The movies.. and WTF packaging?
Justin McGill | McAlester, OK USA | 04/03/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ok.. everyone knows if they are going to buy the movies or not.. based on the MOVIES. The issue I want to bring up here is the CRAPPY packaging. Also I will note, which I did NOT know.. Wild Things 1 is actually the UNRATED edition, not the R-rated one.. so do NOT buy both editions, you are just doubling up.
But to the CRAPPY part. On the outside it looked like a standard keep case.. which the picture shows.. but open up the INSIDE there is no middle catch or hubs on either side with a spine middle holder. There is a SINGLE hub that holds all three discs.. meaning basically all three discs set DIRECTLY atop one another. It's not a BIG deal.. but considering I've seen FOUR disc sets within the space of a keepcase it just seems rather cheap and chintzy for an actual, at least the first, STUDIO film. (the other 2 were DTV, with another on the way soon I hear).
I just want to give everyone a heads up on the packaging.. its not as bad as the Good Times or Sanford and Son COMPLETE SERIES packaging.. with a plastic inside holding ALL of the discs (around 20) on a single spoke.. but still this just seems lazy when there are very clear ALTERNATIVES.. look at The Shield season 7 oeason 7 (BOTH fit in a single keep case and hold FOUR and SIX discs).. This just seems inexcusably lazy on the studio's part."