A Night Of Submissions & Screwjobs
Jose | 01/17/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Once again, thanks to WWE Classics On Demand, I was able to see WWE's new concept PPV that replaced the annual Unforgiven card with this event being named Breaking Point in which all of the main event matches need to end by someone submitting.
Unified Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show vs M.V.P. & Mark Henry. As I have mentioned before, I am not really big on the whole "Jeri-Show" tag team while I can care less about the M.V.P./Henry duo. Although, I am happy to say that this was a good opener that the crowd actually got into with the action getting better when Jericho took on M.V.P. while the action slowed when Show was working with Henry.
United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs The Miz. This was one of those matches that was better than what it looked on paper as the action was getting better as time went on with both men doing counter after counter to the point that the crowd made no noise at the start but slowly got into the action. Definitely the "sleeper" match of the night & both men's best match up to this point.
Submissions Count Anywhere: D-Generation X vs Legacy. Before the match, there was some comedy as the crowd quickly cheered but then turned in the "You Screwed Bret" chants towards Shawn Michaels (they are in Montreal) with Triple H pulling off the quick one-liner that had everyone laughing. Anyways, this was a brawl that went all over the building with moments of both teams using innovative submission attempts like the camel clutch & boston crab on a folded chair by DX, Cody doing the Gory Guerrero special, the double figure four in the aisle way before Legacy was able to take out Triple H & dominate HBK in the ring including the finishing move of the figure four around the ringpost combined with the million dollar dream. This was my favorite match of the night as Legacy got the biggest win in their young careers while both teams still left the match strong.
Singapore Cane Match: Kane vs The Great Khali. Honestly, I just fast-forward this match since these two just don't work well together & who ever made this feud needs to get shot.
ECW Champion Christian vs William Regal. Now, this was the match that we should have gotten at SummerSlam as this was a great mat-based wrestling match with Regal actually being able to control the action at times including using some of his stiff offense including one knee to the face to Christian that it had everyone in the arena turn their heads. We all know the type of performance Christian can deliver & just like the previous title match, the crowd got into the action as time went on as this was again, another great match.
I-Quit Match: WWE Champion Randy Orton vs John Cena. If you can get pass the whole predictable finish (I honestly saw it coming from a mile away) including the quick STF finish, this match told a good story of how Orton was just punishing Cena throughout the match to the point where his offense was calculating just to make Cena suffer with one moment to point out being Cena being handcuffed to the ringpost, only to be beaten with a singapore cane. Again, a good story told but this was no where near their SummerSlam clash from the month prior.
Submission Match: World Champion CM Punk vs The Undertaker. This was a real disappointment as this match ended just when it was starting to pick up and become really good. Both men worked well together in the short time that they had but this was all about setting up another "Screwjob" in Montreal as Taker won the match originally but then had the decision reverse that lead to Theodore Long & the referee pulling off something that we have seen before. A bad way to end the night as I actually enjoyed their Hell In A Cell match a month later more than this.
Overall, this event had three matches worth checking out in DX/Legacy, Kofi/Miz & Christian/Regal while the rest was either watchable or just bad so hopefully this was the first & only time WWE will use this concept because it really did hurt the event more than helped."
Another Montreal Screwjob!
J-Man | 09/14/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This ppv really dissapointed me. The card looked good or at least average with the exception of the singapore cane match, but alot of matches just didnt live up to their potential and the booking for the world title match was just plain horrible. Thanks for reading!
WWE Unified Tag Team Championship
Chris Jericho and Big Show vs. MVP and Mark Henry
Jericho and show were actually putting on well tag matches until this. This match was slow at times and i wish jericho and mvp were in the ring more. In the end jericho went for a codebreaker, but henry didn't let that happen, then as soon as henry turned around he got a knockout punch from the big show and Y2J pinned him for the win. Dissapointing. Match Rating:2/5
U.S. Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz
An average u.s. title matchup. The action started out well and miz had the early advantage. The miz tripple kofi up in the corner and continued with a few clotheslines. Later, the miz went for a neckbreaker, but kofi pushed him into the ropes and then got the trouble in paradise kick to retain the belt. The miz just can't win anything. Match Rating:3.25/5
Submissions Count Anywhere
D-Generation X vs. The Legacy
This was match of the night for me. At the begenning of the match, you could hear some you screwed bret chants. The match started off quickly into the crowd as these guys were tearing each other apart. Triple h and hbk locked in the figure four leg lock on both rhodes and dibease, but they soon escaped. Cool moment in the match where hhh gave a spinebuster to dibease through a consession stand table. In the end, hbk was locked in dibease's million dollar dream and rhodes held the leg grapevine, hhh couldn't make it in time to save michaels, so hbk tapped. Match Rating:4.25/5
Singapore Cane Match
Kane vs. Great Khali
Honestly, who cares about this match? It was even worse then summerslam. The only noise the crowd made was boring chants, lol. Anyway, kane won with a chokeslam. Match Rating:0/5
ECW Championship
Christian vs. William Regal
This was defiently better and longer than their ss match. First of all, tiffany came out and banned jackson and kozlov from the ring. The match started off with some nice mat work and traditional style wrestling. Regal hit a couple of vicious knee shots in this one. In the end, regal missed running knee and christian got the killswitch to win and retain the ecw title. Match Rating:3.5/5
I Quit Match for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. John Cena
This match was pretty brutal. In the openning moments orton hit cena in the head with a t.v. moniter. Orton stomped on cena's head a few times right on the steel steps. Orton then handcuffed cena and really started brutallizing him. Orton gave cena vicious chair shots and kendo stick shots. Cena took so much punishment, but still refused to quit. Orton nailed cena once again with another physical chair shot and then handcuffed cena to the other ringpost. Orton then missed a chair shot, then cena got out of the handcuffs and went on a rampage. A few moments later orton struck with an rko, but as he was reaching for the cuff keys, cena applied the stf and orton quickly said i quit. Orton dominated a majority of the match, but in the end cena made a superman comeback and won the wwe title. Match Rating:4/5
Submission Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs. Undertaker
I was really looking forward to this match, but it was a real dissapointment. The match started off with punk cowering on the outside. Cm punk had the momentum at first, but taker turned things around with the snake eyes, a big boot, and then a legdrop. Taker then went for a chokeslam, but punk reversed it into a kick, then taker locked in the hell's gate submission out of nowhere and punk tapped. Then the b.s. comes. Teddy long comes out and says that the hells gate was banned, when taker had used it plently of times even after it was banned. The match was restarted and punk jumped taker and then applied the andanconda vice and scott armstrong rung the bell and him a cm punk quickly slid out of the ring. Punk retained when taker never tapped. This was a recreation of the infamous montreal screwjob as teddy long was mr. mcmahon, armstrong was hebner, and punk was michaels. Cm punk was with an emotionless long on the ramp as taker looked confused. The booking on this was terrible, but i can tell this rivalry is far from finished. I expect these two to face a hell in a cell, where hopfully that will be better than this crap. Match Rating:2.5/5
The card had up and down matches, the i quit and sub. count anywhere matches were solid and the main event was dissapointing. I am hopping hiac will be better and the whc match will have a better finish and hopefully taker will walk out champ. Plain dissapointing and a waste of money."
Who Has Reached Their Breaking Point?
D.P. | California | 11/16/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The traditional September PPV of Unforgiven was replaced this year by a new concept where it was all about making someone submit by pushing someone past their limit to their "Breaking Point."
Unified Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. M.V.P. & Mark Henry - The opening match was contested between two similar teams. Both weren't established as a long term tag team and both teams contested of one individual who was the speed & more agile wrestler while the other was the bigger & strong member of the team and you saw that similarites in this match as the match really picked up whenever Jericho & M.V.P. were in the ring while it was more of a slower power style whenever Henry & Show were in the ring. It was a solid opening tag team match.
United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz - When you take into concideration how both men have been used all year with the Miz being a comedy act for weeks after months of buildup going to waste by being buried by John Cena while Kofi constantly being an uneventful champion booked in last minute multiman matches...this was the shock of the night for just how good this match was. It started off slow but picked up over time with the crowd getting into it as both men kept pulling out counter after counter for various moves. This was definately a "sleeper" match that was way better than you expected it to be going in.
Submissions Count Anywhere Match: D-Generation X vs. The Legacy - This is the first of 3 different types of submission matches throughout the night with a special type of twist on a normal "falls count anywhere" match as for those who know their WWE history in regards to the city of Montreal, you'll get a laugh out of DX's introduction. As you expect in this match, more of the action happened outside of the ring than it did in the ring as they fought through the crowd, ringside, near the stage, backstage. Along with the normal submission moves you've seen in the past from DX like a figure four & even the crossface, you saw various unique types of submission moves both teams like Shawn doing a reverse dragon sleeper using the handrail in the isleway, DX using a boston crab/camel clutch combination, a variation of the Gory Guerrero backbreaker, and even Ted doing his dad's famous "Million $ Dream". This was the type of match that an unestablished team like Legacy NEED as they divived & conquered here resulting in them doing something that no other team before them as ever done.
Singapore Cane Match: Kane vs. Great Khali - Kane is in a match that was named after him (get it...Kane & cane?). Alright, I know that was a bad joke but that was more entertaining than this match itself as these two just don't work well together with Kane only being as good as the person across from him while Khali just isn't good unless he's with a small guy who knows how to bounce around & be a personal spot monkey for him & the canes hurt more (as if that's possible) than it helped here. Sorry for the rant but whoever seriously thinks that these two facing each other are an attraction that people want to see needs to be fired.
ECW Champion Christian vs. William Regal - This match was exactly what you expected it to be in that it was a technical matbased match between two heavily underrated competitors with Regal showing signs of his old WCW "Lord Steven Regal" character with some of those knee shots he delivered. Similar to the earlier match with Kofi/Miz, the crowd got more into it over time as we got the match here that we should have gotten at SummerSlam.
Right around here was a segment featuring WWE Hall Of Famer, the first Intercontinental Champion, and Montreal's own Pat Patterson & the #1 contendor for the I.C. Title in Dolph Ziggler that just wasn't funny or entertaining at all.
"I Quit" Match: WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena - Due to what happened at SummerSlam, the stipulation here was that Orton will lose the title if anyone get involved. This is one of those matches that's more about "putting over a character" more than actual wrestling quality because the actual physical part of the match itself (haven't seen their matches past this PPV) ranks below their previous two SummerSlam matches but above their other two PPV matches that were also setup to just further a storyline. This match heavily showcased Orton's "Viper" character as being cold hearted & calculating & merciless by just attacking Cena's head with the hanging DDT and weapons like a monitor & steel chair & the steps. Orton also at one point had Cena handcuffed and just beating the hell out of him & so obsessed with having Cena say "I Quit" that he even refused to allow Cena to "get out easy" & passout from the pain while Cena's character was pushed here too as he just kept taking a beating but refused to quit. I'll give credit in that I thought it was a creative way of applying the STF but the finish just came too quick to be believeable. In the end, you have to look at this match for what it was in that it was more of a "character driven" match more than anything else.
Submission Match: World Champion C.M. Punk vs. Undertaker - This is one of those matches that was good for what it was but it should have been better. Taker & Punk started off well with both men going back & forth with Punk heavily relying on his kicks against Taker here but as soon as the match was starting to develop, it was suddenly cut short with the screwjob ending involving the referee, Punk, and Theodore Long that left the crowd with no reaction more than anything else. This wasn't a good way to end the show.
DVD extras include highlights of former "Price Is Right" host Bob Barker hosting RAW along with a post match interview with Chris Jericho & Big Show. In the end, this is one of those average shows where it wasn't bad but it certainly wasn't a memorable show itself. There was just as much bad (Punk/Taker & Kane/Khali & that Ziggler segment) as there was good (DX/Legacy & Kofi/Miz & Regal/Christian) while the rest of the matches were either solid or average but nothing to really brag out. So if you have a couple of spare bucks that you won't miss, go ahead & pick this up but it's nothing to go out of your way to see.
WWE Breaking Point 2009
R. Marsiglia | New Jersey, USA | 09/14/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It's pretty obvious already that this show is getting mixed reviews. Personally, I stand somewhere in the middle. I did not think it was horrible, or even close to being WWE's worst ppv effort of the year. That being said, there was really nothing on the show that warrants a purchase. I feel that WWE really handcuffed themselves (no pun intended, see "I Quit Match") by holding a ppv with every main event as a submission match, because it really limits potential outcomes. For instance, in the main event, they clearly realized that it was too soon to take the belt off of CM Punk, but they were so clueless as to how to have him retain without having Undertaker submit, that they rehashed the Montreal Screwjob, which happened 12 years ago. Anyway, WWE should never hold this event again. Matches are rated out of 5 stars (*****).
1. WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Chris Jericho (c) & Big Show (c) vs. MVP & Mark Henry
Decent opener. Match was not good when either Henry or Show were in it, but Jericho and MVP worked together nicely and made up for it. Nothing to go out of your way and see, but this was a perfectly fine wrestling match. "Jerishow" go over clean after Show KOs Henry. **1/4
2. WWE United States Championship Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. the Miz
Crowd wasn't really into it, but they had a good match. Lots of nearfalls and the finish was well executed. Both guys worked hard and they had the crowd pretty into it by the end. Kofi wins clean with the Trouble in Paradise. ***1/4
3. Submissions Count Anywhere Match
Shawn Michaels & Triple H vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase
Long match and very sloppy in spots. Crowd booed HBK, being as the event was being held in Montreal, and really wasn't all that into DX for much of the match, and it made this feel like it dragged. They brawled all over the arena and it just went on and on and on. There were some innovative spots and everyone worked hard, but this just wasn't that good. Problem was, nobody involved really had a submission move that was over, so the crowd was pretty dead when, say, Cody Rhodes put an ankle lock on Shawn Michaels. At least DX put over Legacy. **1/4
4. Singapore Cane Match
Great Khali vs. Kane
I didn't think it possible, but they had an even worse match than their previous encounter at SummerSlam. An abortion of a match, utterly shocking to behold. -**
5. ECW Championship Match
Christian (c) vs. William Regal
Very solid pro wrestling match. Crowd wasn't into it but it's understandible after what they had just witnessed. Very technical match, and the crowd did get into by the end when Christian started making his comeback. Christian pins Regal clean as a sheet with the Killswitch. **3/4
6. WWE Championship "I Quit" Match
Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena
The psychology and storytelling of this match was really excellent. Most of the match revolved around handcuffs, with Orton cuffing Cena and just beating the hell out of him, but Cena kept refusing to quit. Orton took most of the match, but it was Cena who eventually turned the tide and Orton quit after an STF. As tired as Cena's unstoppable Hogan gimmick is, and as much as I don't like him as champion, I thought this was a very good match. And seriously, did anyone think Cena was going to quit? For me, the outcome was never in question because of the stips, but I'll give credit where credit is due. ***3/4
7. World Heavyweight Championship Submission Match
CM Punk (c) vs. Undertaker
They were strapped for time by this point, so they only got about 8 minutes. That being said, the match was good while it lasted but the ending came rather abruptly. Undertaker submitted Punk with the Hell's Gate, but Teddy Long came out and reminded everyone that Vickie Guererro's ban of that hold was still in effect, and therefore the match was restarted. Punk quickly applied the Anaconda Vice, but as he did so the ref immediately rang the bell. So yes, it was the Montreal Screwjob in 2009. Teddy Long looked morose and stood next to a jovial Punk as the show went off the air. **1/2
While this was an interesting show, this concept should never again be used by WWE. The nature of the stipulations were such that WWE booked themselves into a corner, and had to resort to 12 year old tricks to get the outcomes that they wanted. There was definately a mix of good and bad on the show, and I don't think one really outweighed the other, but when you look at this ppv as a whole, it is not worth your money. Rent it if nothing else."