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Topic: Offering more than enough at affordable costs

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Subject: Offering more than enough at affordable costs
Date Posted: 8/1/2009 12:29 AM ET
Member Since: 8/1/2009
Posts: 1
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In places like York Bed and Breakfasts that are available at affordable costs are popular with the visitors with small budgets.  Middle class visitors who cannot afford to travel by air-conditioned or first class coaches too must be offered concessions as well as reservations.  The tourists should be provided western style food from restaurant cars as well as at important railway stations.  

Further, there are some tourists that are much scared of train travel.  People coming to the UK from the third world and those that have been used to the poor train services in their native countries are of the view that train travel may be followed by the looting of many foreign tourists.  The government of the UK should therefore take adequate measures to protect foreigners intending to visit the UK in the future and initiate steps to change such a wrong notion.

Road transport or motor transport plays an important part in tourism development.  It provides a cheap mode of transport to the foreign visitors for traveling within the city or for inter-city travel.  Also, it is very popular with the domestic tourists as is evident from the published statistics.

The inter-city journeys performed by the visitors to the UK through the different modes of transport are rightly revealed through the table below:

Mode of transport                          Percentage of people availing it

            Rail                                                        49.7%
            Bus                                                        38.6%
            Taxi                                                         6.4%
            Air                                                            4.7%
            Sea                                                          0.6%

It is apparent from the table above that nearly 50 percent of the tourists availed the road transport facility.  But in spite of this, a number of tourists have complained regarding the quality of roads, over-charging and cheating by unscrupulous taxi drivers and the time wasted at certain boundaries and check posts in connection with taxes and levies etc.  In certain buses, the air-conditioning equipment never worked, which was a source of irritation to the tourists.