This is ok If you like pegasus's toon world card this is for
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The first episode is shining friendship (ps. i have this on vhs so it may have more episodes on dvd) its about yugi had lost to kaiba in the last episode and has lost all hope of saving his grandpas soul from pegasus mai offers her starchips because she has extras yugi is to shocked to duel so tea steps in will she be able to win those starchips for yugi??? next its a two episode battle Kaiba vs. pegasus for his brothers soul pegasus is wiping the floor with kaiba with his toon world card and his ability to read minds then Kaiba forfeits his hand and puts his cards upside down so pegasus cant see his cards in his mind then kaiba picks on card from his hand and lays it down ITS A BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON but will kaiba be able to defeat the toon world monsters or will pegasus finish him off with kaibas own virus deck infection card?"
You want Pegasus at his best? Get this DVD!
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hi, all! ^_^ Pegasus is one of only a few reasons I watch Yu-Gi-Oh, and actually, he is the only reason I need. He is very funny in this DVD, and Darren Dunstan (my very favorite actor!!!) did a really good job with the voice work.
My only complaint about this volume has almost nothing to do with Pegga--it's that I always get sort of depressed when I watch the end of the duel, at the part when Pegasus takes Kaiba's soul, just because that is such a sad and hopeless part of the episode.
But anyway, yes, this is the absolute best volume of the second season because of quite a few people: Kazuki Takahashi, because he created it in the first place; Jirou J. Takasugi-san, just because he was the original seiyuu (voice actor); 4Kids Entertainment, for dubbing it; and of course, Mr. Dunstan, because he did an exceptional job as always...and took it one step further. Cheers to you, Mr. Dunstan!
Elissachan has spoken."
Alright is all i can say for this dvd
amber | california, ca usa | 09/24/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"this dvd has three episodes shining friendship and champion verse creator parts 1-2. shining friendship is about when yugi got defeated by kaiba mia came she was going to give him 8 star chips because he saved her for not being sent back to home because of a evil kreep on that island that takes other people`s star chips so tea dueled mia to get those star chips but at the end yugi got the 8 star chips. champion verse creator is about since kaiba defeated yugi he got to face pegasus so he dueled him but pegasus`s millennium eye can see all so once again pegasus won kaiba was trapped along with his brother and now its up to yugi to save mokuba,kaiba,and his grandfather. will yugi`s good gaming skills lead him to victory or will he be joining the kaiba brothers and his grandfather."