Five of the very best Westerns produced by Universal Studios between 1952 and 1956. With stars ranging from Robert Ryan and Rock Hudson in "Horizons West" (1952) to Alan Ladd and Jay Silverheels in "Saskatchewan" (1954),
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Rory Calhoun starring in "Dawn at Socorro" (1954), Richard Widmark and Donna Reed in "Backlash" 1956 and Jeff Chandler and Michael Ansara, as well as Ward Bond and Dorothy Malone in "Pillars of The Sky" made in 1956, Universal arguably was THE leading studio for the Western Genre during this period in the 1950's. This is without mentioning a number of other actors and actresses of note who appeared in these five films, and the fact that Universal employed some of the very best directors and cinematographers involved in the Western Genre in the 1950's. All of the films were remastered for this release (audio and video) and all of the films included were filmed in what was often then referred to as one word "Glorious Technicolor". While one might wish for the inclusion of another at the expense of one chosen here; few Western fans would easily be able to turn away from the undeniable appeal of that which Universal has released under the title "Western Horizons" in February/2013.« less