During the 2007-2008 campaign, Animal Planet captured the intensity of Sea Shepherd's mission and the trials and tribulations of the crew in a new seven-part, hour-long weekly series WHALE WARS. The series draws attention ... more »to this global conservation issue that has caused friction between several nations over the practice of whaling in oceanic territories. This year's campaign was particularly eventful with multiple engagements, capsizing, possible hostage-taking and alleged shooting, and Animal Planet crews were onboard to document it as it unfolded.« less
"After seeing the pilot episode on Animal Planet, I became more aware, educated and sympathetic to the plight of whales. These magnificent creatures--solemn, intelligent, peaceful and the largest mammals on earth--are vital links to the ecosystem of the seas and the oceans. They are creatures which mesmerizes the sight and stirs the imagination. History has shown us that these creatures were mercilessly hunted towards the brink extinction. It is only in recent times where laws were enacted to save the whales from forever vanishing in our Earth. Unfortunately, some countries like Japan, continue to ignore this moratorium on hunting Whales. Once you see this documentary, you will feel sick to your gut on how the whales are hunted and slaughtered in the guise of research! The Japanese has an armada of highly sophisticated, high-tech ships all dedicated to fine-tune the machinery of hunting whales.
Enter the Sea Shepherd, a conservation organization headed by its founder Paul Watson, dedicated and devoted not just to the conservation and protection of whales but all other marine animals as well. The Sea Shepherd is fighting a conservation war when no other country dares to do the fighting. This organization has been branded as pirates and terrorist. But to people who see the full extent of the unimaginable horrors of whaling, they are warriors, fighting a crusade to protect and conserve the existence of whales.
In this documentary, we will see the Ship M/V Steve Irwin, the flagship of the Sea Shepherd, named after the famous Australian Naturalist who died doing what he loves best--protecting and conserving animals of every kind. We will see the crew, several dedicated and unselfish individuals, volunteering from different countries who all have one goal in common and that is to preserve the animals that nature has given us. We will witness the effort of the Steve Irwin's crew exactly as they are unfolding, no holds barred , uncensored effort as they weave their way thru the Antartic Ocean, locating the Japanese vessels and disrupting their whaling activities. We will see the crew use several "non-lethal" methods of disruption--throwing stink bombs to make the decks unworkable because of the nauseating smell, laying down ropes that will disable a ship's propeller thereby making them immobile at sea and just plain low-down psychological talk on the communication systems.
Although the approach of the Sea Shepherd to conservation seems unconventional, its founder Paul Watson deems it necessary. The unorthodox methods that they are employing seems to be the only one working right now to stop the massacre of whales. He constantly argues that whaling countries do not listen to diplomacy and often ignore enacted laws to these endangered animals. He always backs his claims with UN-sanctioned documentation.
This is a very enlightening documentary that hit the cable TV recently that has roused my awareness in the highest levels. The world is now focusing on sustainable living. We must not discount protection and conservation in these endeavors. I highly recommend this documentary and I am pre-ordering it thru Amazon."
Interesting Case Study
Matty B | Sacramento, Ca | 01/22/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Whale Wars tells of the controversial 'War' going on between the Sea Shepherd and Japan over what constitutes legal whaling. Animal Planet has made no secret that they did not attempt to document this issue from the Japanese side, simply because they thought they would not even been granted the access. They decided to document the issue from Sea Shepard's point of view and in doing so show the passion, dedication and what the crew go through to stop the Japanese from killing these whales in the name of research.
The show starts off with the alleged shooting of Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd (a blatant move to get the viewer to watch what happens next). This opening scene is shown in chaos and confusion on purpose, frankly no one really knows if Paul Watson was actually shot by the Japanese. Even though Animal Planet could have easily slanted this event to make the Japanese look like killers, they did not. In the last episode the tell the story exactly as they saw and in my opinion were very fair to both sides. They show the events that led up to the 'shot' and what happened afterward. Though the Japanese were not directly interviewed on the show, the narrator did tell the audience that Japan released a statement stating they did not have a rifle on board their ship or shoot at anyone. This is confirmed by the crew of the Sea Shepard as no one saw a Japanese crew member with a rifle.
This is not the only instance that the producers stayed very neutral even though they documenting this from the Sea Shepherd's ship the 'Steve Irwin'. They show how core crew members are trying to show volunteers who have never worked on a ship the ins and outs of navigating through some of the most dangerous waters in the world. The first time they launch the zodiac, they flip it and if not for the specialized suits they were in case of emergency, they all would have died due to hypothermia. In the process they damage their helicopter. Later, when they dock for repairs, they change out some of the crew members and the new group fumble their way again with trying to launch the zodiac that it results in a lost 'mission'.
For those that claim Animal Planet did not tell the viewers what the law is and how Japan is following the law as it it is currently constituted are 100% incorrect. They do. In fact through out the entire season they remind the viewers what the law is and that Japan is only killing whales within the established quota for research. They tell the viewers that all the meat must not be wasted or discarded. Admittedly, not as much time is spent on this subject as there could have been. Its not as sexy as showing people illegally boarding ships or hard hitting as showing the Japanese dragging dead minke whales into the 'Mother Ship'. I would have liked to have seen interviews with Japanese citizens describing their thoughts on what their government is doing. Whether or not they care, who is eating the meat and why. It would have given them more credibility as a third party observer.
The Sea Shepherd clearly are not saints and their tactics should be questioned. The Japanese are clearly not saints and their research practices should be questioned. Animal Planet clearly is not a saint and this show as a documentary should be questioned. The one thing you can not question after watching it, whether or not you agree with the Sea Shepherd methods, what the Japanese are doing is wrong. The Sea Shepherd have a direct impact on the amount of whales that are lost to 'Research' and the governments from around the world should be doing more to stop Japan so that the Sea Shepherd are not taking the law into their own hands."
This Series is SO EXCITING!!! It tells the true story!!!
JSBauter | GA | 02/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have seen this series and it tells the true story about what the Sea Shepherd really does. They have never hurt any one at sea, but the whalers have lost 2 crew member at their own faults for this line of work. The Japanese whalers will use any means necessary, including extreme violence against protesters to protect their very cruel and greedy whale killing industry.
If you need more information about whale killing and the laws go look them up. The truth is out there. Don't just take the hate comments, that have given this series 1 star just to lower the rating of this series. They are paranoid and follow around everything that Sea Shepherd posts on the internet including youtube videos and anti-whaling clips just make and post comments about Sea Shepherd being so called "eco-terrorists" a label given to the conservation society to make people think they are some how crazy extreme violent group, which they are not.
Sea Shepherd have the highest level of integrity. I have followed the whaling industry and the Sea Shepherd and compared both sides. Sea Shepherd have proven to be the on the side of the law. Japanese have exploited a loophole in order to kill whales for food under the guise of research but all they actually do it gut the whales and weigh them. No real data is given. What information is given is used to justify, the restart killing of other species of whales like the humpback. But because the loophole exists, they continue to kill.
The Japanese had also been invited to contribute to this series by offering their side of the story but they refused. SO if the series seems one sided, it is at the fault of the whalers. Not Animal Planet or the Sea Shepherd.
As for the series, when I watched it, my opinion is that it is extremely exciting. I was on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen next. I have learned a lot about the Sea Shepherd conservation society and what they have done for seals and other marine wild life and had been impressed. But when I watched this series, the depth of their willingness and compassion for whales is so deep, to risk their lives just to save whales is amazing.
I truely felt that no one is so brave to actually stand up for what they believe to that extent in this world any more or at least there are a very rare few. It also gives the human side of being cramped into a small ship, and having to be with a bunch of other people who at times made mistakes. I felt this series is well made. I love the music samples to used for the series Smashing Pumpkins, the world is a vampire. It fit perfectly.
So don't turn away just because this has gotten low star rating by a few who just hate Sea Shepherd.
It is an exciting series. This is true reality show!!!!! I can not wait for the second series to come out. The Japanese whalers have increased their violence by using LRAD Long Range Acoustical Devices (LRAD's) and high powered water cannons against the Sea Shepherd crew.
So stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Activism on the high seas
SKOLVK | TUCSON | 01/04/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I always thought that whaling was a thing of the past. The fabric of legend found in the pages of "Moby Dick". It wasn't until I came across Whale Wars that I was shocked to discover that it's still being practiced, unchecked and "illegally" in the Antarctic. Whale Wars follows the rag-tag crew of the M/V Steve Irwin(flagship of the Sea Shepherds) and her Captain Paul Watson(a founder of green peace who was kicked out do to his radical tactics)the only people dedicated enough to take action. Both sides of the conflict use loop holes in the law against each other. The whalers claim the law states that they are allowed to kill a set number of whales as long as it's for "scientific research". A law that they break in pretty comical ways. Japanese whaler ship simply write "research" on the side of their ships and hold up signs that say "We're taking tissue samples!" if they see that they're being videotaped. The "Sea Shepherds" are wise to this and take it into their own hands to stop the whaling in protected whale mating waters. It's one of those tricky things we're both sides are wrong and right at the same time. The show grabs your attention on the first episode when one of the launch boats breaks off a crane and nearly kills four of the crew. The show continues to keep its pace as we see the crew deal with faulty equipment,ice burgs, kidnapping, poor judgment and of course, the wrath of the whalers that they tick off. Whale Wars is a very fascinating show that sheds light on a subject that not many people are unaware of. Though their methods continue to be controversial, The Sea Shepherds strictly use non lethal methods and are non violent. I don't consider myself an environmentalist but by watching this show I can't help but have great respect for the Sea Shepherds. It's nice to see a group of people take action when lazy diplomacy fails, to have them act as a buffer against unchecked consumption and greed. I can't wait to follow the Steve Irwin crew on their upcoming adventures or more precisely, what the new volunteers are going to mess up. Whale Wars is a very enjoyable show and I'm sure Paul Watson and crew will find new and imaginative ways to give the whalers headaches as the show goes on. I only wish all "reality" television was this good."
Birthday Gift
Picon | Perris, US, Canada | 11/06/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Bought it for my sister as she was unable to watch the complete season 1 on TV. She loves it. Regardless of your views on whale hunting and the methods used by the Sea Shepherd, whale hunting is just morally wrong! Bad Japanese."