As the apocalyptic battle approaches, the Dragons of Heaven and the Dragons of Earth assemble in Tokyo. Although the sullen Kamui supposedly holds the key to the outcome, the viewer learns that Fuma, Kotori's athletic ol... more »der brother, is Kamui's "twin star." (The exact nature of the intimate bond between Kamui and Fuma is hotly debated among X fans.) Satsuki, who communicates directly with computers and prefers the cyber world to reality, helps to locate the mysterious clone Nataku. Subaru, the descendant of a long line of shrine keepers, arrives from Kyoto. With the exception of the ebullient Sorata, these characters are so alienated and self-involved, they make Shinji in Evangelion sound like a party animal. Director Yoshiaki Kawajiri continues to snarl the already tangled narrative in flashbacks, dreams, visions, and the never-ending rain of flowers and feathers. (Rated 16 and older: violence, nudity, minor profanity, grotesque imagery, tobacco use) --Charles Solomon« less
"The X TV series continues to be one of the best anime releases in recent months. These three episodes focus more on character development than continuation of the overall storyline; but they manage to do it without loosing momentum or the viewers' interest.Without giving any spoilers, let me say that the third episode, focusing on Subaru, stands out as one of the most memorable anime episodes I've ever seen. This is one of the few points, in my anime-watching experience, that I've thought to myself "Wow, this is really well directed." The pace of the episode is slow and deliberate, with a lot of attention to shadows and reflections; which provides an interesting segue into several memory and dream fragments. Overall, it's a rare example of true artistry in anime. For those who are disappointed by the low episode count (three episodes per disc), I would say that this one episode is well worth the price of the DVD alone.After three discs, I'm still in love with the X TV series; and waiting impatiently for the next disc to be released. While I can understand the argument that this series is too stylistic, and broken up with too many visions, dreams, etc... I would say that there's some real substance behind the style, and that the many fragments do a good job of keeping the, otherwise fatalistic, story interesting. This is an example of a story that should be enjoyed as it unfolds, not simply for a dramatic climax.Finally I must say that, the comparison of the characters to Shinji in Evangelion (above), is totally unfounded. While many characters do come off as alienated, it's clear that great pains have been taken to make them accessible and give them room for growth. If you've seen Evangelion, you'll know that character growth is not it's strong point... but that works well in the context of a larger message about human fallibility. Suffice it to say that X is not the same sort of show; one of its great strengths is that it does focus heavily on character development."
Continuation Of This Epic Series
Christopher L. Moore | Matthews, NC | 02/05/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"X #3 starts right where #2 left off. The Dragons of Heaven and Earth are still assembling to get ready for the final showdown and the battle for Earth. This is really cool series. It's got a lot of what I like: epic plot, lots of characters, and some cool fighting. The animation is magnificent -- it's hard to believe that this is a T.V. show and not a big budget movie and the music is quite good as well. This disc covers 3 more episodes and basically serves to introduce more characters as the two sides start staffing up so they can fight it out. In terms of plot, having seen the series in its entirety already, things really start to heat up once the seven warriors (on each side) get together which happens in another disc or two. For now, be content with episodes focus on the individual characters and their background and motivations.I would have given this disc 5 stars if it had four or five episodes instead of three and some extras (there really isn't any).Overall, I'd highly recommend this series."
"I am ailing myself, you see."
Marc Ruby? | Warren, MI USA | 03/19/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In much of these three episodes, director Yoshiaki Kawajiri explores the human dimensions of his characters and their histories. But, do not be mislead into thinking that, since the focus is on character development, the stories are slowly paced. Entirely the opposite is true. Pacing is excellent, moving from intense dueling scenes to elegiac memories. Nor are there no sharp edges in the remembrance of things past. Unlike the film, which paid only the most minimal lip service to internal dialog, the series allows the story to develop in its own time. The result is a whole vision of the progress of the story instead of a fragmentary whirlwind.'Cyber' is a character study of one of the coldest of the Dragons. In a set of flashbacks played against an effort to capture her, we are introduced to Satsuki Yatouji - computer genius and Dragon of Earth. This episode is interesting in how much it finds to say about Satsuki, unlike the film, which made her out to be a pure villain. Instead, we find a lonely person who finds the world inside a machine far preferable to the boring and messy life of us humans.'Gemini' opens with a short glimpse of Karen Kasumi, a Christian of many contradictions and Dragon of Heaven. Then comes the revelation of the identity of Kamui's twin star, or opposite, who is prophesied to be the balance to Kamui. Two destinies, one ending.'Onmyou' introduces Subaru Sumeragi, leader of the Onmyouji, Japan's Yin-Yang masters. His opposite is assassin Seishiro Sakurazuka, who killed Subaru's twin sister, Hokuto. Many of the themes and characters developed have strong ties to Japan's underlying Shinto faith. The ideas of polarity and balance pervade this series, playing in almost every relationship."
Incredible and Powerful!!!
Niko | 08/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
The outline that follows is an outline that refers to the entire series and spoilers will be included.
To begin with, if you are looking for an anime that is more in the style of Love Hina, than you should skip this one. If on the other hand, you are looking for an anime that is powerful, emotional, has love/romance, great character development and strong story, than you are definitely right here.
Outline of the story:
The story resolves around the Seven guardians of Heaven and the Seven guardians of Earth. The one group wants to preserve earth as it, believes in humanity no matter what they have done to earth, and hope for a better future. The other group wants to erase humanity from the face of earth so that the planet and its other creatures can life in peace etc.
The `problem' is that when watching the show you will - like it or not - agree with both groups (not to mention the fact that there is no `black - white answer' but a grey version (You will have to watch it in order to understand or otherwise I will give the entire show away, sorry guys)). Apart from it, the age of the group members does not matter much; meaning that you will see in both groups' teenagers and adults fighting side-by-side or against each other till death. Others will fight against the other group for their own personal reasons.
The biggest problem however is that there can be only one Kamui (chosen one) and the side he decides to follow will win; but, it proofs that the real Kamui has a twin star, meaning that there is another Kamui out there as well. This will lead to an explosive mixture of emotions. Lovers, who will belong to the opposing group, will be forced to fight till death against each other, brother against brother, best friend against best friend and so forth. To be honest, the story will get very emotional indeed. No matter the age, the group members will fight and die.
As for the action, you will get more than enough. To begin with, the fights occur in both astral plane and our materialistic world. In order to prevent damages in our world, the group members are able to form a kind of a shield, in which most fights happen, and no matter the destruction our reality remains unaltered. That is, if the fights remain inside the shield, something that will not always be the case. In addition, all group members have their own supernatural `super powers' etc. For instance, some can use the five elements, some others are psychics, some others use magic, some take advantage of technology, some bend reality etc.
Who will win in the end and what will be the cost of this destructive victory?
The genre of this anime could be categorized under: fantasy, supernatural, action, and love / romance.
The music that accompanies the show is very well orchestrated and good. Starts with a rock/pop song and ends up with a melancholic ballad. In-between the music changes in accordance with the shows (very good done).
As for the dub, in my humble opinion, it is very good and professional done, in the same level as CB is done.
The animation is excellent.
As for extras, it has more or less the typical stuff: Textless opening and ending, previews, trailers etc.
As for the box-set: The first DVD comes with the box and every DVD you buy it fits in there; imagine it something like a shelf.
As for the story: It is very emotional, has great character development, solid storyline (that moves forth and back, with flashbacks etc.), many twists and is very mature and character driven.
Tip: The first episode, called X-0, of the first DVD is like a prelude and `summation' of the story. If you don't want anything to be given to you in front but want to be glued to your sits from episode one, that skip this one.
Last but not least, is it worth buying or not? In two words: Definitely yes! However, by collecting all 8 volumes the cost may raise around $200. To be honest, it is worth having in your collection but if the cost might seem to you as an obstacle than try to rent it and to watch it. The show is highly recommended!
I hope that I could help you, if so than please click on the yes button below ^_^
X Volume 3 Review
Chris | Eaton, Ohio, USA | 07/15/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This volume is great. I would give it 6 stars if possible. I think it is the best of all the volumes at this point. It talks about Satsuki's past and how she found out she was a Dragon of Earth. Fuma's father tells him that he is Kamui's twin star. Fuma then has a vision of the two of them fighting, and then Kamui killing Kotori. Kamui has a cool, exciting fight with a Dragon of Earth, Seishiro Sakurazuka. Fuma steps in and saves them both and Seishiro vanishes. Sorata and Arashi go searching for Subaru Sumeragi, one of the Dragons of Heaven, but Seishiro finds him first and the two have an intense battle. Seishiro leaves during the middle of the fight and Subaru then meets up with Sorata and Arashi. Subaru and Seishiro are my favorite X Characters, and their battle made this volume the greatest. Buy it, it's amazing."