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Topic: Moody Science Classics

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BobDog (Steven B.)

Subject: Moody Science Classics
Date Posted: 1/14/2011 5:44 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2009
Posts: 21
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I have three two separate sealed dvd's, take any or all, one credit for each:

Mystery Of The Three Clocks:       TAKEN

Time And Eternity:     "Say, do you like mystery stories? The mystery is time.  The haunted house is space.  In this true story, the ghosts travel at the speed of light...and they come straight out of the past...your past."...

Where The Waters Run:    "As a roaring river, it rushes over rapids and falls.  It drops from the sky in delicate snowflakes...You'll discover how water makes a difference between the desolate moon and the fertile earth."

Last Edited on: 1/25/13 7:35 PM EST - Total times edited: 1