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Topic: Most TV shows on DVD...a waste?

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jorgito2001 (Jorge S.)

Subject: Most TV shows on DVD...a waste?
Date Posted: 8/20/2009 4:28 PM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2009
Posts: 1,296
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Now before I start getting verbally "egged", hear me out...

don't ya think most TV shows, particarly written shows that continue from season to season & of course, reality shows are a waste?  A MOVIE U can pop in & watch once a year if not a crack more...not to mention pop in again if a friend wants to see it, etc.  Can you see yourself doing the same thing with a 21 episode season?  I think the only exception would be anthology series' (Ex. Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone, etc) since they are almost like miniature movies in their own right & some 30 minute adult-orientated toon shows (Simpsons, Family Guy).

Ex. I have Smallville Seasons 1-4...I rewatched 1 & 2 (1st time was the broadcast obviously), but haven't popped in 3 yet & my 4 is still SHRINKWRAPPED...needless to say, I stopped buying the seasons & honestly don't see myself EVER revisiting those early seasons (its going on Season 9 now for crikes sake).


starrynight (Shirley X.)

Date Posted: 12/11/2009 12:57 PM ET
Member Since: 9/18/2008
Posts: 24
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Reality shows yes I think they are a waste but other shows I don't.

I have TONS of season dvds (including all the Smallville ones to date) and I still re-watch from time to time, same with my brother he re-watches them too.

For some shows I might not re-watch them but when I buy them I haven't seen the episodes yet (I don't have time to catch them on air and I don't like searching for links to watch the shows) so it's worth the money especially since I wait for them to go on sale.

ames (Amy H.)

Date Posted: 1/20/2010 9:57 AM ET
Member Since: 1/9/2010
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That's so funny, because I have the exact opposite view.  A movie, you watch it three or four times, maybe seven if you really love it, but you're going to get sick of it sooner rather than later.  A tv series has anywhere from 13-22 individual episodes that you can pick and choose from, watch your favorites, skip the ones that sucked, and in the case of shows like Battlestar Galactica, each extended rewwatch shows you something you didn't know before. 

Heck, I've got all ten seasons of Friends on DVD, a show that is on tv all the time, and I've rewatched the entire series probably four times over the course of the years I've had it.  Homicide: Life on the Streets is a keeper for life.  Farscape, the aforementioned Battlestar Galactica, Sports Night - those are shows I'll hang onto. 

Smallville, not so much.  That show had a great first two seasons, and has been total junk since then, which is sad.

Ed S.

Date Posted: 6/28/2010 2:05 PM ET
Member Since: 1/14/2010
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Considering how many old tv shows are edited for time as well as time compressed on the air, I'm happy to have DVD releases for complete, uncut, normal time versions of them.

Lee H.

Subject: Most TV shows on DVD a Waste
Date Posted: 9/17/2013 8:53 PM ET
Member Since: 7/22/2012
Posts: 8
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I personally love the TV show seasons especially the older ones like from the 60's 70,s but even up to date. I go out of my way to collect them and love to do marathons of seasons on off work days. 

ohsonaughty (Tara C.)

Date Posted: 7/29/2014 6:29 PM ET
Member Since: 11/21/2010
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I'm completely obsessed with the tv show Supernatural.  I own seasons 1-7 and have season 8 on my wishlist.  I have absolutely no problem watching them over and over again.  Each episode is like a mini movie and I love how each episode kind of blends into the next.  I also own several seasons of Dexter, the first season of The Walking Dead, and the first season of Hex.  I love re-watching them because it brings me back to the excitement I felt when all these shows first aired on tv.