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Topic: Scariest horror film.

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Leroy H.

Subject: Good horror dvds
Date Posted: 6/27/2011 6:52 PM ET
Member Since: 5/27/2011
Posts: 1
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Theres one that was good called Growth and a other one called vanishing on 7th street both will creep you out.

Robyn4ever13 (Courtney F.)

Date Posted: 8/24/2011 1:41 PM ET
Member Since: 8/23/2011
Posts: 13
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While technically a sci-fi movie the 1980s remake of The Fly with Jeff Goldblum is the all time scariest movie for me. The idea of turning into an insect frightens me and I think the make-up effects are awesome to this day although I still can't watch the movie without wincing and a lot of eye covering.
sackett (Kevin G.)

Date Posted: 9/5/2011 7:33 PM ET
Member Since: 3/4/2009
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I can't believe no one has mentioned White Noise with Micheal Keaton.   Highly recommended.   Saw it in the movies with the wife...still have fingernail marks on my arm.   Bought it the moment it was released.  

Exorcist still tops my list. 

David H.

Date Posted: 10/1/2011 11:40 AM ET
Member Since: 4/12/2009
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I agree with Renee8you, Session 9 is a masterpiece. Also some of my personal favorites are Head Trauma (low budget but very tense), the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake is crap), any of the original Romero flicks. If you want scary in the true story kind of way you should check out Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. A lot of really good films have been suggested already; somebody suggested Devil's Backbone, which is an excellent movie, I would rather recommend The Orphanage, also by Del Toro, creeeeeeeeepy.

Cheers and happy Halloween!

FireflyDaddy (Tim T.)

Subject: Define Horror
Date Posted: 1/10/2012 12:09 AM ET
Member Since: 7/23/2010
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I have noticed there are two kinds of Horror films the first has what I call a Horror or Fear factor the other a Goar factor. The Shineing has always been the scaryest movie I ever seen bar none. Yes Jeapers creepers and Rose Red are in there but Shineing blows them away.

For a mix the real night of the living dead movies, (Night of the Living Dead. Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead.) have to be near the top if not at the top of the list. Fready, Jason and Micheal are  weak as water by comparison.

Goar House of zombies or is about the worst it beat out Texas Chainsaw Massacre in my book.

Most movies today just don't seem to have the real fear to them. They just seem to creep you out or make you want to toss your lunch. The older movies If you discount the insane stuff like Attack of the killer tomatoes seem to have a better handle on delivering fear then the newer stuff.
