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Topic: Help with name of movie...recent film (may not be yet released)

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firethorn (Lynn R.)

Subject: Help with name of movie...recent film (may not be yet released)
Date Posted: 11/12/2011 12:06 AM ET
Member Since: 11/16/2009
Posts: 39
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I saw it in a trialer or prevew. 

As best I can remember. 

A walled City. utopian feel. Futuristic. They sport space suit "type" outfits. I recall a lot of white bright gray.

The walls are set up to protect the city from the nature outside. Like literl nature gone savage. 

I think I recall the guards walking the walls and fighting off huge vines that try to come over the wall. 

The city gets taken over and in one scene two survivors are running from a threart. Like an alien creature (not seen but insinuated) 

Does this ring a bell for anyone?

aylamonster (Shellie F.)

Date Posted: 11/15/2011 5:52 PM ET
Member Since: 6/21/2008
Posts: 23,325
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HI Lynn,  the first part of your description reminds me of Aeon Flux.  But the rest of it, I'm not so sure.