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Topic: hoping to trade

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horrorfan70 (Tony B.)

Date Posted: 7/13/2011 1:41 AM ET
Member Since: 5/27/2011
Posts: 740
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Last Edited on: 7/18/11 2:18 PM EST - Total times edited: 1
moviemike (Mike R.)

Subject: Trade you a classic movie for a action adventure sci fi you might have.
Date Posted: 6/20/2013 2:14 AM ET
Member Since: 9/11/2011
Posts: 7
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I am hoping that you would be interested in a trade for a sci fi movie that I have forgotten the title to; it is about a video game that the whole town gets into and one of the local kids becomes the best at it and beats the machine, unknown to anyone is that the alien who invented the game, is looking to recruit space warriors to ward off some nasty invaders at his planet.

If you have this DVD, I am hoping that you do NOT possess "The Red Violin" and are willing to trade for it. The problem with my copy of "The Red Violin" is that I do not have the cover to it. I used to belong to another DVD exchange club who only mailed out the actual disk, so I traded for it. On swap a dvd, I can not list it due to not having the cover, so the best I can hope for is an exchange between members. If interested let me know and I will send you "The Red Violin".


musiclover (Valerie L.)

Date Posted: 6/20/2013 6:26 PM ET
Member Since: 4/12/2011
Posts: 10,639
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I rarely look in here....... The movie your looking for is The Last Starfighter. .......I already traded the DVD because my husband got it on Blu-ray....... Try the WL Multiples, sometimes I see it offered in that thread.