I wish I could of given this 0 stars. Thats how bad it is
Raven | Chicago Illinois | 12/17/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I ordered this PPV and this maybe the last WWE PPV I ever order. This has to be one of the worst PPV's I ever seen in my life. No matches had any real build up. The EMC was a joke how do you let CM Punk and RVD get eliminated and let Lashley of all people win the title??? FBI jobs out to a team noone even heard of. The only match that was worth a damn was the Hardy vs MNM. Sabu getting replaced with Hardcore Holly was horsecrap. I think its time everyone boycotts WWE. Seriously this crap they are putting on tv week after week. Is getting really tired. Its seriously a joke anymore. Vince done all of this on purpose. Brought back ECW so he can kill it. If you want to watch a quality promotion. Watch Ring of Honor you will get your moneys worth. All and all avoid this PPV at all cost. Worst PPV of the year hands down."
December To Disappoint? Really? You Think?
shinedownfan | Clifton Springs, New York | 02/14/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"ECW December To Dismember
December 3, 2006
James Brown Arena
Augusta, Georgia
Hardy Boyz V. MNM
Everyone is saying that this match stole to show. Umm...no. This match was a little above average in my book. Both teams were botching spots and the match was why too long for me. Even though it had to be long. This match is NOT as good as everyone says it is. The Hardyz win. ***
Balls Mahoney V. Matt Striker
horrible match. Striker gets in all the offense and Balls gets two moves in and wins. 1/4* only because Striker worked on Ball's arm for most of the match so there was some psychology to it.
just horrible. Are you seeing the theme here? Better than the last two matches but again, nothing worth talking about. Daivari wins. 3/4* Notice all the ECW originals are losing every match except Balls who got no offense in.
Mike Knox & Kelly Kelly V. kevin Thorn & Ariel
again, I got nothing to say about this match except Ariel is hot. What, I like a little meat on my women. Key words a little. Anyways, Thorn & Ariel win because Knox turns on Kelly. *
Extreme Elimination Chamber for the ECW CHampionship:
Big Show (Champion) V. RVD V. CM Punk V. Test V. Bobby Lashley V. Hardcore Holly
Not as bad as everyone thinks it is but it's one of the worst elimination chamber matches. Solid action from RVD & CM Punk and the rest is just decent. Lashley wins the title. ***1/2
Overall, the worst WWE Produced show every. No really it is. The buyrates were around the 90,000 mark, making it the lowest in the histroy of the WWE. However, everyone is calling this "December To Disappoint" I am going to be very harsh here but...WHAT WERE YOU EXPECTING??????? it's not like this was a very loaded card. There were only two macthes named to the card with six days left on the PPV. So you know that they weren't going to go 3 hours. This was a one match show and very one match show I have every seen sucked. I agree that this PPV was the worst ever, however, you don't have to be pissed off that you ordered it expecting WrestleMania and got WCW Uncensored. That's your fault for not knowing that this card sucked. I didn't order it because I know it would be horrible. So if you want to piss and moan, go ahead. Hell, I was surprised that it got 90,000 buys. The WWE should be happy that people were that stupid."
A. J. Ross | 01/23/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I watched this ppv live in the UK & i was so dissapointed. ECW is dead. If Paul Heyman got the chance, he would of got this ppv as he wanted too but VKM had other plans. Only got too words for this. THIS SUCK'S
If you want to watch some proper ECW, Go n get the original. That Rules !!"
Depressing.... is putting it mildly
D.P. | 12/07/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Where to start......
First off it may have been called ECW December to dismember, but this had wwe all over it. i.e. it was terrible. Since Vince re-launched ECW back in June he has turned it into a laughing stock, with bad wwe wrestlers - test, the great khali, matt striker, lashley, elijah burke, terkay, to name just a few, performing in a production known for innovative storylines, matches and lots of violance. The fact is if this had been a real ECW event and Tommy Dreamer had been beaten by a roll up by Davari, 10 minutes later their would have been a riot. Dreamer has more in ring ability in one eyebrow than people like great khali and mike knox will ever have.
Now my review -
It started off badly with the usually great Joey Styles (who puts everybody over unlike certain Raw announcers, one who mumbles on and on about his beloved sooners, and only talks about the main event, and another who spends 2 - 3 hours waiting for a young lady to appear more than half his age, just so he can shriek "PUPPIES" in a ridiculously high pitched voice) who says we will crown a new champ tonight. Thanks Joe, we now all know that Big Show drops the belt.
The first match was very, very good, and the best tag match wwe has put on in years, with back and forth action and some good spots and near pin falls. 9/10
But then, oh dear.
Awfull wrestling alert. The next matches are dire to say the least.
I wont bother to review them as they are matches only good enough for Heat a few years back.
It is not people like Balls, Dreamer and the FBIs fault as they are given naff opponents and probably have no creative freedom.
But to have Dreamer and the FBI job to nobodies is crminal.
At the One Night Stand events weapons were allowed in all matches but now we get a so called "extreme rules match" once every 3 weeks if were lucky.
Apart from the Chamber match it was all just normal old wwe rules. So please drop the Extreme name already as it is an offence to real wrestling fans.
The main event you knew would suck when Sabu was taken out and in came, wait for it.....Bob Holly. Now im sorry but Sabu has wrestled with numerous bad injurys and put on credible matches, so it was another screwjob to get a wwe wrestler in the main event.
Now what a farce the Chamber was. RVD and Holly started, in came Punk (who actually has some talent), but was pinned by RVD, then in came test. Then what followed was the most ridiculous pinning farce ever. test big booted Holly who did not kick out, but the ref only counted 2. Then as the ref changes his mind and says it was a 3 count and Holly leaves, Tazz is saying he kicked out and he is still in it. AWFULL. test then pins RVD after a pretty impressive elbow drop onto a chair on RVDs face from the top of a pod. Which the crowd did not like and they were chanting for a refund. Then lashley enters but breaks the table in his pod whilst doing so (ending the table spot ending they probably had) pins test quickly then we have to wait ages for the timer to go down. Big Show comes in hits the chair lashley is holding with the baseball bat several times. Then minutes later lashley pins Show to become the new champ. Cue a few TNA, TNA chants.
All in all, a farsical event. Nowhere near good enough to carry the good name of ECW.
Yes TNA and the real ECW pay-per-views have some bad or sloppy matches (usually involving The Baldies in the latter) but they were only sloppy because they actualy take risks and believe me some of the stuff both companys try or tried were freaking amazing.
The wwe does not care for either tag belts, the cruiserweight division is a joke, with the only person not in a tag team being jimmy wang yang. So helms near 12 month reign is not very impressive to say the least. The womans division is void as well now with both Lita and Trish retiring leaving Mickie James as the only lady that can wrestle and is not just T+A.
Sabu and Jeff Hardy might be earning more, but they should have sticked with TNA. The futre of wrestling.
wwe entertains (and I use the term very loosley) people by having some freak eat worms and every 2 months bringing in 2 old ladys whose combined age is 163, and one of them trying to stop the other taking her bra off.
It also faffs about with ludicrous soap opera storylines, and characters with awfull gimmicks (boogeyman, striker, simon dean, hurricaine helms, spirit squad etc). They also have wrestlers with no in ring ability (great khali, mike knox, lashley, cena and batista). And guys who should have packed it in years ago (sgt slaughter, jim duggan, hogan, dusty rhodes).
Three pay-per-views in 4 weeks also takes the biscuit.
TNA and ROH entertain by concentrating on real wrestling involving insane spots, matt based action and superb counters and finishers.
Ever since they changed the name wwe has been dying.
After watching it in 2006 - wwe is dead.
Bad Booking = One Of The Worst Of All Time
D.P. | California | 02/24/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Between 1997-2001, if you would have told any wrestling fan on the planet that a PPV with the initials "ECW" attached to it would result in being one of the worst PPV's of all time, we would have thought you were nuts. Even after the One Night Stand PPV's, most people would have still thought you were nuts but man how times have changed.
Normally on my PPV reviews, I'll review match by match but I'm not going to waste my time here & I'll get straight to the point. I gave this DVD 2 stars for 2 reasons. One is the crowd interaction because this had the crowd reaction that Vince was scared of (which is why this PPV was moved away from the Hammerstein Ballroom). This was a crowd that wasn't going to take any crap & let WWE know about it and that's the only reason I wasn't skipping through every match past the opening tag. You would tell that from their reaction to when they replaced Sabu with Hardcore Holly, or when the two most popular stars on the ECW brand were the first two eliminated from the chamber match...even to the point to where they started to chant "TNA! TNA! TNA!" during a match (which isn't edited out on the DVD) which reminded me of when the fans chanted "ECW! ECW! ECW!" during the King Of The Ring PPV in '95.
The other was the opening match between MNM & The Hardys. This was the type of tag team match that you don't get in WWE anymore..they were given alot of time to go out there & tell a story and give us a match that will be talked about for months without having to crash through a table or jump off a ladder. WWE doesn't care about their tag teams anymore so to see a tag team match like this is a blessing for those fans who actually value tag team wrestling from as recent as London & Kendrick, MNM, Team 3D/Dudley Boyz, and the Hardys to teams of the past like the Steiner Brothers, Road Warriors/Legion Of Doom, and the Hart Foundation.
Besides these two points, this show was a 3 hour edition of Shotgun Saturday Night in which it was dry & heavily one-sided, all these matches were thrown together at the last minute, they did a last minute bait & switch on the main event, the PPV ended over a half hour early, and the one character who was used on all the poster & promos for the event (Sandman) only made a cameo appearence at the end of a match.
The DVD extras include post-Chamber match comments from all the participants along with the Big Show's final match against Lashley from ECW on Sci-Fi. I only suggest you rent this DVD just to check out the Hardys/MNM match and also to amuse yourself at how the crowd just completely turns on this entire show. Besides that, this will go down as one of the worst in wrestling history next to Legends Of Wrestling, nWo Souled Out, Starrcade '94, and the '04 Great American Bash."