits, and enormous cute appeal from the movie's female cast, and you've got an unpredictable and unique entry that manages to earn four stars. Recommended."