I was there.
Matt | Connetcticut | 04/11/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Garrison cade and the Coach vs Ryhno and Tajri
match rating: 6/10
Batista vs Chris Jherico
match rating: 7/10
Tag Team championship La Resistance(champs) vs Eugune and Ric Flair
match rating: 3/10
No DQ match Matt Hardy vs Kane
match rating: 7/10
I.C. championship Randy Orton(champ) vs Edge
match rating: 10/10
1# contender match for womans title Victoris vs Molly Holly
match rating: 4/10
World Hevey Weghit championship Chris Benoit(champ) vs HHH
match rating: 10/10"
Raw Presents Vengeance
Long Boy | 11/07/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this DVD when in came out on sale for $20. It wasn't worth that.
Cade & Coach v. Tajiri & Rhyno
Jonathan Coachman called out Tajiri, demanding a Vengeance tag team match. But he didn't expect the Japanese Buzzsaw to align himself with the Manbeast Rhyno. The brut force of Rhyno and the martial arts of Tajiri made for a uniquely effective tandem against Coach & Garrison Cade. And it's hard to decide who got the worst of the Tajiri-Rhyno assault, in the end. Cade found himself covered in green mist and leveled by a Gore. But it was Coachman who recieved a jaw-snapping kick that rendered him unconscious for the three-count.
Victoria v. Molly
With a wicked superkick, Victoria dropped Molly Holly and became the No. 1 contender for Trish Stratus' Women's Championship. The back-and-forth match took its toll on Victoria, who at one point attempted the Widow's Peak but had her arm give out mid-move. In the end, it had been a diffucult pay-per-view loss for Molly, who desperatly wanted Vengeance in Hartford after losing her hair to Victoria at Wrestlemania XX.
Kane v. Matt Hardy
All Matt Hardy's rage, frustration and pent-up emotion overwhelmed the monster Kane at Vengeance. Hardy once again showed symptoms of snapping in the mere presence of Kane, bashing the big man with TV monitors, chairs and ring steps in the "No Disqualification" grudge match. With Kane hopelessly tangled in the ring ropes, Hardy even used the ring bell to smash the other man who may have impregnated Lita. After a brutal beating, Kane kicked out of the Twist of Fate then finally gained the upper hand with a chokeslam. With the match stipulation in mind, Kane gladly grabbed the steel ring steps for use as a weapon. Seeing events unfold, Lita put everything at risk by stepping between he monster and his prey. A tormented Kane couldn't bring himself to smash Lita under the circumstances, choosing instead to move her out of harm's way. But Hardy capitalized, using the combination of a steel chair and the ring steps to crush Kane and bring him down for the three-count. Watching her boyfriend prevail, Lita showed a rare smile during the most diffucult of times.
Tag Team Championship
Besides contributing to Triple H's humble defeat, Eugene's uncontrollable ferocity also cost Evolution the World Tag Titles Championship. Eugene seemed to be having the time of his life emulating his tag partner, the legendary "Nature Boy". He called out in signature Ric Flair fashion. He delivered knife-edge chops to the members of La Reistance. He did the strut, dropped the knee and even fell like the 16-time World Heavyweight Champion. Then, the man himself took over, showing the Tag Team Champions from Quebec what true champion looks like. But it all vanished before Evolution's eyes when Eugene snapped. After taking a cheap shot outside the ring, Eugene went berserk. He took out everyone in his path- including the referee, who called for the bell. With the disqualification, Evolution lost a golden chance at capturing the titles.
Chris Jericho v. Batista
The mighty Batista delivered Evolution's lone bright moment at Vengeance, but even that result didn't come with without controversy. In a fateful sequence of events, Batista blocked a Lionsault, hit a punishing Spinebuster and blasted Jericho with the Batista Bomb. Everyone in Hartford, Conn., assumed the match was over - including the referee, who counted three despite Y2J's leg clearly being on the bottom rope. It seemed to be an honest mistake as comeback. Even Batista knew the questionable nature of what occured, swatting Jericho's leg off the rope before its presence could be detected by the official.
Intercontinental Championship
When Randy Orton bounced gruesomly off an exposed turnbuckle, into Edge's waiting spear and was covered for three, it served as a powerful reminder of just how hard it is to hold onto the Intercontinental Championship in this age of WWE parity. Edge said that one-by-one, Evolution would fall. At Vengeance, he picked off a rising star and with it the Intercontinental Championship. Edge's success has to be attributed to his ability and negate Orton's finishing RKO. Once, Edge fought out of the move. Then, he converted it into a backslide that earned a two-count. Orton was left working Edge's neck, something he did successfully all match long. But it was the Legend Killer's choice to remove a turnbuckle's padding - perhaps looking for a shortcut to victory - that ultimately proved to be his undoing. Edge stole away with his new title, leaving Orton to lament his loss in the ring before an unsympathetic crowd in Hartford, Conn. The charged fans gave Orton a "Goodbye" serenade as he left in a manner that foreshadowed Evolution's woes in the World Heavyweight Championship match.
World Heavyweight Championship
Evolution sufferd a significant setback at Vengeance - and it has Eugene to blame. An inadvertent whack with a chair leveled Triple H, who was dazed enough for Chris Benoit to roll him up and retain the World Heavyweight Championship. The Game thought he had the perfect strategy to return to glory, working over Benoit's chest with a range of creative and crippling maneuvers. And he seemingly had the ace in the hole: influence over Eugene and his deceptive strength. Triple H picked his spot, calling for the honorary Evolution member when on the wrong end of a Crippler Crossface and the referee KO'd. But Eugene's loyalties proved to be so divided that it left him paralyzed-- and a detriment to both competitors. First, The Rabid Wolverine dropped Eugene to preserve his title. Later, Triple H pushed Eugene off the ring apron when he got in the way. The Game's plan first crumbled, then backfired. With it went his chance to regain the World Heavyweight Championship."
Best RAW Pay Per View Of The Year So Far.
Mike Ward | Mundelein, IL United States | 07/14/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was a very solid pay per view with really no squash matches and no really bad matches.
1. Rhyno and Tajiri vs Cade and Coach. Predictable match but was a solid opener. It was also really nice to see that WWE is finally using Rhyno and Tajiri. 6/10
2. Batista vs Chris Jericho. Many people say that this match was bad but I think it wasn't all that bad. Although i do agree it could have been a lot better. If Jericho could have had a better partner than Batista this could have been one of the better matches o the night. 5.5/10
3. Tag Team Chmpionship. Flair and Eugene vs La Resistance(c). Was a pretty solid match with a comedic performance by both Flair and Eugene. The match was also better because of the fact the Flair and Eugene didn't win the belts. Solid match. 6.5/10
4. Kane vs Matt Hardy. Very good match dispite the awful premise that the match was made on. Also with Matt's knee injury the segment after the match was well done. 7.5/10
5. Intercontental Championship. Randy Orton(c) vs Edge. Match of the night and one of the better matches of the year. Besides the boring chants this match was awesome. Great technical wrestling then the fast paced ending was all great. 10/10
6. #1 Contender for the Women's Championship. Victoria vs molly Holly. Horrible match. But is worth sitting through to see the kick Victoria gives Molly at the end. 4/10
7. World Heavyweight Championship. HHH vs Benoit(c). This match was a mix of great wrestling and stupid storyline involvments. the match was a great one until the involvement of Eugene. The ending was just terrible. It seemed so sketchy and to make it worse the second straight ending of a Heavyweight Championship match with a rollup. Nonetheless the wrestling gives this match a good grade. 9/10.
Overall the best one brand only pay per view of the year. 48.5/70"
WWE Vengeance 2004: From Hartford, CT
Mike Ward | 01/21/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Here is the Card
1. Rhyno and Tajiri vs Jonathan Coachman and Garrison Cade
2. Chris Jericho vs Batista
3. World Tag Team Championship
La Resistance vs Ric Flair and Eugene
4. No-disqualifacation match
Matt Hardy vs Kane
5. Intercontinental Championship
Randy Orton vs Edge
6. Number one Contender's match
Victoria vs Molly Holly
7. World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Benoit vs Triple H"