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Topic: JOHN WAYNE fans: Anyone looking for unpostable wish list movies?

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ellis9 (Linda S.)

Subject: JOHN WAYNE fans: Anyone looking for unpostable wish list movies?
Date Posted: 7/13/2009 4:54 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2007
Posts: 94
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Please see my post in the DVD Bazaar. The discs are in pristine condition. Here's a link to a photo to see the colorful artwork on the discs (you'll need to scroll down the page): www.makeupalley.com/account/picsearch.asp/u=ellis9

Fort Apache
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
3 Godfathers
The Long Voyage Home
The Wings of Eagles

Last Edited on: 7/13/09 9:14 PM EST - Total times edited: 1