What can I say? I mean its good and bad....
3D Fan | United States | 10/19/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Seeing how no one except another guy who put a review on here that I can barely understand, I thought I would give my 2 cents. I have attained a bit of information about these movies. I saw my first Deep Vision 3D film in high school back in 2001 in theaters. I have been hooked since then and loved these 1970's movies because of the "old school" look, soundtrack, and that they were in 3D. I have not seen Black Lolita (Wildcat Women) in the theater, but I saw Disco Dolls in Hot Skin and the Lollipop Girls in Hard Candy in 3D a few years back. I am assuming that since you are interested in this DVD review because you saw it originally in the 1970's, you like 3d films, or your like me and you enjoy the old lost midnight obscure classics.
I managed to track down the director of the Deep Vision movies and he was very kind in informing me on some info on how they were made. Basically, Deep Vision was started by Steve Gibson in 1970 with his assistant Arnold Herr. Steve told me about some of his movies he made and how in this movie the exploding car scene did not work just right and the model car landed between his legs when it was set to explode. Ouch, for any dude to have something fall from a roof between your legs! Luckily it didn't explode then. I give Steve props for making this movie not only with his own money, but because this must have certainly been a challenge. Filming porn in California when this was made in the 1970's was illegal and it was probably hard to get actors and locations (especially for the shoot outs). Though these aren't the best movies, I happen to enjoy them for some odd reason, perhaps for nostalgia sake. You also have to understand that these were made in a time were porn had to draw in people with a story and not only just sex (this was before amateur internet and VCR/DVD porn). These were produced by one guy with the help of his assistant. Steve did most of the shooting, writing, developing film, and editing by himself. So, please understand this is not some big studio production, but instead your seeing someone's personal work (in terms of story and video).
Black Lolita was the original title of this movie and there are 3 versions "floating around" (Black lolita- original hardcore; Bad Lolita- some hardcore cut out; & Wildcat Women- The R rated version). From what I understand, Wildcat Women has some film spliced from each of the previous versions, so don't expect the continuity to be great.
On to the story:
The story is about a girl named Lolita who seeks out revenge on the Buddha who kills her uncle (a shop owner) because one day he decides not to pay the thugs that go around collecting money for the Buddha for some reason. Lolita finds some friends to take on the Buddha and they get some more help from a guy who spies on his hideout. The story doesn't make a lot of sense, but you kind of have to just go with it. The plot does drag a bit in the middle, but it is still a fun movie full of one liners you will be repeating for a while. There are some chases, sneaking around, people making out, and driving scenes. I love how the Buddha has David Cassidy hair and that funny white outfit (You'll see what I mean). Lolita also appears to be played a few different actresses as she looks different in various scenes (unless I'm crazy, which I may be).
Overall, the shoot outs, 3d car chases, and soundtrack make this worth owning. Like I said before, don't expect this to be some big production movie. But, if you are a fan of Boogie Nights and the old lost films of the 70's, this is definitly worth picking up. Hopefully one day they will release the hardcore original version to DVD.
Also, for the best 3D... watch this at night in a dark room with the brightness up and you will have to mess with the color and tint to make it look just right. Try to pause it somewhere in the actual movie (not the demo at the beginning) and adjust it to where the blue matches with your glasses.
Most importantly.... Enjoy this lost classic with a few beers and don't take it too seriously because it is what it is! As the old saying goes "porn may not have a future, but it had a past"
I hope this review is helpful to you"