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Topic: Looking for Seargent York

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momn4boys (Sharon P.)

Subject: Looking for Seargent York
Date Posted: 12/2/2007 5:21 PM ET
Member Since: 11/15/2007
Posts: 25
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I'd love to get Seargent York to go with our studies of WW1.  DVD would be best but 'd even like a VHS.  Playable is my only requirement!


Sharon - homeschooling mom of 4 boys. 

patticom (Patricia F.)

Date Posted: 12/15/2007 12:41 PM ET
Member Since: 11/30/2007
Posts: 430
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I recommend looking for "All Quiet on the Western Front" also.  That was one of the recommended viewings in my son's WW1 and 2 studies, and he says it is now his favorite movie (the original, german with english subtitles I think--we've never seen the newer one with Richard Thomas).  :)

Unfortunately I don't have one to offer you, since I myself have it waitlisted LOL!  Netflix has it though, and I think Sgt. York too though we might have gotten that one from the library.... can't remember, mom brain!


momn4boys (Sharon P.)

Date Posted: 12/22/2007 7:32 PM ET
Member Since: 11/15/2007
Posts: 25
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Thank you very much.  The book is on my oldests reading list.  So I can certainly add the movie too.   I'll look for it.