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Topic: Anyone know the name of this movie?

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Neon635 (Christine M.)

Subject: Anyone know the name of this movie?
Date Posted: 8/18/2010 8:49 PM ET
Member Since: 9/26/2008
Posts: 12
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I saw it on the scifi channel a couple of years ago maybe 2+ or 3+ years ago and I just can't remember the name
It was about these people maybe an organization they took pregnant women to this huge place and cut out the baby and then aged them into adults for their army or something else I really can't remember why. But this man and women were fighting against them and all I can really remember is the ending in which the guy he goes to the place where the pregnant women are being taken to blow it up and the man guarding it says that he's his son and then I'm pretty sure he kills him and then blows the place up.

Metryq (Matthew W.)

Subject: SyFy
Date Posted: 8/20/2010 6:14 AM ET
Member Since: 7/3/2010
Posts: 25
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(Shudder) The SciFi Channel -- renamed the SyFy Channel -- gives "made-for-TV" a really bad name. I've seen only one of their productions that was watchable. Anyway, if you're sure you saw this on SyFy, check their site to see if they have a listing of movies:


The IMDb also has a list by "SyFy" as distributor:


Neon635 (Christine M.)

Date Posted: 8/22/2010 7:45 PM ET
Member Since: 9/26/2008
Posts: 12
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After searching the website i'm pretty sure that it wasn't a sci fi production, just a movie that was shown on the sci fi channel.

wdavidw (William W.)

Date Posted: 9/4/2010 1:00 AM ET
Member Since: 6/10/2010
Posts: 8
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I thought that sounded a little bit like Children of Men, but your description doesn't exactly fit that movie either, so I dunno