World Class Trains Is Great
Todd Clingan | Farmington Hills, Michigan USA | 12/30/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Since no one has attempted as of yet to review this disc I guess I will have to be the first. After receiving this DVD as a Christmas present I must say that this title is worth buying for those of you out there who are abet lovers of trains.For this is a six part series all on on one DVD with each program lasting an hour long as you board some of the finest luxurious first class trains available today and to experience the kind of first class rail service not seen very often in today's high tech world. So you will find this DVD to be a real treat. It was for me atleast.Each program on here is recorded with digital cameras to give a filmic feel of glorious color and picture postcard shots. It also include a guided look at scenery and locations en rout as it is being narrated and includes some interesting music of the reign as well as some natural train sounds from both the steam and diesel locomotives. Even though I have never experienced these rail excursions first hand as featured on this disc and I probably never will but have found this DVD to be a first class operation all the way from sound to video as this DVD is in Dolby Digital surround sound and will sound great when played through a 5.1 AV receiver and that you won't get board as you watch this disc as many of the programs show lots of great train footage from over head and outdoor shots to some nice indoor footage of the trains intearier. Except for the India rail excursion train ride which does not show much train footage as I expected but however the other five programs does show lots of train footage to keep the viewer interested and keeps pretty much on track. This was a Christmas present worth getting and I'm glad that I got a copy of it. All though the price may seem pretty high but worth considering due to the fact that it is six hours of programming. I highly recommend this this title to all rail fans."
Good visuals, but pretentious narration
Todd Clingan | 07/23/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is very good at giving the viewer a true sense of traveling on some of the finest trains in the world. Unlike some train travel vids, this one focuses as much on the train itself as it does on destination and sights en route. On lesser trains that might be tedious, but here it is very welcome. One drawback: everyone interviewed is falling over themselves to tell you how 'faaaabulous' the train is. By the third episode, I started mocking them in Monty Python voices. I checked the prices for these journeys on the internet and they are certainly pricey, so I can understand their desire to make them sound luxurious (which they are). But they lay it on way too thick. I found myself hitting the mute button whenever they paused to interview staff."
Great visuals, bad sound
Todd Clingan | 01/21/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I was disappointed with the narrator. He sounds muffled when he speaks and is difficult to understand. This would have been a fantastic production otherwise. However, the images are great and still make it worthwhile."
Highly Recommended for that Train Lover in You !
wired2net | Columbia, SC | 01/05/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Its got six very long segments. My wife and I felt like we had travelled the distant lands. If you like train travels ... buy this DVD !!"