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Topic: Looking for good nature dvd's

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papaschild (Laura F.)

Subject: Looking for good nature dvd's
Date Posted: 5/21/2008 2:37 PM ET
Member Since: 11/27/2007
Posts: 3,662
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We are looking for good nature dvd's... including unpostables... especially National Geographic, Nova, and BBC / David Attenborough.

Gail C.

Subject: Marty Stouffer"s Wild America
Date Posted: 11/6/2008 7:52 AM ET
Member Since: 10/30/2008
Posts: 6
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Hi, I am new to SwapDVD's and saw your posting.. I remembered I have this series and there are some other DVD's I would like to have. This is the complete TV Series...all 12 years of it. There are 12 cases, each with two DVD's. They are all the original box, but no top on it. I think it may have been clear plastic, dont know. Are you interested? I can tell you more about it if you are. Smommer