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Topic: What movie is this?

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C Wallis D.

Subject: What movie is this?
Date Posted: 7/4/2009 10:10 PM ET
Member Since: 7/21/2008
Posts: 7
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We had just moved into our house, it was 11 or so years ago, and my husband came home with a DVD with an actress I had never heard of.

The plot:  This blonde, cute girl plays a journalist, and it's the day of her wedding.  As she tells her friends, she had had 4 dates over the past year, and today is the day she is marrying one of those men.

Then, there are a series of vignettes where she remembers each date, and how she chose her groom.  I remember one of the dates was sort of a sex-maniac, who just spent the whole time seducing her, until she realizes that the relationship is meaningless.

I'd really like to see this film again.  Anyone know the name?

One of the scenes is a date using a film projector on the side of a building to show her about his life.

Not sure when this movie came out, my guess is 1997-2000.

jennicat (Jennifer D.)

Subject: Yes
Date Posted: 12/30/2014 4:56 PM ET
Member Since: 3/1/2014
Posts: 6
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  • I'm with Lucy , I just saw it and loved it!    Look on my DVD tower.  Jennicat