Fury in Shaolin Temple...w/o Monk Gordon Liu Fights
greg_rodgers | Boston, MA | 08/09/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Fury in the Shaolin Temple?.1982This is listed as a Gordon Liu movie, however, even though he is in the majority of the movie He does little kung fu in it. Don?t get me wrong there is plenty of decent to good martial arts In this movie its just he does about 20% of it and the rest is done by unknowns. Also the opening credits list Philip Ko (aka Kao Fei) like he is a lead in the movie and he plays A villian who gets killed in 4 min!You will also see quickly that parts of this movie were also in ?Shaolin Drunken Monk?. Now I?m not saying that this is one of those rip off movies, to me it looked like this movie Was shot first and because the movie did not feature more of Liu?s kung fu, the film owners Must have decided to re-shoot a new movie but took parts of this movie to make ?SDM?.If you watch closely you will see the same drunken master, same little boy that played liu As a child and the guy who played Liu?s brother are all in ?Fury? and ?SDM?.The storyline is simple, two masters are on the run after being accused of stealing a book from Shaolin. The two have sons and actually switch each others children. The thought being to teach Ghost fist and Dragon Fist styles to each child so that when they get older they can combine the Styles to make a vicious new one.While Liu? character called ?Yeung Wang? is still a child, his master is attacked by rogue monks And kidnapped leaving Wang alone. He later finds his way to the Shaolin Temple were he learns Kung fu. Meanwhile the other Child is being taught by Liu?s real dad the Dragon Fist. Confusing?Anyway to make a long story short, the two finally meet after Liu?s real dad is killed. The fists are Combined and glory saves the day.The picture looks like it actually came from a 35mm film rather than a video transfer so its very Very good condition. The Sound is excellent. As for the movie, Gordon Liu fans will be Disappointed as he really does not do much Kung fu in this movie. I read that because Godfrey Ho Was staple at Shaws that Liu did this film as a favor to Ho after Shaws began to close down. He should not have done it as this is not a great movie. Like I said there is good action and Good martial arts as they were choreographed by Chan Yuet San who was the drunk priest in ?The Buddha Assasinator?. He also appeared in ?Shaolin Drunken Monk? too!As for the DVD, once again Ground Zero blows the competition away with the total setup And display of this disc. It has and interview with Gordon Liu, various film clips that Featured some variation of 18 Bronzemen, Gordon Liu Film Clips, previews of other Ground Zero releases like ?The Best of Shaolin King Fu?, ?The 9 Venoms? and others, A music video, brief interview, and Lyrical blades from Wu Tang, more words of wisdom From two real life Kung Fu instructors who look like monks and a page that will link you To the GZ site! But with all those great extra?s it can not save this horrendous waste of Gordon Liu?s Talent And time. It will be great when Ground Zero releases a DVD with a great movie as well As great set up. Judging from the Wu Tang Hidden Treasure collection you ain?t gonna Find a great movie in the mix. Just average ones.If you are a collector of Liu movies get this, otherwise, keep the money and spend it on Something else???.I wish I did. I rate this movie a 2.75 out of 5 ( SDM was only a 3)."
Worst of Gordon Liu
morgoth | omaha, NE | 03/02/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This has to be the worst Gordon Liu movie I have ever seen. I know that there are others that are on par with the badness of this movie. But on the other hand, this is one of the better Godfrey Ho films. So if you like his stuff, you might be dissapointed at how he almost manages to put together a story in this movie. I thought that some of the fights were very watchable, but the guy who plays the Pei-Mei like character was the most imcompetent martial artist that I have ever seen.
The only reason that this DVD got a 2/5 was because of the extras. The # of clips on this DVD has to total around an hour and a half or 2. Some of the best fights ever captured on screen are on this disc."
morgoth | 05/29/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I am a Gordon Lui fan.
I am a Kung Fu fan.
Please avoid this movie.
Not even the 18 Bronzemen could save it.For good Gordon Lui Kung Fu movies get:
Shaolin Master Killer
WuTang & Shaolin
Fist of the White Lotus"