Another one match card from XPW
Mark White | Christchurch New Zealand (CZW) | 10/06/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Being quite a big fan of XPW I was hopeing this would be a good DVD to own, I was wrong.
Firstly the lighting is terrible, especially in the main event. Its like someone has turned the brightness down on the video camera, and whats worse is that you only have that camera angle or a birds eye view camera angle which is terrible to watch. The undercard for this event was pretty bad, with at least 5 missed spots(pre-planned moves) in every match! I recommend Baptized in Blood 2, or Go funk yourself or even redemption over this XPW event.
The DVD comes with a few extras, a Major Gunns video clip, which is basically her at a photo shoot with a dance beat in the background and an extra match from redemption, Webb vs. Kaos.Good points
*A few good falls in the main event
*At least there are extras on this DVD!Bad points
*Some really awful matches
*Alot more bad points I dont have time to write
DVD playing time: approx 2 hours (excluding extras)"
Jorge | Howell,NJ USA | 05/05/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Let me fist tell that I am a big fan of XPW.And all hardcore organizantion out there. I paid $15.00 for this video and I felt that I could have bought a better title form XPW. SoCal Wrestling Union vs. Pogo the Clown & Mystery Partner. This is a very boring match nothing really happens in this one match.winner:Pogo the Clown & Mystery Partner Number 1 TV Title Contenders Match: Psichosis vs. Chris Hamrick. This is a better match than the other one. A lot of extream moves put on by these two guys. But it is pretty boring in the begining.winner:Chris Hamrick - Juventud Guerrera & Vinnie Massaro (with Victoria) vs. Mexico's Most Wanted. This is my second favorite match on the video. Mexico's Most Wanted is a great tag team alot of good stuff happens in this match.Winners: Juvi & Massaro with Victoria - The returning Shooting Star vs. Scott Snot. This is the most dumbes match I have ever seen. This match will put you to sleep. I promise you that.Winner: Snot - Evan Karagias vs. A Mystery Opponent. The mystery opponent is none other than Vic Grimes. This is not a great match not a bad match either. Vic Grimes has been in a lot better mates than this one.Winner: Vic Grimes - Main Event (1 Cage, 2 Rings, 3 Titles): Kaos, Steve Rizzono, The Sandman, & Veronica Caine(enterpise) vs. Webb, Angel, Nosawa, & Lizzy Borden(Black Army). The Main Event is by far the best match on the video. You see a lot of great bumps put on by these guys. If you thought Mick Foley flying off the Hell in the Cell was sic. You have to see what happens in this match. Before this match GQ money joins the enterpise to fight in this match. At the end Vic Grimes and Supreme come out and joins the Black Army.
Winners: Enterprise So there you have it, like I said before this is not the best XPW homevideo but not the worst. If you want to get into XPW this is a bad video to start at. you should buy FreeFall, Damage inc, or Blown to Hell. Those are the best new videos out there right now."