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Topic: Top 10 - Fantasy

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movienut (Darwin H.)

Subject: Top 10 - Fantasy
Date Posted: 1/13/2008 5:30 PM ET
Member Since: 1/10/2008
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OK folks. Let's hear your top 10 Fantasy movies. Feel free to come back and update your list if you need to. It will help us see what other members like and maybe even give us ideas of what to check out next! Here we go:

City of Lost Children

The Fall

How to Train Your Dragon

King Kong - (1933 AND 2005)

Lord of the Rings - (entire series)

Pan's Labyrinth


Last Edited on: 6/11/10 8:17 AM EST - Total times edited: 4
agroshong (Alana G.)

Date Posted: 1/19/2008 8:42 AM ET
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Feeling very High Fidelity at the moment. I tried to touch on some international and animation. I opted to leave out cult favorites. Some of my less traditional favorites include:

Princess Mononoke


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Lord of the Rings (entire series)

The City of Lost Children

movienut (Darwin H.)

Date Posted: 2/4/2008 10:29 PM ET
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Thank you so much for your post. I knew there was a fantasy movie I had been wanting to see for years but could not remember the name - it was The City of Lost Children - I looked at IMDB for a description of the movie and realized that was it!  Your post put me on the lookout for it again. The very next day I found a pristine copy of it at a pawn shop for $3. I would have passed right by had you not posted your list. Thank you...thank you...thank you!



Last Edited on: 2/4/08 10:31 PM EST - Total times edited: 2
molly1990 (Molly S.)

Subject: Fantasy movies
Date Posted: 2/12/2008 2:41 PM ET
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Godzilla and King Kong (both the new ones) other then that I can not think of any.

DanzigSpice (Anne K.)

Date Posted: 3/14/2008 12:29 PM ET
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Clash of the Titans

Jason and the Argonauts


Logan's Run

Blade Runner

Syrena (Jozlyn H.)

Date Posted: 3/16/2008 12:39 AM ET
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Lord of the Rings trilogy

Pan's Labyrinth

The City of Lost Children




DanzigSpice (Anne K.)

Date Posted: 3/17/2008 3:51 PM ET
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damn.. forgot about Legend.  Which has the only love song I like in it. Bryan Ferry's "is your love strong enough".  Such a great song.

Advertisement (Bret H.)

Date Posted: 3/31/2008 7:33 PM ET
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Conan the Barbarian  (I particularly love the soundtrack)

Peter Pan (a number of them, including "Hook")

Time Bandits (and Adventures of Baron Munchausen... and Brazil...)

The Princess Bride

sevenspiders (Vanessa V.)

Date Posted: 4/7/2008 7:54 PM ET
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Pan's Labyrinth

The Lord of the Rings

The Last Unicorn


Spirited Away

The 10th Kingdom (I know its a miniseries, but its amazing!)

The Fall (2006)- an amazing movie, as gorgeous and wrenching as Pan's Labyrinth, its an absolute crime that this movie didn't get more attention!

Last Edited on: 12/8/08 12:23 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
Aquaseamage (Sarah B.)

Date Posted: 11/30/2008 2:30 PM ET
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Beastmaster ( stars Marc Singer - one of my all-time fantasy favorites)

Conan the Destroyer (has a great soundtrack + fantasy action)

The Dark Crystal (great fantasy movie with muppets, made by Jim Henson I believe)

Young Hercules (1998) (Stars Ian Bohen, Dean O'Gorman and Chris Conrad - a spinoff of the Hercules the Legendary Journies TV show with lots of fun and action. It also has a great soundtrack!)

The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (a great musical movie for the entire family - I really love this movie from the 80s)


............ And here are a few more no one listed yet...as I know we all love fantasy but finding good ones can be difficult.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (musical with a flying car)

Toyland - AKA "March of the Wooden Soldiers" (a great holiday classic! Stan and Olie help Santa and defeat the scary Boogeymen)

Dragon's World (A make-believe documentary on the dragon with fantastic visuals! The special affects are by the same people who did Harry Potter)

Earthsea (this is a great movie/miniseries)

Dinotopia (the live-action movie/miniseries)

..... Some of the movies you guys named I've never seen, like Time Bandits and 300. And I never heard of The City of Lost Children or Onmyoji! I'll be sure to look for them. :)



Last Edited on: 11/30/08 2:34 PM EST - Total times edited: 1
Aquaseamage (Sarah B.)

Date Posted: 11/30/2008 2:32 PM ET
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By the way, I think this is a GREAT idea!!! What a good way to find new fantasy movies to watch. I hope my list has been helpful to someone.

Last Edited on: 11/30/08 2:36 PM EST - Total times edited: 1
June E.

Subject: fantasy movies
Date Posted: 12/6/2008 8:22 PM ET
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I just joined and was checking things out. I love fantasy books so I thought the first genre I'd look at was fantasy. my favorites are


Lord of the Rings Trilogy

The Dark Cryatal(saw it in the theater when it first came out loved David Bowie as the evil one)

Star Wars--all 6 of them

Harry Potter

movienut (Darwin H.)

Date Posted: 3/7/2009 10:05 AM ET
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Well I'm late in checking on this thread...

but Welcome Sarah and June! and thanks for posting.

Thanks also to Vanessa. I had never heard of "The Fall" but after checking it out you better believe it's on my wishlist now!



Last Edited on: 3/7/09 10:09 AM EST - Total times edited: 2
movienut (Darwin H.)

Date Posted: 3/7/2009 10:15 AM ET
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Hello all,

Just edited the title to switch from Top 5 to Top 10. I haven't updated my list yet but I could just tell from some of the posts that "top 5" was really limiting some of you   <<< ahem >>>  Vanessa?

Feel free to bump your lists up and/or update them as necessary. And thanks to everyone for your input!

The Movienut

Last Edited on: 3/7/09 10:15 AM EST - Total times edited: 1
Marleen M.

Subject: favorite fantasy
Date Posted: 3/24/2009 8:39 AM ET
Member Since: 3/19/2009
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how about the time machine, series of unfortunate events, artificial intelligence, butterfly effet, the minority report,

QuiltedKnitter (Stephanie M.)

Date Posted: 4/20/2009 12:48 AM ET
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Here's my list. Couldn't keep it to 5 though.


Clash of the Titans (I see someone else lists this too! It was my very first DVD!)

Godzilla (the one with Mathew Broderick)

Lord of the Rings (all 3)

Harry Potter

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder)

Dungeons & Dragons (ok.. that is 6.)


Barbara .

Date Posted: 9/30/2009 12:27 PM ET
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Wow, the Fantasy forum is dead... >_>

Anyways heres my top five Fantasy movies:

Big Fish (its a love it or hate it movie, but the premise is too interesting to pass up)

It's a Wonderful Life (what a classic)

Groundhog Day (best time/space idea ever, and its one of Bill Murray's best movies)

The Princess Bride (its the most quoted movie for a reason, You killed my father prepare to die! lol)

Pan's Labyrinth (best creature designs I have ever seen, and a moving but tragic story)

Rochelle N.

Subject: Ok guys
Date Posted: 4/8/2010 1:21 PM ET
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I see it's beena while since anyone posted but here are my top 5ish movies.

#1. The Labrynth

#2. The Dark Crystal

#3. Clash of the Titans

#4. Jason and the Argonots

#5. The Lord of the Rings

and even though they are technically sci fi. The Fith Element, and Star Wars are also on my favorite movie list.

tygrc (Ty C.)

Subject: 5, huh? I feel like I'm gonna miss a lot of amazing ones
Date Posted: 6/11/2010 6:51 AM ET
Member Since: 5/22/2008
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Top 5 Favorite Fantasy Films. That's a hard one. I'm torn between what I grew up with and what I've seen more recently.

01. The Neverending Story 

- It's a fantastic book too. I might add, the movie is only the first half of the book. There's a whole second half. The book's amazing, but I grew up with the movie and love it for nostalgic and familiarity reasons. It's wild to know that the author of the book was so unhappy with the movie that he wouldn't even let them put his name in the credits.

02. Lord of the Rings

- This seems to be the popular choice, but it's well-chosen. So well filmed and acted. Beautifully portrayed. I can't wait for them to make The Hobbit. I really wish Peter Jackson would sign on as director. He more than put in his share with the trilogy, but he just did such an amazing job.

03. Harry Potter

- With most fantasy, I think the draw is the idea of living in that world where impossible things are possible. Definitely the case with HP. To experience that world would be amazing. I'm excited for the theme park. Sad it's in Florida, for my sake, but excited that they created it. One day I will go. One day.

04. Labyrinth

- The true I-grew up with it movie. I've heard that they're re-making The Neverending Story, which saddened me greatly. They seem to be re-making a lot of films. If Labyrinth falls into the "to-be-re-made" pile of Hollywood, it will be a sad sad "but why??"-filled day. I can't imagine anyone else playing those roles.

05. Legend

- Because it's Legend and it is the basic fantasy story template that it seems so many other fantasy stories have started with. Also, the dvd collector's edition is fantastic. I don't know who put it together and okay'd the release of it, but they win at life.

jlsschmidt (Jamie S.)

Date Posted: 4/23/2011 8:46 PM ET
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In no particular order.....


Pans Labyrinth

City of Lost Children

The Fall


Mandy1979 (Mandy B.)

Subject: top all time faves on fantasy
Date Posted: 6/16/2011 6:34 PM ET
Member Since: 10/26/2009
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top all time faves on fantasy

1.) Labyrinth

2.) The Dark Crystal

3.) The Neverending Story

4.) The Fifth Element

5.) Lord Of The Rings (All)

6.) Starwars (All)

7.) Star Trek (The Movies & Series)

8.) Serenity/Firefly

9.) Existenz

10.) Flatliners

FireflyDaddy (Tim T.)

Date Posted: 1/10/2012 12:41 AM ET
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1. Peter Pan

2. Alice in Wonder land

3. Seeker

4. Sorceras Apprentice

5. Legend

6. Labyrith

7. The Hobit (MGM cartoon)

8. Never Ending Story ( from Canada)

9. Dargon Heart

10. Ghostbusters

Yes I like the Lord of the Rings, the Dark crystal, The black caudren, Angels in the outfield, Star wars and loads of others but those are the ones I keep coming back to see again and again.

By the way loved Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Eragon, Earth Sea and Percy Jackson but the books where just so much better that the movie losses some of it's grade as I would rather read the books.