WWE Night of Champions 2009
R. Marsiglia | New Jersey, USA | 07/27/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This was an OK ppv. There were things I liked about it and things I didn't, but one of the positives was it was a very wrestling-heavy show. There was only one real bad match, and the rest were pretty solid with a few good matches here and there. However, there were no great matches on this show or anything particularly memorable, and if you missed this ppv I don't recommened ordering the replay or buying it on dvd. If you have the time I would rent it, because the action is solid throughout, but this is not one that I would add to my collection. Matches are rated out of 5 stars (*****).
1. WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Match
Chris Jericho (c) & Big Show (c) vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase
Choosing Big Show as Jericho's mystery partner was about the worst thing they could have done. Big Show's appearance alone killed the crowd straight off, and this match had practically no heat. As far as the work was concerned it was not a good match, especially for an opener, and this didn't do anybody any favors. Jericho actually worked as a babyface throughout, and both he and big show were cheered for winning, which was weird. *1/2
2. ECW Championship Match
Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Christian
Solid match, but the crowd wasn't very into it. That being said, both guys worked hard, and the timing of the title change was good. Dreamer had more than run his course as the Champion, and Christian is far better suited for the role. Not much to complain about here, but also nothing to go out of your way to see. **1/4
3. Six-Pack Challenge Match for the United States Championship
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. MVP vs. Jack Swagger vs. Primo Colon vs. Carlito vs. The Miz
This was a good match, much better than I expected. Everyone worked hard, especially Primo, and they managed to have the crowd pretty into it by the end. They had the usual multi-man spots but also some good isolation action, and they managed to set up a couple fueds along the way, particularly furthering the fued between the Colon brothers. ***1/4
4. WWE Women's Championship Match
Michelle McCool (c) vs. Melina
Not bad for a women's match, but it was a little clunky and it didn't have much heat. They both worked hard for sure, but there isn't much to see here. *3/4
5. Triple-Threat Match for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena vs. Triple H
Very good match. I may be in the minority here, but I actually enjoyed this more than their wrestlemania match. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it was a real good world title match. The finish was complicated but I felt they pulled it off well, solid work from all three throughout. Nice seeing Orton retain here, but I'm not sure where they go from here. ***1/2
6. WWE Divas Championship Match
Maryse (c) vs. Mickie James
Horrible match, and it went on far too long, more than eight minutes. I don't know what they were thinking when they give this match so much time. There was no crowd heat at all, I mean none. There were times when there was literally silence. Mickie was noticably upset with Maryse as well, and they both had a terrible match. Maryse is a great personality but she's really not a wrestler, and it showed quite badly here. At least Mickie won the title. DUD
7. WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
This was a pretty good match but the crowd was still quite dead from the last match. Another problem was no one in the audience really bought Ziggler as a threat, and treated him as such. That being said, Ziggler probably took about 90% of the match, and it was pretty solid pro wrestling action throughout. A little slow in the middle but it picked up by the end, and Rey got a good pop when he won the match with his trademark moves. **1/2
8. World Heavyweight Championship Match
CM Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
Good match, but nothing special. This was pretty much a good smackdown main event, only slightly better, with some kickouts after finishers and such. Pretty surprising having Jeff go over, and the crowd popped huge when he won. Interesting to note that Punk worked this entire match as a heel, so it seems as though he has finally transitioned to being a full fledged heel, which I think suits him well. ***1/4
This was a decent show. There was nothing really memorable or any great matches that I would recommend watching, so this is not a dvd to add to your collection. That being said, there was mostly solid pro wrestling action throughout the card, and I think this would be nice for a rental."
WWE Night Of Champions 2009
J-Man | 07/27/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Night of champions last night was really up and down and had a mix of good and bad matches, even a contriversal ending to a match. The crowd was very quiet most of the night. Thanks for reading!
WWE Unified Tag Team Championships
Chris Jericho and a mystery partner vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase
To start the match jericho announced his mystery partner, the big show? What a dissapointment! Besides that, the match was actually kind of average. The crowd actually pulled out some cheers for jericho. Legacy really double teamed Y2J alot in this one. In the end jericho made the hot tag to big show and he cleared house. Jericho got the codebreaker on dibiase and show locked in the collosal cluth on ted for the win. Match Rating:2.5/5
During this time cm punk cut a pretty interesting promo.
ECW Championship
Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian
I expected this to be a good, solid match and it did not dissapoint. Some back and fourth action and even some nice counters. The ending also showed the cool counters in this match. Christian went for the killswitch, which dreamer tried to reverse in to a ddt, which christian then reversed into the killswitch, which connected this time and christian got the pin to become a two time ecw champion. Nice sportsmanship after the match between christian and dreamer. Match Rating:3.5/5
6-Pack Challange for the U.S. Championship
Kofi Kingston vs. MVP vs. Primo vs. Carlito vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz
Primo was a replacement for the big show. This match was really all over the place and clustered, but it wasn't that bad of a match. Lots of highflying moves here. Everyone was going for the pins at the same time. Kofi shockingly won the match with a trouble in paradse kick on carlito. Match Rating:3.5/5
Women's Championship
Michelle McCool vs. Melina
This was a improvement from the bash, and this time it was actually watchable. Nice moments in the match, like with mccool doing a ddt to melina off the gaurd rail. McCool retained the belt in the end with a rollup. O.k. match, but still not that good. Match Rating:2.5/5
Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. John Cena
This was a wrestlemania 24 rematch. I was really shocked that this wasn't the main event and just the 5th match on the card out of 8. The match started with a slow pace, but eventually picked up. Nice double teams in this match and solid wrestling. The ending was a little confusing because hhh locked the sharpshooter on orton and then cena locked in the stf on orton and then randy taped, but the ref was confused and didn't know what to do. Then legacy comes in (of course!), and helps randy get the rko on cena for the win. The match had a really confusing ending and i can't wait to see what happens on raw. Match Rating:4/5
Diva's Championship
Why is this after the wwe title match, i don't know! I didn't really care for this match and it was really a dissapointment. Mccool vs. melina was better. The match only had a couple of good spots. Mickie James got the win with her ddt. James is now the second diva ever to win the women's and diva's championship. Match Rating:2/5
Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler
I knew this wasn't going to be like jericho vs. mysterio, but this was actually pretty good. Lots of highflying spots by rey in this one. Ziggler did botch some moves in this match though. Mysterio pulled of a leg drop from the apron on ziggler and ziggler even locked in some submissions like a chin lock and a full nelson. Rey mysterio retained the ic belt with a 619 and a splash. Match Rating:3.5/5
World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy
This was a really good match and a step up from thier bash encounter. Punk and hardy can really pull out the best in each other. To start the match punk went for the g.t.s but did not connect. Hardy got the cross body on punk soon after. Hardy went for an outside dive, but punk moved and hardy didn't get back in the ring until a 9 count. Later in the match hardy got the twist of fate on punk but missed the swanton. The crowd actually came alive here! Punk got the g.t.s, but hardy kicked out! Punk tried to walk out of the match, but hardy pulled him back in. Hardy then got the twist of fate on punk, followed by the swanton bomb. Hardy got the pin and became the new world heavyweight champion. YES! Good encounter here. Match Rating:4.25/5
Night of champions wasn't as good as last years, but was solid at times. I read that after the ppv went of the air punk and hardy shook hands. Then hardy celebrated. Good noc, but not great.
Third Time Is The Charm For This Event
D.P. | California | 12/05/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Unified Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. Legacy - Due to Edge suffering an injury, Big Show was chosen as Jericho's mystery partner. Eventhough this was originally setup to be a heel vs. heel match, the crowd clearly got behind Jericho & Show. This was very similar to the triple threat at The Bash where Legacy was caught off guard by the last minute suprise so they did their best to avoid Big Show by working over Jericho & keeping him away from Show with Cody even pulling off a suprising moonsault at one point. This was a good tag match overall but it took a while to get into since there wasn't a babyface to get behind.
Right around here was the talk segment of the PPV which was a C.M. Punk promo putting over his heel "straight edge is better" character. Again, I personally prefer these things on free TV than an event that people payed to see but I'll give credit in that it did it's job in continuing to build him as a heel.
ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian - Tommy Dreamer returns to the hometown of the original ECW as the champion and was even treated to some old school "ECW, ECW, ECW" chants in the beginning of the match...however, it was clear that Christian had the bigger amount of fan support. Both went back & forth with various counters against each others signature moves like the DDT & the sitting rope double footkick & one sequence going from the Killswitch into a sleeper hold. Dreamer even pulled out some moves I don't recall seeing from him before like D'Lo Brown's old "Sky High" and Dean Malenko's "Texas Cloverleaf." Another good match here & I'll go on record in saying that I think this was probably Dreamer's best non-hardcore "wrestling" match in his WWE career.
As a side note, it was nice to see that the ECW Championship got it's own banner on the "Night Of Champions" set unlike last year where they just reused the Crusierweight Championship banner & put the letters ECW on it.
United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. Primo vs. M.V.P. vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz vs. Carlito - This was one of those matches that was fun to watch as all six men were allowed in the ring at the same time which made for various good multiman spots like the classic "electric chair." Not everyone had a highlight reel but you saw various highlights like Swagger showing his power, Carlito & Kofi showing their athletic ability various times, a reunion of Carlito & Primo, and a very unique version of M.V.P.'s playmaker with Swagger & Miz. Again, a very fun match to watch.
Womens Champion Michelle McCool vs. Melina - This started off with a bang as McCool took advantage of Melina during her entrance. I thought this was a very competitive match (by diva standards) between of both ladies and saw moments that I've never seen before like a DDT on the security barrier. I'll go on record in that this was my favorite "divas" match since the Beth/Melina "I Quit" match last year & I enjoyed this more than their match at The Bash the month before.
WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Triple H - The rematch from WrestleMania 24. This has a funny beginning as it was clear that Randy Orton was the guy with the target on him from both Cena & Triple H and Orton tried to seperate himself from them but they both went right after him. This built up & got better over time with good multiman interaction before it erupted into what Michael Cole described best, "Chaos!" While what happened towards the end with all three men & the referee looked confusing, it's something we've seen around 8 years ago but a nice twist along with an RKO that took out two people at once, this was a good match. Eventhough I enjoyed the WrestleMania match more, this wasn't a disappointment.
Divas Champion Maryse vs. Mickie James - Past Mickie becoming the next diva to win both the Divas & Womens Championships, there was nothing to see here as these women just didn't click together & apparently, Maryse was hurt here which didn't help matters either.
Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler - All I can say after watch this match is that Dolph has really come along way from dressing up as a cheerleader yelling "NICKY!" to having a very impressive performance here against Mysterio...with bonus points for having Maria in his corner. This was a nice match that built up over time with Dolph pulling out some impressive moves which were either high impact (his gutbuster from the top rope & a dropkick onto Mysterio when he was in mid-air) or grounded (various "wear down" & submission holds while Mysterio put in the hype of performance that he's known for & doesn't ever disappoint. Another good match.
World Champion C.M. Punk vs. Jeff Hardy - This was similar to their match at the Bash as far as how both men worked well together but also different in that Punk was now in full heel mode which was shown various times such as him trying to take advantage of anyway he can retain his championship either by pinfall, submissions like the dragon sleeper, or even trying to rush the referee into doing a countout at one point but Hardy refused to lose. Everyone really came off their feet towards the end when Hardy went "crazy" once Punk tried to cheat Hardy out of the championship again like he did at The Bash leading to what J.R. liked to call "the Hardy Party."
In the end, this ranks right next to this years version of The Bash as the best edition of this PPV but was a step above The Bash as one of the best overall PPV's WWE has had this year so this is worth going out of your way to see. I recommend."