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Topic: Rosetta Stone language courses

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memeto6 (Melanie H.)

Subject: Rosetta Stone language courses
Date Posted: 12/24/2007 8:44 AM ET
Member Since: 12/5/2007
Posts: 3
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Would these be considered as DVD or CD?  I'm in search of the Spanish course and have looked here and at the CDswap.  Thanks to all for your help in advance!


Kristi G.

Date Posted: 12/31/2007 3:17 PM ET
Member Since: 11/13/2007
Posts: 44
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Those are software, and non-transferrable.  So even if you BOUGHT IT, you can't legally swap or trade it, and they are MEAN to get after people that try.  I know - they threatened to sue me for selling my copy on ebay that I paid 300.00 for.  Made me SO MAD.

There's actually a lot of homeschoolers that are calling for boycotting their products, and I'm on the ship.

But do look at your library - I get all the languages free through the library.  A friend does it on dial-up and says it is ok after the first download.  I dunno, I have broadband.

But I will say - if your library does not have it - you can get an ONLINE subscription from the Chattanooga Hamiliton Library for about 20 bucks a year and you can get it then.  I did that before my own library paid for us to get it.  Just google that library and call them.  The whole process of getting a card with them took me less than a week.

lens (Len S.)
SwapaDVD Team

Subject: Good answer!
Date Posted: 6/5/2008 11:32 AM ET
Member Since: 10/25/2007
Posts: 124
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You know, I bet only about 10% of the people that "purchase" software realize that it doesn't really belong to them. When you "buy" software, you're actually paying for an almost-non-transferable license to use it. Kind of like when you lease a car, I guess. But with cars, at least you have the option to buy. To buy software and have the right to re-sell or do as you please with it, you'd have to pay a programmer to write a version of the software just for you. It would cost tens of thousands of dollars and you'd have it in 6 months, maybe.

Software companies can even demand that you destroy or return the software to them under certain circumstances!