Lilith reutns from the dead to exact her bloody revenge upon the heirs of those who brutally murdered her 300 years before. Studio: E1 Entertainment Release Date: 08/27/2002 Run time: 90 minutes Rating: R
Todd | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania United States | 03/03/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a fan of Full Moon movies, or of the Night of the Demons series then this should be right up your alley. But if you have the choice between video and DVD, pick up the video instead. The packaging for this states that the extras include 40 Full Moon trailers, 2 theatrical trailers (funny since this movie was direct to video), Cast info, and a Featurette: The Making of Witchouse. What you REALLY get is 6 trailers, 34 less than advertised, lame cast bios and no Featurette. Someone over at Full Moon made a pretty big mistake and noone else there caught it. I think anyone interested in this should be aware of what you are really getting, ripped off! For the price, the DVD with the extras it has is pretty good, but since it advertises more than it delivers, the rating suffers. You're better off with the video, you'll get a few trailers, and the featurette appears after the film. You won't be missing anything."
Another reason Full Moon Productions is missed....
Madelyn Pryor | Mesa, AZ United States | 05/24/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Full Moon productions made some of the best cheesy horror movies of all time. Puppet Master and Subspecies are two wonderful examples. Witchouse is another of their great hidden treasures.
When Elizabeth LeFay gathers her college friends to her old, family mansion of May Day, she invites the diverse group for a party. What ensues is a gory, revenge blood bath where Elizabeth's ancestor, an infamous witch named Lilith LeFay, rises from the dead and extracts revenge on the descendents of the puritans who murdered her, three hundred years before.
Yes, the special effects aren't the best, neither is the acting, but the over all energy of the film is infectious and you find yourself sucked in and swept away over the scant 70 minutes the film takes.
A fun, fast escape from reality, Witchouse is a buried treasure worth digging up.
BO BO BOB | JACKSON, MS | 07/20/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Unlike the two sequels, this first installment was actually not a waste of time. It had the correct mix of everything-sex, violence, mystery and not to many victims. There is such a thing as overkilling, even in sensless slasher flicks. This could have been the launching pad for some decent sequels. Such was not the case. The story behind the story was told just right. Parts of this movie were corny, but any slasher fan will be satisfied. I was , but not much more."
Withchouse falls flat
jerrybradford21 | Georgia | 07/18/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The movie had a somewhat interesting begining. An entire group of people are invited to an old haunted mansion by a witch with a desire for revenge. Revenge for her ancestors which were killed by you guessed it the ancentors of the visitors. The movie had a classic horror film feel to it. One it took place in a haunted, or supposidly haunted mansion. Two the story was one featured in many classic horror films(a witch who is killed during the puritan era is back to inflict revenge.)There were things about the film I did find interesting. One was the odd way some of the scenes were shot. This reminded me of the classic episodes of the batman televion series were the camera would lean slightly in one direction. I thought the protagonist character who was an applied science major was somewhat original in comparision to the sterotypical stoners who accompany him to the mansion. There acting was sub par and laughable at times. (not in a good way) The antagonist( the girl who bring her evil withc ancenstor back to life was an alright actress who at times does a decent job added to the film. The costumes of makeup were actually done well, especially the makeup of the lead resurrected witch. In spite of it positives witchouse falls flat because of bad acting and mediocre writing."
Still something to check out!
froggod | 04/21/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Anyways, I still feel for a b movie, this was a good find. Itwas violent when it needed to be, and serious and funny when need be.The special effects were ID4 worthy, but I hated that movie anyways. Unfortunatley, one of the actors died after this film was compeleted. He can also be seen in The Killer EYE: Terror Vision. as one of the guys running around in Boxer briefs. This movie has very strong point. The cast isn't bad, the makeup is good, and the witch looked great in costume. I am planning on making this the first DVD I purchase."