Another great box set from Anchor Bay!!!
Jason Pumphrey | Falls Church, Virginia United States | 04/21/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is one great box set from Anchor Bay!!! 3 great Wim Wenders classics in one great collection!!! Contains "Lightning Over Water", "Notebook On Cities & Clothes" and "The American Friend". Each film is personally restored by Wenders himself and lodaed with facinating new extras!!! Extras include:Commentaires on all 3 films by Wenders himself including one(The American Friend) with guest Dennis Hopper!!!,deleted scenes with commentary by Wender:on "The American Friend" and and "Notebook On Cities & Clothes" and "Nicholas Ray:Especially For Pierre"-a 38 minute lecture by Nicholas Ray(on "Lightning Over Water" and more!!! If you like Wim Wenders, you'll love this wonderful box set!!! Two thumbs up!!! Way up!!! Five Stars!!! A+"
Good starting point for examining Wenders' work
crown of indica | saint paul,mn,usa | 06/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"All three films in this package are presented well but lack many extras.The 2 documentaries are very interesting portraits of people and touch on more than just their work--you get a feel for who they are as people.The feature,"The American Friend" is an interesting,non-conventional story that resembles something that Keislowski might come up with:personal,lacking distracting cuts every few seconds,and full of atmospheric scenes that allow the actors to slowly form the story."