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Topic: Ultimate Walking Workout [TAKEN]

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missindependent (Missy B.)

Subject: Ultimate Walking Workout [TAKEN]
Date Posted: 6/26/2009 1:40 PM ET
Member Since: 6/9/2009
Posts: 35
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Unpostable because it was a "gift" with my subscription to Prevention Magazine and the UPC code is not searchable in the system.  I will accept 1 credit. 

Product Description

Prevention Fitness Sytems: Ultimate Walking Workout with Chris Freytag Dvd! 3 easy workout to drop pounds and firm up fast!


My Review 

I enjoyed this workout and I like Chris Freytag a lot.  I like that she breaks down the workouts into 3 segments and you can do them separately or all together.  This workout is better for beginners to intermediates though and I am into way more challenging things.


1. Walking workout which is the least challenging of all three but still gets you moving. This consists of general walking, leg lifts and side steps. She does variations however, which I was unfamiliar with.
2. The accelerated walking workout is the second workout. You walk a mile doing 4 segments. Each segment consists of three minutes of power walking and one minute of accelerated burn.
3. The body sculpting workout which follows the same pattern as the accelerated workout except instead of the minute burnout there is a minute of weight lifting.

Last Edited on: 6/29/09 1:56 PM EST - Total times edited: 2
Xiaojun X.

Subject: Edited by the SwapaDVD Team
Date Posted: 6/6/2018 12:42 AM ET
Member Since: 6/6/2018
Posts: 199
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Edited by the SwapaDVD Team

Last Edited on: 6/8/18 9:59 AM EST - Total times edited: 0